Cybersecurity and data privacy are important components of #ESG framework due to their impact on organizational sustainability, ethical responsibility and risk management. We are happy to include Data Mastery for Specialists - course by TechClass to Learnsy's catalogue. 🖥 This training teaches participants the fundamentals of: -data collection -analysis -interpretation It focuses on practical applications that can drive business growth and operational efficiency and empower professionals to leverage data effectively, even without prior expertise in the data field. 💡Please note that this free course is available until the end of 2024 and is open to Finnish citizens and permanent residents of Finland. The training has been financed by the European Union's Recovery and Recovery Support Facility #RRF, which is the largest program of the EU's recovery facility #NextGenerationEU. ➡ Act quick and check details from
Education Administration Programs
Helping organizations achieve sustainable growth through personalized learning for employees
About us
Learnsy is a platform for sustainability learning. It empowers individuals and businesses with knowledge and understanding of sustainability to drive societal transformation towards a sustainable future. Learnsy gathers learning offerings worldwide from both formal and informal education providers. Learnsy guides its users on their learning journey by designing learning paths according to their employer’s sustainability goals and job role. 🔎 Our learning offerings are categorized based on the ESG-pillars, allowing organizations to track progress and results effortlessly. Start learning today at 🌱 Organizations with learning offerings related sustainability. Apply to showcase your organization’s sustainability learning offerings for free in Learnsy's catalog.
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- Education Administration Programs
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- 2-10 employees
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- Helsinki
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- 2024
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Helsinki, FI
Työntekijät Learnsy
Earlier this week we celebrated Circular Monday, a day dedicated to the circular economy and sharing services. The goal of the day way to generate demand and media visibility for the circular economy at the consumer and everyday level. 💡 The circular economy presents a massive opportunity -and, in our view, a necessity- to innovate and seize opportunities. You can begin exploring and adopting circular economy principles with the help of the following free short online courses: ♻️ Pikastartti kiertotalousmatkallesi > ♻️ Circular business models fostering sustainable production and consumption > Learning offerings about sustainability and corporate responsibility are just a click away. Check Learnsy's learning catalogue for more > #learnsy #circulareconomy #corporatelearning
Tänään 25.11.2024 vietetään kiertotalouden ja jakamispalveluiden merkkipäivää Circular Monday– Kiertotalousmaanantaita. Merkkipäivää on vietetty Suomessa vuodesta 2019 myös White Monday -nimellä. 💡Päivän tavoitteena on luoda kysyntää ja medianäkyvyyttä kiertotaloudelle kuluttajien ja arjen tasolla. #Kiertotalous on valtava mahdollisuus ja mielestämme myös välttämättömyys yrityksille. Voit aloittaa kiertotalouteen tutustumisen ja sen periaatteiden omaksumisen mm. seuraavien maksuttomien lyhyiden verkkokurssien saattelemana: ♻️ Kiertotalouden perusteet > ♻️ Kiertotalous yhteiskunnassa ja yrityksissä > ♻️ Kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallit > #circularmonday #corporatesustainability
Learnsy julkaisi tämän uudelleen
What does your tech company do for good❓ Learnsy: Learnsy empowers individuals and businesses with sustainability and corporate responsibility knowledge to drive societal transformation towards a sustainable future. What business do you do, and how will your technology improve the world❓ Learnsy: We offer a global platform for sustainability learning. We utilize technology on guiding adults on their learning journey. We utilize data for matching global education and training offerings about #sustainability and #corporateresponsibility with corporate customers #ESG strategy and their employees job profiles. ____ These questions were posed this morning by the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, during the opening of #Slush, and I couldn’t resist sharing our answers ☝ . 👀 Now, I would love to hear your answers to: 1. What does your tech company do for good? 2. What business do you do, and how will your technology improve the world? PS. For those outside the event (like myself) who want to get a grasp of the main program, check the comments for a link to the live stream on the Founders Stage.
