Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies  Kannen kuva
Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

E-Learning Providers

Turku, Turku 247 seuraajaa

About us

The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies was established in 1996 and has provided e-learning courses on Asia since 1999. The Asia Network arranges online courses on the Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level. In addition, it annually organises Asian Studies Days, which provide a national platform for discussions and networking in Asian studies. The Network actively disseminates information related to Asian studies and research for example via the asianet-mailing list and through social media. The Network also takes part in the discussions on science and education policy with regard to Asia.

E-Learning Providers
Yrityksen koko
2-10 employees
Turku, Turku



  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Kiinnostaako YK-ura maailmalla? Katso toimikaudelle 2025–2027 avatut JPO-paikat ulkoministetriön sivuilta. Ulkoministeriö rahoittaa vuosittain suomalaisia YK:n apulaisasiantuntijatehtäviin (Junior Professional Officer, JPO) YK:n ja sen alaisten järjestöjen, kansainvälisten rahoituslaitosten sekä eräiden tutkimusjärjestöjen palvelukseen ⬇️

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  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Anna Honkaperä

    Hong Kong Trade Development Council Nordics Database and Marketing Assistant | Consultant at Fintrade-Mercer Group

    Loistava mahdollisuus kansainvälisestä urasta haaveileville - Fintrade-Mercer etsii nyt harjoittelijoita Hongkongiin! 🇭🇰 Are you looking for a hands-on international experience in one of the world’s most dynamic business hubs? Fintrade-Mercer Group is now looking for trainees to join our team in Hong Kong! This is a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in international business and work closely with industry experts in a fast-paced environment. Who are we? Fintrade-Mercer Group is a global company specializing in China market entry and international expansion since 1985. We help businesses navigate the complexities of entering and operating in China, offering services in market entry, strategic partnerships, industrial manufacturing, outsourcing, technology transfer, corporate structuring, joint ventures, taxation, corporate law, investment management, and branding. Our headquarters are in Hong Kong, with additional offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Helsinki, and Stockholm. Over the years, we have worked with public organizations, governments, listed companies, as well as innovative startups, providing them with the expertise needed to succeed in the Chinese market and expand globally. What does the trainee role involve? The role will be tailored to match the selected candidate’s strengths and interests, but typical tasks include: - Conducting market research and business analysis on the Chinese and Asian markets - Supporting international projects between Nordic and Asian markets, including trade, investment, and business development - Assisting clients in their market entry strategies and business operations - Handling administrative and practical tasks as part of a dynamic team Who are we looking for? - A proactive and analytical mindset with a strong interest in international business - A background in business, law, technology, or a related field (or relevant experience) - Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environment - Interest in the Chinese and Asian markets is a plus Why apply? ✨ A versatile and responsible role in an international business environment ✨ A chance to develop your expertise and expand your global network ✨ A unique career opportunity with hands-on experience in a dynamic market Ready to take the next step? Send your open application to – we look forward to hearing from you! Learn more about the program and read past trainees’ experiences here: I highly recommend this program, and feel free to reach out to me for more information or to hear about my own experience! ❤️ Lämmin suositus.



  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Guangyu Qiao-Franco

    Asst Prof of IR @RadboudPol & Honorary Senior Researcher@AutoNorms

    The University of Manchester is offering 14 postdoctoral positions, including five focused on Chinese Political Economy. Interested candidates can find more details at the link below!

    Simon and Hallsworth Fellowships | Faculty of Humanities | The University of Manchester

    Simon and Hallsworth Fellowships | Faculty of Humanities | The University of Manchester

  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Anna Honkaperä

    Hong Kong Trade Development Council Nordics Database and Marketing Assistant | Consultant at Fintrade-Mercer Group

