From Fedora Project Wiki

License Notes

This license is non-free, because of the additional restrictions placed on top of the GPL. In addition, these restrictions clearly conflict with the GPL making adhering to the license problematic. It is not permissable in Fedora packages.

License Text

                        LICENCE FOR AMAP (all version)
                     by van Hauser <>

1. This software comes with no warrenty or promised features. If it works
for you - fine. It just comes "AS-IS", which means as a bunch of bits and bytes.

2. Anyone may use this software and pass it on to other persons or companies
as long as it is not charged for! (except for a small transfer/medium fee)

3. This tool may *NOT* be used for illegal purpose. Please check the law
which affects your doing. I will have got no liability for any damage etc.
done with this tool legally or illegaly.

4. If this tool is used while providing a commercial service (e.g. as part
of a penetration test) the report has to state the tools name and version,
and additionally the authors (van Hauser and Dj RevMoon) and the distribution
homepage (

5. If this tool is used within a commercial tool (being called out of such a
tool or being incorporated), the report generated has to state the tools name
and version, and additionally the authors (van Hauser and Dj RevMoon) and the
distribution homepage ( A tool is "commercial" if it either
costs money to purchase it, has a license fee, and/or has costs for upgrades.
Additionally, a commercial version or license etc. must be made available to
the author free of charge.

6. In all other respects the GPL 2.0 applies