The City of Helsinki held its first Kaupunki-ilmailumessut (Urban Air Mobility Fair) yesterday. With around 150 participants online & in-person, the event was a great success and we were happy to help to organise it! Both the panel discussion and the presentations proved that urban air mobility is growing in Helsinki and that there are multiple unexplored tasks drones could do. With speakers from Port of Helsinki Ltd, Stara Helsinki, Helsingin kaupungin pelastuslaitos, and many other organisations the message was clear: the potential is huge. This event was a fantastic opportunity to get city staff acquainted with the topic and for everyone one to learn about the latest developments in urban air mobility in Helsinki. The accompanying expo with around a dozen exhibitors internal and external to the city was very lively and engaging. We hope for more such events! Applause for main organisers Christina Suomi, Jukka Keski-Jaskari and Juha Niemelä of Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki! Forum Virium Helsinki U-Space Helsingin kaupungin sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut Olympiastadion - Helsinki Olympic Stadium BirdLife Suomi ry #UrbanAirMobility #UAM #Drones #FutureOfTransportation #smartmobility
CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility
Technology, Information and Internet
CITYAM aims to support and empower cities in facilitating a responsible and acceptable increase in urban air mobility.
About us
The CITYAM project aims to support and empower cities in facilitating a responsible and acceptable increase in urban air mobility via transnational Baltic Sea Region cooperation. It helps cities and citizens to adapt to the changes and to see the possibilities. CITYAM seeks solutions suitable for increasing urban air mobility in a responsible way. Drones are a green and smart mobility form, but the potential, volume and sustainability of these automated vehicles in the lower airspace of our cities needs management and better planning. For this, a strategy and policies, preparation, greater awareness and more knowledge and tools are crucial. Through close transnational cooperation, CITYAM will provide the ingredients and tools for a solid urban air mobility strategy, to adapt city planning practices in relation to landing site and airspace management, and also to scale city-relevant drone operations as part of a multimodal transport system. Increasing public officials’ capabilities, and measuring public acceptance are key to this work. During the project, the solutions will be tested in the three leading cities of Hamburg, Helsinki and Stockholm for different purposes. The project is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Partners: Forum Virium Helsinki (coordinator), National Land Survey of Finland, Aalto University, Hamburg Aviation Cluster, Stockholm City, Kista Science City, Hamburg Port Authority, Riga Technical University, City of Riga, City of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy, and City of Gdansk. Associated partners: Fintraffic Air Navigation Services, City of Helsinki’s Economic Department and Land Use Planning Department, City of Hamburg’s Ministry of Economy and Innovation,Gesellschaft fur Luftverkesinformatik, LFV (Swedish Civil Aviation Administration), Latvia Association of Large Cities, Estonian Aviation Cluster, Technical University of Gdansk, and Polish Civil Aviation Authority.
- Sivusto
External link for CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility
- Toimiala
- Technology, Information and Internet
- Yrityksen koko
- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Partnership
- Perustettu
- 2023
If you understand Finnish and work for the City of Helsinki, join us on 11.2. and hear how drones and other urban air mobility is and can be part of the city!
Helsingissä kokeillaan ja ideoidaan parhaillaan vilkkaasti, miten droonit ja muu kaupunki-ilmailu voisivat täällä toimia. Kaupungin työntekijöille suunnatut Kaupunki-ilmailumessut 11.2. jakavat uusinta tietoa viimeaikaisista droonikokeiluista, tarpeista, toiveista ja sääntelystä. Ilmoittaudu mukaan! Mukana tapahtumassa ovat muun muassa Stara Helsinki, HUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala, Port of Helsinki Ltd, Helsingin kaupungin pelastuslaitos. CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki
Innovative urban air mobility is discussed in a seminar in Sweden in February. The seminar offers new ideas and recommendations about the UAM for cities and communities. From our consortium, Stockholms stad's Johanna Löfblom will be there presenting our work.