    Loistava mahdollisuus kansainvälisestä urasta haaveileville - Fintrade-Mercer etsii nyt harjoittelijoita Hongkongiin! 🇭🇰 Are you looking for a hands-on international experience in one of the world’s most dynamic business hubs? Fintrade-Mercer Group is now looking for trainees to join our team in Hong Kong! This is a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in international business and work closely with industry experts in a fast-paced environment. Who are we? Fintrade-Mercer Group is a global company specializing in China market entry and international expansion since 1985. We help businesses navigate the complexities of entering and operating in China, offering services in market entry, strategic partnerships, industrial manufacturing, outsourcing, technology transfer, corporate structuring, joint ventures, taxation, corporate law, investment management, and branding. Our headquarters are in Hong Kong, with additional offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Helsinki, and Stockholm. Over the years, we have worked with public organizations, governments, listed companies, as well as innovative startups, providing them with the expertise needed to succeed in the Chinese market and expand globally. What does the trainee role involve? The role will be tailored to match the selected candidate’s strengths and interests, but typical tasks include: - Conducting market research and business analysis on the Chinese and Asian markets - Supporting international projects between Nordic and Asian markets, including trade, investment, and business development - Assisting clients in their market entry strategies and business operations - Handling administrative and practical tasks as part of a dynamic team Who are we looking for? - A proactive and analytical mindset with a strong interest in international business - A background in business, law, technology, or a related field (or relevant experience) - Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environment - Interest in the Chinese and Asian markets is a plus Why apply? ✨ A versatile and responsible role in an international business environment ✨ A chance to develop your expertise and expand your global network ✨ A unique career opportunity with hands-on experience in a dynamic market Ready to take the next step? Send your open application to – we look forward to hearing from you! Learn more about the program and read past trainees’ experiences here: I highly recommend this program, and feel free to reach out to me for more information or to hear about my own experience! ❤️ Lämmin suositus.



  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Kiinnostaako korkeakouluharjoittelu Suomen Indonesian-suurlähetystössä? Haemme harjoittelijaa kevät-kesäkaudelle 2025. Harjoittelu tarjoaa mahdollisuuden päästä maailman neljänneksi väkirikkaimpaan, indopasifisen alueen keskiöön, G20-maa Indonesiaan. Indonesiassa sijaitsee myös Kaakkois-Aasian maiden yhteistyöjärjestö ASEANin päämaja. Jakartan-suurlähetystö hoitaa Suomen suhteita Indonesiassa, Itä-Timorissa ja ASEANissa. 🇫🇮🇮🇩🇹🇱 Laita hakemuksesi 21.2.2025 mennessä, lisätietoa tarjolla olevista harjoittelupaikoista löydät nettisivuiltamme:

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  • Asianet - Finnish University Network for Asian Studies julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Anthony J. Spires

    Associate Professor at University of Melbourne

    For recent PhDs in contemporary Chinese studies looking for a post-doc, this looks like an incredible opportunity at both Peking U. and Princeton. I've got no ties to either place, just wanted to pass this along. Jobs (and post-docs) are hard to come by!

    Peking-Princeton Postdoctoral Research Associate Program (PPPP)

    Peking-Princeton Postdoctoral Research Associate Program (PPPP)

  • 🌏 Intia vahvistuu keskellä geopoliittisia myllerryksiä – haluatko ymmärtää paremmin Intiaa ja Etelä-Aasiaa? 📚 Kaikille avoin ja ilmainen verkkokurssi "Johdatus Etelä-Aasiaan" tarjoaa kattavan tietopaketin alueen lähihistoriasta ja nykypäivästä. Kun Euroopan yhteistyö Kiinan ja USA:n kanssa on vaikeutunut, Intia on noussut nopeasti tärkeäksi partneriksi Euroopalle. Sen merkitys kasvaa paitsi taloudessa myös politiikassa. 📚 Kurssi pohjautuu suomenkieliseen teokseen " Etelä-Aasian yhteiskunta, kulttuuri ja politiikka - Intia, Pakistan ja Bangladesh." 🌟 Lähde mukaan oppimaan lisää! Linkki kurssille: Linkki kurssikirjaan: #Intia #EteläAasia #Geopolitiikka #Koulutus #ElinikäinenOppiminen #Verkkokurssit

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