Fondita Nordic Small Cap – en av vinnarna i Fondtorgsnämndens upphandling! Den 19 februari meddelade FTN Fondtorgsnämnden resultatet av sin upphandling av nordiska aktiefonder med inriktning på småbolag. Totalt har fyra fondförvaltare valts ut och Fondita med Fondita Nordic Small Cap fonden är en av dem. Tilldelningsbeslutet innebär att 9 miljarder kronor av premiepensionsspararnas medel ska fördelas till följande förvaltare och fonder: - Fondita Nordic Small Cap – Fondbolaget Fondita Ab - Handelsbanken Nordiska Småbolag – Handelsbanken Fonder AB - Nordea Småbolagsfond Norden – Nordea Funds Ltd - SEB Nordic Small Cap Fund – SEB Investment Management AB ”Vi är väldigt glada att även i framtiden kunna erbjuda vårt nordiska småbolagskunnande till pensionssparare. Med en förvaltningserfarenhet på över 20 år inom nordiska småbolag kan vi bekräfta vår starka förvaltningskvalitet och vårt engagemang för att skapa värde för våra investerare”, säger Kenneth Blomqvist, ansvarig förvaltare för Fonditas nordiska småbolagsfonder. Läs hela pressmeddelandet på vår hemsida: Janna Haahtela Marcus Björksten Fredrik von Knorring Erik Wikström Magnus von Knorring Fredrik von Knorring Mikko Sivonen Patrik Wickström Rimmi Portin Anton Enestam Jonatan Gröndahl Disclaimer: Detta är marknadsföringskommunikation. Den historiska utvecklingen för investeringsfonden utgör ingen garanti för framtida resultat. Läs fondprospektet och PRIIPs KID innan du fattar några investeringsbeslut. Dokumenten finns tillgängliga på engelska, finska och svenska och kan hittas på vår webbplats
About us
Fondita is an independent boutique fund manager specialised in equity funds. We offer high class fund management for institutions, corporations and private investors. Our goal is to generate a good return to our shareholders over a longer period of time. Our investment philosophy based on stock picking has generated a return clearly above the return of relevant benchmarks. Every type of investor is welcome to become a client and we have no minimum initial investment. The fund prospectus and KID are available at Fondita's website Fondita is a signatory of PRI and a member of Finsif, Swesif (Finland's and Sweden's Sustainable Investment Forum) and UN Global Compact. For more information you are welcome to contact us at
- Sivusto
External link for Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd.
- Toimiala
- Financial Services
- Yrityksen koko
- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 1997
- Erityisosaaminen
Aleksanterinkatu 48 A
Työntekijät Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd.
Magnus von Knorring
Chairman at Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd.
Kenneth Blomqvist
Portfolio Manager/ Partner at Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd.
Patrik Wickström
CEO at Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd.
Rimmi Portin
Marketing and Communications at Fondita Fund Management Company
Fondita Nordic Micro Cap is our "Fund of the Month"! The fund outperformed both the broader Nordic stock market and the Nordic micro-cap market. The fund rose by +4,80% during the month. Read more about Fondita Nordic Micro Cap below. #fonditafunds #microcaps #nordics Disclaimer: This is marketing communication. The past performance of the investment fund does not provide any guarantee of future results. Read the fund prospectus and PRIIPs KID before making any investment decisions. The documents are available in English, Finnish and Swedish and can be found on our website
Portfolio Manager Marcus Björksten recently featured in Finland’s leading financial newspaper, Kauppalehti. The interview provided insights into the latest investment and divestment decisions within the top-performing Fondita Finland Micro Cap fund, highlighting the strategic considerations driving these decisions. Read full article below (in Finnish, for subscribers).
Merry Christmas! We wish all our clients and partners a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas! This year, we want to give back to the community and have chosen to make a contribution to Vamos (Deaconess Foundation), which supports young people outside education and employment). *** Hyvää joulua! Haluamme kiittää asiakkaitamme ja yhteistyökumppaneitamme kuluneesta vuodesta ja toivottaa kaikille rauhallista ja hyvää joulua! Tänä vuonna haluamme antaa jotain takaisin yhteiskunnalle, ja olemme tehneet lahjoituksen Vamosille (Diakonissalaitos), joka tukee koulutuksen ja työelämän ulkopuolelle joutuneita nuoria. *** God Jul! Vi önskar alla våra kunder och samarbetspartners en riktigt god och fridfull jul! Vi vill i år ge något tillbaka till samhället och har valt att ge ett bidrag till Vamos (Diakonissanstalten), som stöttar unga utanför utbildning och arbetsliv). // Team Fondita
"A 6 milloin dollar (USD) banana and an ultra-loose economic policy". Portfolio Managers Marcus Björksten and Kenneth Blomqvist share their views and interesting observations after attending Danske Bank's Winter Seminar in Copenhagen and Berenberg European Conference in London. Read the full article on our website! (in English). Link in description.
Our portfolio manager Kenneth Blomqvist speaking at the GELD-Magazin Institutional Investors Congress at the Grand Hotel in Vienna last week. "We are in the middle of a promising small cap opportunity. Following three years of significant underperformance, small caps now appear exceptionally attractive from a historical standpoint. This resurgence is driven by stronger profit growth emerging from a weaker period, coupled with low valuations and declining interest rates," Kenneth explains. #nordicsmallcaps #fonditafunds
ESG Shorts Episode 2 - Fondita's Sustainability Commitments The next episode of our series "ESG Shorts" is now here. In this episode Erik gives us an introduction to Fondita's Sustainability Commitments on a company level. Enjoy! #Fonditafunds #Fonditaesgshorts
ESG Shorts Episode 2 - Fondita's Sustainability Commitments
Last week, Portfolio Manager Janna Haahtela attended the Jefferies Healthcare Conference in London, which brought together healthcare investors and company representatives from across the globe. "With 5 minutes between meetings the tempo stayed high all day but luckily there was also time to listen to interesting group presentations on highly topical subjects like AI in healthcare and the next bounce for GLP-1’s and metabolic health." Janna shares Read the full story on our website (in English). #fonditafunds #healthcare
This week, we had the pleasure of visiting Vasa to connect with our clients and prospects over a lunch meeting. Portfolio Manager Marcus Björksten provided insightful updates on recent developments in our funds and shared our perspectives on small-cap investments and the key megatrends shaping the market. #fonditafunds #smallcaps