Miten rakennamme kestävää talouskasvua? 🌍📈 Sitra järjestää “Tekoja tulevaisuudelle: Ratkaisuja talouden kestävään kasvuun” -tapahtuman, jossa pureudutaan kestävän talouskasvun avaintekijöihin. 📅 Aika: 6.3.2024 klo 14.00–18.00 📍 Paikka: Valkoinen Sali, Helsinki ja verkossa Lue lisää Learnsyn sivuilta #KestäväKasvu #VihreäSiirtymä #Talous #Innovaatiot #KestäväKehitys #Oppiminen
Education Administration Programs
Helping companies comply with CSRD and thrive change by bridging employee skill and knowledge gaps in sustainability.
About us
Learnsy is a B2B platform for sustainability learning that helps companies lead and drive ESG progress within companies by aligning Learning & Development with corporate sustainability goals. 💡How we do this? We connect Learning & Development directly with corporate ESG goals, using IRO action lists (Impact, Risk, Opportunity) to guide employees on their learning journeys. This way, employees are provided with learning journeys based on their job roles and the specific skills and knowledge required to advance IRO outcomes that help the company meet CSRD compliance, and achieve ESG goals. 🌎 About learning offerings: We do not create courses, but instead we gather and curate learning offerings related to sustainability worldwide from public and private education and training providers: MOOCS, open university courses, webinars and events (F2F and online). 🚀 Product release in spring/ summer 2025. Request for demo ➡️ Start your sustainability learning journey today at
- Sivusto
External link for Learnsy
- Toimiala
- Education Administration Programs
- Yrityksen koko
- 2-10 employees
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 2024
- Erityisosaaminen
Helsinki, FI
Työntekijät Learnsy
"Every employee has a possibility to generate positive impact regardless what their job role is."– Suvi Ferraz, Co-Founder of Learnsy Few weeks ago we had the privilege to facilitate our "Building Sustainability Skills and Knowledge" workshop for the first time at Sustainability Community | Finland event with Katja von Brandenburg. The workshop focused on two key questions: - What skills are needed for a career in sustainability❓ - How can we integrate sustainability knowledge into our current roles❓ Through interactive discussions, individual exercises, and group activities, the participants explored: 🌱 The essential competencies for driving sustainability transformations. 📚 How education serves as a catalyst for meaningful behavioral change. 💡 How to start crafting a personalized learning journey, whether to build a career in sustainability or to create impact within our companies. Thank you to everyone who attended the workshop! ➡️ If you're interested in hearing more about the workshop, feel free to reach out to #sustainability #learn #workshop
How will the CSRD impact your business? The CSRD Fundamentals course provides a comprehensive introduction to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)—a must-know for professionals involved in sustainability and non-financial reporting. 📚 Format: Online, available to everyone 🕒 Access: Anytime, with 12-month availability 🎓 Certificate: Earn a certificate upon completion Take the first step toward mastering CSRD and enhancing your sustainability reporting skills. 👉 Learn more and enroll now: #CSRD #SustainabilityReporting #CorporateResponsibility #ESG #BusinessEthics
Miten vastuullisuus näkyy markkinoinnissa – ja miten välttää viherpesun sudenkuopat? Turun Ammattikorkeakoulun Green marketing – Markkinointioikeutta suomeksi -moduuli tarjoaa kattavan perehdytyksen kuluttajamarkkinoinnin lainsäädäntöön, vastuullisuusraportointiin ja eettiseen markkinointiviestintään. Opit mm. tunnistamaan viherpesua sekä B2B- ja kuluttajamarkkinoinnin lainsäädännön eroja. 📚 Toteutus: Verkkokurssi, kaikille avoin 🗓 Oppimisjakso: –13.4.2025 🌍 Kieli: Suomi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu mukaan Learnsyn kautta: 👉 #vihreämarkkinointi #vastuullisuus #markkinointioikeus #viherpesu #koulutus
Learnsy julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Struggling to get started with CSRD? Don't worry as we created a cheat sheet on how to get started on sustainability reporting. This short step-by-step guide will help you to jump-start your CSRD-journey. 👉 #csrd #sustainability
Struggling to get started with CSRD? Don't worry as we created a cheat sheet on how to get started on sustainability reporting. This short step-by-step guide will help you to jump-start your CSRD-journey. 👉 #csrd #sustainability
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (#DEI) remains a critical focus for many organizations, but its approach is evolving in response to challenges and criticisms, which had led some organizations remove DEI from their agendas. According to #Forbes article (link in comments) concerns about tokenism, meritocracy, and systemic change have sparked debate, leaving many to question the future of DEI efforts. However, others argue that DEI remains essential for: 💡 innovation 🤝 employee engagement ↗️ long-term success Is DEI still an important topic within your organization? #socialsustainability
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HOX KAIKKI TERVEYDENHUOLLON AMMATTILAISET! Miten luoda turvallinen ja tervetullut ilmapiiri kaikille asiakkaille terveydenhuollossa? Kaikille avoin kurssi on suunniteltu erityisesti terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille tukemaan arjen asiakaskohtaamisia, erityisesti sateenkaariväestön kanssa. Kurssi auttaa sinua: 🔹 Tiedostamaan omia ennakko-oletuksiasi sukupuoli- ja seksuaalivähemmistöistä. 🔹 Reflektoimaan omaa toimintaasi ja valmistautumaan sensitiiviseen kohtaamiseen. 🔹 Luomaan inklusiivisen ja turvallisen ilmapiirin vastaanotolla. 📚 Toteutus: Verkkokurssi, kaikille avoin ja jatkuvasti saatavilla 🌍 Kieli: Suomi Lue lisää Learnsyn sivuilta ja aloita matkasi kohti sensitiivisempää ja inklusiivisempaa työskentelyä: 👉 #sensitiivisyys #inklusiivisuus #terveydenhuolto #koulutus
Are you ready to take the first step to build your sustainability skills and knowledge? Check this interactive workshop with Sustainability Community | Finland and Learnsy to discover the sustainability skills and knowledge needed to excel in your role or land your dream job. Explore how individual #jobroles can connect to broader organizational sustainability goals and how these objectives shape your daily work. 📅 Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025 🕘 Time: 9:00–11:00 📍 Location: Aalto Design Factory, Puumiehenkuja 5A, Espoo ➡️ Visit Learnsy for more details #SustainabilitySkills #CareerGrowth
𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐋 🧐 Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) are becoming more central to business strategy. However, different industries and roles prioritize #ESG themes differently. Which ESG theme is currently most relevant to your job role? 🟩 Environmental – Climate action, emissions reduction, resource efficiency 🟧 Social – DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), employee well-being, human rights 🟦 Governance – Ethical leadership, compliance, risk management
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