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Document L:2001:319:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, L 319, 04 December 2001

Display all documents published in this Official Journal
Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6978

L 319
Volume 44
4 December 2001
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
*Commission Decision of 17 September 2001 relating to a proceeding under Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Cases COMP/34493 — DSD; COMP/37366 — Hofmann and DSD; COMP/37299 — Edelhoff and DSD; COMP/37291 — Rethmann and DSD; COMP/37288 — ARGE and five others and DSD; COMP/37287 — AWG and five others and DSD; COMP/37526 — Feldhaus and DSD; COMP/37254 — Nehlsen and DSD; COMP/37252 — Schönmackers and DSD; COMP/37250 — Altvater and DSD; COMP/37246 — DASS and DSD; COMP/37245 — Scheele and DSD; COMP/37244 — SAK and DSD; COMP/37243 — Fischer and DSD; COMP/37242 — Trienekens and DSD; COMP/37267 — Interseroh and DSD) (notified under document number C(2001) 2672) (1) 1
*Commission Recommendation of 7 November 2001 on the results of the risk evaluation and the risk reduction strategies for the substances: acrylaldehyde; dimethyl sulphate; nonylphenol phenol, 4-nonyl-, branched; tert-butyl methyl ether (notified under document number C(2001) 3380) (1) 30
*Commission Decision of 8 November 2001 laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment under Council Directives 96/62/EC and 1999/30/EC (notified under document number C(2001) 3405) (1) 45
(1) Text with EEA relevance
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
