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Document L:2006:346:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, L 346, 09 December 2006

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ISSN 1725-2555

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 346

European flag  

English edition


Volume 49
9 December 2006



I   Acts whose publication is obligatory




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1814/2006 of 8 December 2006 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1815/2006 of 8 December 2006 amending the representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector fixed by Regulation (EC) No 1002/2006 for the 2006/2007 marketing year




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1816/2006 of 8 December 2006 on the issue of import licences for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal




Commission Directive 2006/128/EC of 8 December 2006 amending and correcting Directive 95/31/EC laying down specific criteria of purity concerning sweeteners for use in foodstuffs ( 1 )




Commission Directive 2006/129/EC of 8 December 2006 amending and correcting Directive 96/77/EC laying down specific purity criteria on food additives other than colours and sweeteners ( 1 )




II   Acts whose publication is not obligatory






Council Decision of 30 November 2006 establishing the position to be adopted on behalf of the Community within the Food Aid Committee as regards the extension of the Food Aid Convention 1999




Council Decision of 30 November 2006 appointing a Spanish member to the Committee of the Regions




Council Decision of 4 December 2006 on the first instalment of the third Community contribution to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the Chernobyl Shelter Fund




Council Decision of 4 December 2006 on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway concerning adjustments of trade preferences in cheese undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area ( 1 )


Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway concerning adjustments of trade preferences in cheese undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area




Council Decision of 4 December 2006 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America renewing the cooperation programme in higher education and vocational education and training


Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America renewing a programme of cooperation in higher education and vocational education and training







Commission Decision of 5 December 2006 amending Council Directives 64/432/EEC, 90/539/EEC, 92/35/EEC, 92/119/EEC, 93/53/EEC, 95/70/EC, 2000/75/EC, 2001/89/EC, 2002/60/EC and Decision 2001/618/EC as regards lists of national reference laboratories and State institutes (notified under document number C(2006) 5856)  ( 1 )




Commission Decision of 8 December 2006 amending Decisions 2005/723/EC and 2005/873/EC as regards the reallocation of the Community’s financial contribution to certain Member States for their programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases and for checks aimed at the prevention of zoonoses for 2006 (notified under document number C(2006) 5937)




Acts adopted under Title V of the Treaty on European Union



Council Joint Action 2006/913/CFSP of 7 December 2006 amending and extending Joint Action 2004/847/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission in Kinshasa (DRC) regarding the Integrated Police Unit (EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’) Extension into 2007




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
