Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT is a joint research institute of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki for basic and applied research on information technology.
Its research ranges from fundamental methods and technologies to novel applications and their impact on people and society. The current foci of research are artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity and computational health.
HIIT works in a multidisciplinary way, with scientists from computer, natural, behavioural and social sciences, as well as from humanities and design. The projects are conducted in collaboration with universities, companies and research institutions.
HIIT is located in two different sites in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. The institute is led by Professor Petri Myllymäki.
HIIT partners with several international and Finnish companies as well as with universities and research institutions in Europe, North America and Asia.
HIIT research is funded by Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, Business Finland, the Academy of Finland and other foundations financing Finnish hi-tech research, the European Union and private companies.
Research Services
Yrityksen koko
51–200 työntekijää
University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Finland