Den 7 februari bjuder Region Skåne och RISE Research Institutes of Sweden till ett seminarium om innovativ luftmobilitet (IAM). Under dagen presenteras insikter från vår förstudie kring förutsättningar för IAM som handlar om att integrera nya typer av luftfartyg, som drönare och VTOL i vårt transportsystem. Det kommer bland annat att kräva en tredimensionell samhällsplanering. Du som deltar får: • Ta del av kunskap från ledade experter och inspirerande exempel från nyckelaktörer på både lokal och nationell nivå. • Konkreta rekommendationer om hur kommuner och regioner kan stödja och påverka utvecklingen av IAM. • Diskutera möjligheter och utmaningar med aktörer från hela drönarekosystemet. Seminariet riktar sig till dig som arbetar med samhällsplanering, näringslivsutveckling, transport eller GIS, samt andra relevanta aktörer inom drönarekosystem. Varmt välkommen! 👉 Anmäl dig här:
Last year, we did a video to sum up what cities in the Baltic Sea Region need to take into account now that the amount of drones in their air space is increasing. The video has been a great success and gotten a nice amount of views. If you haven't yet, check it out now! #drones #UAM Forum Virium Helsinki Windrove Kista Science City Stockholms stad Maanmittauslaitos, National Land Survey of Finland Aalto University Hamburg Aviation Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University), Riga, City of Tartu, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy.
Taking Flight: Empowering Drones and Urban Air Mobility Responsibly
Season's Greetings and Thank You All for the Year 2024! A lot will be happening in 2025, so stay with us also next year! #urbanairmobility #UAM #smartmobility #smartcity #smartcities Forum Virium Helsinki Maanmittauslaitos, National Land Survey of Finland, Aalto University, Hamburg Aviation, Windrove, Stockholms stad, Kista Science City, Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University), Riga, City of Tartu, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy, City of Gdansk.
Water rescue missions can be enhanced with drones. In Helsinki, we piloted drones in carrying flotation devices this year. Our Zacharoula Syrivli wrote an article about the experiment for The Journal of Ocean Technology. Go read the story, it shares fascinating insights! #drones #urbanairmobility #drone #smartmobility
Safety First: Humans at Sea
In January 2025, there will be Transportforum in Linköping in Sweden and our Karolina Pamp will be there as one of the speakers! The event gathers the most of the people working with transport in Sweden. We are very excited to be a part of it all!
🚀 Vi ses väl på Transportforum 2025? 📅 Onsdag 15 januari, 15:30–17:00 📍 Danssalen 🎯 Tema: Drönare och U-space Kista Science City och Stockholms stad samarbetar i CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility. Projektet samlar 13 partners från Europa, med Stockholm, Helsingfors och Hamburg som ledare. Kom och inspireras av hur drönare kan bidra till smarta och hållbara städer! #Transportforum2025 #CITYAM #Drönare #Innovation #Stockholm
In Forum Virium Helsinki’s Future blog, our Project Manager Renske Martijnse - Hartikka reflects on the advantages and challenges related to the drones and Urban Air Mobility. In the text, she takes a peek into the future of urban air mobility, reflects on the changes and trends in Helsinki and presents her vision of how science, technology and experience can best be used for the sustainable development of the city. #UAM #UrbanAirMobility #smartcities #smartcity #drones #drone
Future blog | What will the future of Urban Air Mobility be like? - Forum Virium Helsinki
Drones can herd! 🪿 Hear how Stockholm used drones to herd geese away from beaches at Air Mobility Day in Göteborg tomorrow. Karolina Pamp from Kista Science City will be showcasing this pilot project as part of a session on managing drones in complex urban environments at 12:20. Don't miss this exciting presentation! #AirMobilityDay #Göteborg #UrbanAirMobility #Drones #Innovation #Stockholm PICTA Prehospital Innovationsarena CLOSERse
Air Mobility Day
CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Travelling back from the POLIS Network conference in Karlsruhe with a satisfied feeling. I represented Forum Virium Helsinki, innovation agency of Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki in the session on Urban Air Mobility. There was a great vibe in the room! Engaging & knowledgeable speakers - Vries Strookman, Marta Tojal Castro, Vladimir Vorotovic FCILT, Pedro Fernandez and excellent moderator - Sarina Willemsen, as well as an active, curious and engaged audience. This led to discussions that were urgently needed to have - and will have to continue with cities around Europe 🇪🇺 . At least Amsterdam 🇳🇱 , A Coruna 🇪🇸 , Madrid 🇪🇸 and of course Helsinki 🇫🇮 are on board! What can we consider "good" drone use cases? How can cities impact them? What are suitable governance models? These and many more such questions need continued attention and collaboration. So, thank you team Polis and notably Manon Coyne and Ivo Cré for making the session happen. Hopefully many more to come. Not only is the topic interesting and relevant, but the best part is working with a bunch of great people. In addition to those in the UAM community, also a shout-out to my very favourite FVH colleagues Minna Torppa, Hugo Tamagnini Gonçalves, Sami Sahala and Satu Reijonen for the super company on this trip (as well as all the after-hours dancing, of course). CITYAM – Preparing cities for sustainable Urban Air Mobility #POLIS2024