Euroopan unionin valtiontukisäännöt taipuvat entistä enemmän kestävän kehityksen tueksi. Miten nämä vaikuttavat yrityksiin? Tähän ja muihin kysymyksiin vastattiin eilen pidetyssä webinaarissamme, joka tarjosi ajankohtaiskatsauksen valtiontukiin. Webinaarissa käytiin läpi erityisesti vihreään siirtymään liittyviä valtiontukisääntöjä. Valtiovarainministeriön elinkeinoverotusyksikön päällikkö, hallitusneuvos Jari Salokoski kertoi webinaarissa puhtaan teknologian investointihyvitystä verotuksessa koskevan lain taustoista. Asiantuntijamme Simo Autio, Eveliina Tanskanen, Essi Miettinen ja Oskar Kaskela nostivat esiin keskeisiä poimintoja vihreän siirtymän tuista ja muista teemoista. 💬 "Puhtaan teknologian tukiin liittyy paljon potentiaalia, josta Suomessa voitaisiin olla paremmin tietoisia. Valtiontukioikeuden tuntemisesta on hyötyä sekä yksityisellä että julkisella sektorilla", kiteyttävät asiantuntijamme. #krogerusfinland #krogerusevents
Legal Services
Over a hundred different handshakes, one thing in common. Business law in a modern and meaningful way.
About us
Over a hundred different handshakes, one thing in common. Every handshake is unique. So is every one of our lawyers. Law has always been — and always will be — a people’s business. That’s why we only employ the most talented, ambitious and genuine people. We all share one common goal: to find solutions to your issues through a modern, meaningful and effective process. We bring a bit of ourselves into everything we do. That’s what makes us us. Our practice covers a broad spectrum of transactional, dispute resolution and regulatory matters. We are particularly apt at issues that pertain to the energy, finance, food and beverage, healthcare, real estate, technology and communications sectors. Global is our local — and vice-versa. We are regularly retained in some of the most challenging and high-profile assignments in the market.
- Sivusto
External link for Krogerus
- Toimiala
- Legal Services
- Yrityksen koko
- 201–500 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 1993
Fabianinkatu 9
Helsinki, 00130, FI
Työntekijät Krogerus
Krogerus advised Ilkka Oyj on its acquisition of Profinder from Juuri Partners and other shareholders of Profinder. With its SaaS business model, Profinder produces the most comprehensive target group data in the market through its B2B and B2C target group services. The Krogerus team was led by Partner Antti Luhtala and he was primarily assisted by Senior Associate Janna Pihanurmi and Associates Aleksi Kärnä, Henrik Lyytikäinen and Linda Tunkkari. Partners Kalle Hynönen and Pessi Honkasalo advised on data, intellectual property and technology matters and they were assisted by Senior Associate Alexander Bützow and Associates Annaleena Hakala and Laura Oiva. Partner Paul Raade advised on securities law related matters and he was assisted by Senior Associate Samuli Torpisto. Partner Carola Möller advised on employment matters and she was assisted by Associate Ada Hård af Segerstad. Partner Heidi Kivenjuuri advised on financing matters and she was assisted by Associate Venla Nummela. Partner Ritva Aalto advised on tax matters and Partner Simo Autio on regulatory matters. Read more: #krogerusfinland
Krogerus acted as Finnish counsel for LIWLIG Group, the Nordic region’s leading event agency group, on its acquisition of PS Occasion, a Swedish event agency recognized for its cutting-edge creativity. The Krogerus team was led by Partner Sami Martola and he was primarily assisted by Senior Associate Andreas Brink and Associate Tiina Jauhiainen. Read more: #krogerusfinland
We received Mergermarket's Finland Legal Adviser of the Year award for the second year in a row! ✨ During the past year, we have handled a broad range of highly complex transactions including landmark transactions in software and tech, as well as two of the market's three take-privates, including the first two MBO take-privates in Finland. "Our team is deeply engaged in helping companies in Finland expand and attract more international capital, and we are very grateful to our clients for entrusting us with many of the most challenging mandates on the market in 2024. This achievement would not have been possible without the extreme commitment and dedication of our team members", says Marcus Möller, Partner and head of our Mergers & Acquisitions practice. Mergermarket's awards recognise outstanding contributions to creative advisory work on complex M&A transactions. The winners were announced on 27 November 2024 at the Mergermarket European M&A Awards. Mergermarket is a leading provider of M&A data and intelligence. Read more about the award: #krogerusfinland
