As the new year begins, we are excited to celebrate 🥳 the 200th anniversary of the Port of Kokkola. The port’s roots run deep in the history of our hometown, and throughout its existence, it has provided employment for countless Kokkola families and served as a vital gateway to international markets for its clients. Since the citizens rarely gets to see the inner workings of the port, we want to bring the daily life of the Port of Kokkola closer to the townspeople. To mark our anniversary year, we have released a stunning, approximately 20-minute video 📽️ showcasing the port’s life. You can now watch the video on the giant screen next to the city library on Isokatu. Additionally, the video is available on the Port of Kokkola’s website. Throughout the coming year, the Port of Kokkola’s anniversary will be celebrated in various ways within the community. We will share information about upcoming events through the media and our social media channels. For now, we invite you to immerse yourself in the video created in collaboration with Hiutale Films and Marketing & Communication Group Marco Oy, as the daily life of the port is always fascinating and engaging. Enjoy watching! #portofkokkola_200_years #documentary #ports_daily_life
Port of Kokkola
Maritime Transportation
Kokkola, West and Inner Finland 1 798 followers
Port of Kokkola
About us
THE PORT OF THREE PORTS Central location. Well connected. 14 m deep fairway. Handling of containers and break bulk has been concentrated mainly in the General Port, and Kokkola is an recognized and useful link in the worldwide container transport network. An important part of the operations in the General Port takes place in the covered All Weather Terminal, which significantly enhances the efficiency of cargo handling. The Deep Port, specialized in dark bulk, is the by far heaviest port area, thanks to the large volumes handled. It represents more than 70% of all the volumes handled in the port. On the other hand, the Silverstone Port is specially designed for handling light bulk cargoes, such as lime stone.
- Sivusto
External link for Port of Kokkola
- Toimiala
- Maritime Transportation
- Yrityksen koko
- 51–200 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Kokkola, West and Inner Finland
- Tyyppi
- Public Company
Kantasatamantie 50
Kokkola, West and Inner Finland 67900, FI
Työntekijät Port of Kokkola
Witting Torbjörn
CEO at Port of Kokkola Ltd., CEO at Silverstone Bay Logistics Ltd., Boards: Finnish Port Association, Port Handling Ab, KIP-Infra Oy.
Vuokko Kalliokoski
Financial Manager at Port of Kokkola
Jyrki Roukala
Development Manager at Port of Kokkola Ltd
Tapio Lampinen
Water constructions
🎄🎄🎄Season’s Greetings from Nalle-Anders: 200 Years of Port of Kokkola in 2025 🎄 🎄🎄 The cheerful, endearing, and occasionally world-traveling Harbour Bear, who has been a part of Port of Kokkola for two centuries, has been named Nalle-Anders. The name of our Harbour Bear, Nalle-Anders, directly references the 200-year history of Kokkola’s harbour, as the establishment and early development of the harbour were significantly influenced by Kokkola shipowners Anders Roos and Anders Donner. We must also not forget Kokkola’s pastor Anders Chydenius, who, as a pioneer of the free trade movement, contributed to the harbour’s growth in the 18th century through his work. We sought a suitable name for the Harbor Bear through a social media campaign in celebration of Port of Kokkola’s 200th anniversary next year. We received many excellent name suggestions, for which we extend our warm thanks to the participants! We will draw a product package donated by Port of Kokkola among all respondents, and we will contact the winner personally. Nalle-Anders, on the other hand, has decided to stay ashore in Kokkola, his harbour, which he knows better than anyone else. From the attic of the old harbour office, he often looks out to sea with his telescope, and occasionally he visits seafarers in the office that has been converted into a seamen’s church. #portofkokkola200years
Next year, the Port of Kokkola will proudly celebrate its 200th anniversary 🥳 ! To mark this milestone, we have produced a special video that showcases the operations of international port, which serves our customers in diverse ways and holds great significance for the people of Kokkola. The full video will be released on January 1, 2025. In the meantime, we invite you to enjoy selected teasers on a large screen set up near the Kokkola City Library on Isokatu. Be sure to check it out; the video will be playing in the city center until March 9, 2025! #portofkokkola200years #200_years_
Kokkolan Satama on yksi Suomen suurimmista yleissatamista, jossa käy vuosittain noin 600 laivaa. Palvelemme teollisuutta, kauppaa sekä kaivannais- ja tuulivoimateollisuutta. Satamavalvojat ja nosturinkuljettajat työskentelevät Silverstone Bay Logistics Oy:n palveluksessa. Silverstone Bay Logistics Oy hakee uusia tiimin jäseniä! Etsimme vakituiseen työsuhteeseen: VASTAAVAA SATAMAVALVOJAA JA KAHTA SATAMAVALVOJAA Tehtäväsi: Tuottaa alusliikenteen palveluja Kokkolan Satama Oy:lle Kiinnostuitko? Lisätietoa ja hakuohjeet: Hae viimeistään 31.12.2024. Käsittelemme hakemuksia ja haastattelemme hakijoita jo hakuaikana.