Cybersecurity and data privacy are important components of #ESG framework due to their impact on organizational sustainability, ethical responsibility and risk management. Therefore we are happy to include Cybersecurity for Employees - course by TechClass to Learnsy's catalogue. 🖥 The course addresses digitalization risks, major cyber attacks, and common threats like phishing and social engineering. The course participants will learn strategies for password, email, and mobile security, and safe online behavior 💡Please note that this free course is available until the end of 2024 and is open to Finnish citizens and permanent residents of Finland. The training has been financed by the European Union's Recovery and Recovery Support Facility (#RRF), which is the largest program of the EU's recovery facility (#NextGenerationEU). ➡ Act quick and check details from #corporateresponsibility #cybersecurity
New learning offering about Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 📢! 💡 The online self-learning course by Environmental Impacts Academy teaches you the basics of Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assessment (#LCA): What LCA is, how it works and how it benefits eco-design, communicating green claims, compliance, decision making and sustainability strategy. 🙋♂️ 🙋♀️ The course is designed for Leaders, managers, and anyone who wants to understand more about LCA, related concepts and terminology, but who does not need to conduct LCA studies. Find more information on Learnsy's website ➡ #corporateresponsibility #sustainabilitylearning
LAST CALL! The biggest conference on #circulareconomy in the Nordics In 2024, Nordic Circular Summit will take place in Helsinki, Finland, and online from 18th–19th November. ♻ The Nordic Circular Summit is co-hosted by Nordic Circular Hotspot and Nordic Innovation and it is an official World Circular Economy Forum Side Event. Check further info from Learnsy's website ➡ and register to the live event or reserve your virtual seat. #sustainability #corporateresponsibility
You’ve probably heard about the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), but if the topic feels unfamiliar or even a bit overwhelming, you're not alone! For those who feel unsure about where to begin, our latest blog is here to help. In our latest blog post, we break down the very essentials: ✅ Key Requirements of CSRD ✅ Propose practical Steps to Comply ✅ Benefits of Compliance Move to blog ➡ PS. Stay tuned as we are soon adding some fantastic learning offerings to Learnsy about sustainability reporting. #CSRD #CorporateResponsibility #BusinessLeadership
Learnsy julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Viikko vierähti mainiosti käyntiin Shared Actions kiihdyttämössä, jossa rakennettiin uusia kumppanuuksia järjestöjen ja yritysten välille. Niin koulutuksen, vihreän siirtymän kuten myös ihmisoikeuksien teemojen ympäriltä. Tilaisuus oli loistava paikka tutustua erilaisten järjestöjen toimintaan sekä siihen millaisia projekteja, haasteita ja ympäristöjä järjestöt kohtaavat kansainvälisessä työssään. Innostuneen uteliaiden keskustelujen lomassa pohdittiin myös miten rakentaa toimivia kumppanuuksia ja ainakin seuraavat osa-alueet tunnistettiin: 🤝Arvojen kohtaaminen 🤝Osapuolten tavoitteiden ymmärtäminen ja kohtaaminen 🤝Kumppanuuden vaikutuksen näkyväksi tekeminen 🤝Roolit ja vastuut sekä resurssien rajallisuuden huomiointi 🤝Viestintä Learnsyn osalta haimme tilaisuudesta keskusteluja kumppanuuksien aluille, joiden tavoitteena olisi paikallisväestön osaamisen kehittäminen kestävän kehityksen ja yritysvastuullisuuden teemoissa. Saimme avattua useita hyviä keskusteluja, sillä vihreä siirtymä on koulutuskumppanuuksissa esille nouseva teema. Samalla saimme myös palautetta Learnsysta sekä hyviä kysymyksiä joita pohtia. Kiitos kaikille keskusteluista 💚sekä tilaisuuden mahdollistajille Finnpartnership, Fingo ja Sitra.
Learnsy julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Let’s roll up our sleeves and kick off pilot development! We’re excited to be part of the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub, which is providing us with access to many benefits to help us build our product and grow our business. Thank you for the opportunity and support Microsoft for Startups 🚀! ➡ As you might have heard, we have progressed to the pilot phase. We are currently looking for companies to join our pilot project on developing a platform for sustainability learning. With the platform, you can strengthen your staff's sustainability and corporate responsibility expertise in line with your company's strategic goals. More information: #startup #entrepreneurs