Krogerus advised Unisport-Saltex Group, a company backed by private equity firm Vaaka Partners, on the sale of Unisport-Saltex Group's Indoor division to Accent Equity. Unisport is a specialist within indoor sports facilities and sports equipment with market leading presence in Sweden and Finland and establishments in Norway and Denmark. The Krogerus team was led by Partners Antti Luhtala and Sami Martola and they were primarily assisted by Associates Linda Tunkkari and Henrik Lyytikäinen. Partner Kalle Hynönen advised on intellectual property and technology matters and he was assisted by Associate Maria Lilius and IP Specialist Maria Lahdenranta. Partner Heidi Kivenjuuri advised on financing matters and she was assisted by Senior Associate Kaarlo Hakkarainen and Associate Valtteri Ylä-Rautio. Partner Simo Autio advised on regulatory matters and he was assisted by Associates Oskar Kaskela and Jonni Tiainen. Read more: #krogerusfinland
Last week, we had the pleasure of joining forces with Altor Equity Partners and Kvanted to host the Krogerus Kickback during Slush! ✨ We were inspired by the insights shared by Kristian Sandaker (Altor), Katariina Korhonen (Smartly), Saara Bergström (Next Games, A Netflix Game Studio), Annina Salvén (BIT ODD) and Maria Wasastjerna (Kvanted). As highlighted by our Partners Marcus Möller and Annika Schauman, "While Europe — and Finland in particular — must evolve to unlock new paths for growth, Thursday’s discussion reaffirmed that we don't lack talent or ambition. We left the discussion feeling excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. This is of course all thanks to Slush for creating such a typhoon of positivity and energy and bringing us all together." #krogerusfinland #krogerusevents
Alma Insightsin marraskuussa järjestämissä koulutuksissa saatiin ratkaisuja ICT-sopimusten ajankohtaisimpiin ja keskeisimpiin kysymyksiin niin ostajan kuin toimittajan näkökulmasta. Koulutuksissa käsiteltiin ICT-sopimusten sopimustekniikkaa sekä olennaisia sopimusehtoja ja käytiin läpi ennakoivaa varautumista mahdollisiin erimielisyyksiin. Dispute Resolution -praktiikkamme osakas Juha-Pekka Katainen ja Technology, Data & IP -praktiikkamme osakas Pessi Honkasalo toimivat koulutuspäivien puheenjohtajina. He käsittelivät esityksissään allianssimallia ICT-hankkeissa sekä oikeuskäytäntöä Suomesta ja maailmalta koulutuksen aiheisiin liittyen. Lisäksi Technology, Data & IP -praktiikkamme Senior Associate Iiris Rantanen puhui tekoälyn käytön huomioimisesta ICT-sopimuksissa ja antoi huomioita yleiskäyttöisten tekoälymallien käyttöehdoista ja niiden rajoituksista. 💬 "ICT-sopimusten merkittävimmät kipupisteet liittyvät toimituksen kohteen sisältöön, vastuisiin, muutoshallintaan ja vaatimustenmukaisuuteen. Kommunikaatiota ja yhteistyötä voidaan merkittävästi edesauttaa tarkoituksenmukaisilla sopimuksilla, joissa varaudutaan myös siihen, ettei kaikki menekään kuin Strömsössä", kiteyttävät asiantuntijamme. #krogerusfinland
💬 "Good things take time, whether you are trying to become a tennis pro or a highly respected attorney. Keep doing the small things well and don't be afraid of something new. It all adds up in the end", says Toni Kastell, Associate from our Energy practice. In his career story Toni discusses his journey from a trainee to an associate and shares some insights he has gained during the first years of his career. Read more about Toni and find out what advice he would give to himself, looking back at the start of his career 👇 #krogerusfinland
Krogerus advised Paxos, the leading regulated blockchain and tokenization infrastructure platform, on its acquisition of Membrane Finance, an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) based and licensed in Finland. Upon completion of the acquisition, Paxos will be a fully licensed EMI in Finland and the EU. The Krogerus team was led by Partner Marcus Möller and he was primarily assisted by Associate Niclas Ruotsalainen. Partner Paul Raade advised on financial regulatory matters and he was assisted by Counsel Joel Kanervo, Senior Associate Olli Silvennoinen and Associate Tiina Jääskeläinen. Partner Carola Möller advised on employment matters and she was assisted by Senior Associate Jenna Hallikainen and Associate Ada Hård af Segerstad. Partner Samu Lassila advised on tax matters. Read more: #krogerusfinland
Krogerus advised Haarla Group Oy on the sale of Haarla Oy, a speciality distributor of food ingredients and industrial chemicals, to Azelis, a leading innovation service provider in the speciality chemicals and food ingredients industry. The Krogerus team was led by Partners Marcus Möller and Antti Luhtala, who were primarily assisted by Associates Jonas Holm and Aleksi Kärnä. Partner Pessi Honkasalo advised on technology and intellectual property matters and he was assisted by Senior Associate Iiris Rantanen and IP Specialist Maria Lahdenranta. Partner Samu Lassila advised on tax matters and he was assisted by Senior Associate Jemiina Pohja. Partner Simo Autio advised on regulatory matters and he was assisted by Associates Oskar Kaskela and Jonni Tiainen. Read more: #krogerusfinland