We are thrilled to announce that the latest edition of Port of Kokkola's Action Port is now published! Dive into our newest insights, stories, and updates by clicking the link below. Stay tuned and stay informed! ENG: 🔗 FI: 🔗 #ActionPort #NewRelease
Efficiency and Capacity 💪 It was truly a busy week in Deep Port - for example two Panamax vessels were handled at the deep quay simultaneously. Jag Akshay operating under the flag of India unloaded bulk products to Deep Port terminal, and YM Opus operating under the flag of Panama brought zinc concentrate to local client from another side of the globe. Both ships are 229 meters long, so they used almost half of the kilometer-long deep quay, and the cargo was handled by four port cranes. When you add to this a 14.2-meter-deep channel, extensive port storage areas and the professional staff of the port community, Port of Kokkola has excellent conditions to support its customers' business with cost-effective and reliable port logistics services. #panamax_vessels
🎉 KOKKOLAN SATAMA TÄYTTÄÄ ENSI VUONNA 200 VUOTTA - PORT OF KOKKOLA 200 YEARS IN 2025🎉 On juhlan aika – satama, joka on palvellut Kokkolaa jo kahden vuosisadan ajan, tarvitsee juuri sinulta apua! Miten sinä kuvailisit tätä sataman uutta, rakastettua karhua? Osallistu nimikilpailuun ja auta meitä luomaan unohtumaton osa sataman historiaa. Tämä satamakarhu, kokenut ja monien merten kulkija, kaipaa vielä yhtä asiaa – oikeaa nimeä! Anna ideasi loistaa ja auta häntä löytämään nimi, joka kertoo hänen pitkien matkojensa, Kokkolan sataman rikkaat perinteet ja valoisat tulevaisuuden näkymät. Osallistu ja voit voittaa! Kolme palkintoa arvotaan vastanneiden kesken. Tule mukaan tekemään historiaa kanssamme! Osallistu nimikilpailuun käyttämällä tämän julkaisun QR-koodia tai tästä linkistä: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT OF KOKKOLA 200 YEARS IN 2025 It’s time to celebrate – the port that has served Kokkola for two centuries needs your help! How would you describe this new, beloved bear of the port? Join the naming contest and help us create an unforgettable part of the port’s history. This port bear, experienced and a traveler of many seas, still needs one thing – the right name! Let your idea shine and help him find a name that reflects his long journeys, the rich traditions of Kokkola’s port, and the bright prospects for the future. Participate and you could win! Three prizes will be drawn among the respondents. Join us in making history! Participate in the naming contest using the QR code in the image attachment of this publication.
A far away visitor from Alaska. Once a year, zinc concentrate arrives at Kokkola's Deep Port from the remote parts of Alaska. Our port community has become familiar with this transport for many years, and they already know to expect it. Usually, big ships are loaded in Deep Port, but in this case, the transport of concentrates that will be used by Boliden Kokkola Oy's Kokkola zinc factory means a considerable unloading task for the stevedoring Rauanheimo personnel, lasting about a week. This time, the zinc concentrate was transported to Kokkola by the Panamax-sized YM OPUS operating under the Panamanian flag. The ship has a length of 228.99 meters and a width of 33.26 meters.
The Port of Kokkola team would like to thank all the persons, who visited the FinnMateria 2024 exhibition show and our booth. We are also gratefull to the all visitorts, who visited our booth at other fairs this year. For this year, all our company’s exhibiton events are over, and next year we will continue in Vaasa at the Wind Energy event! So welcome there! #Finnmateria2024
Tänään Sataman toimistotiimi osallistui GISGRO :n järjestämään käyttäjäpäivään. Ohjelmassa oli esittelyä Gisgron toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä ja sen mahdollisuuksista satamien liiketoiminnan sujuvoittamiseen. Päivän sanoma on siis Gisgron slogani ”CONTROL THE DATA. CONTROL THE PORT.” Kiitos GISGRO tiimille tästä päivästä! 👍👍 #gisgro #networking