Bimsheet is one of Simplebim’s most popular tools. And the reason is simple. It combines the familiarity of Excel with the superpowers of Simplebim, allowing you to extract and export BIM data between IFC models and Excel, streamlining data management and visualization. Here’s how you can use it 👇 #BIMSheet #BIMData #ConTech #DigitalEngineering
About us
Datacubist is one of the leading BIM (building information model) data exchange experts in the world. Its main software product, Simplebim®, is an open BIM tool, which standardize and enrich BIM models to make them fit for different purposes. Our customers are construction companies, architects, structural engineers, HVAC engineers, BIM managers and different kind of special consultants like energy analysts and quantity surveyors.
- Sivusto
External link for Simplebim® by Datacubist
- Toimiala
- Software Development
- Yrityksen koko
- 2-10 employees
- Päätoimipaikka
- Tampere
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 2009
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software
Simplebim® is an advanced openBIM application designed to manage and enhance BIM data. It allows you to standardise and enrich IFC models, ensuring the data is consistent, rich, and fit for your purpose, regardless of the source. Simplebim® includes Bimsheet™, a powerful way to connect your existing Excel calculations to BIM, or even import data from Excel to BIM. Simplebim® is accessible for anyone working with BIM data, from basic BIM data management tasks to handling extensive data for large construction projects.
Finlaysoninkuja 9
Tampere, 33201, FI
Työntekijät Simplebim® by Datacubist
💡 Helsingin Kaupunkiympäristön toimialan Simplebim-käyttäjäryhmissä kaupunkimallityökalun vastaanotto on ollut erittäin positiivinen! Simplebim-kaupunkimallityökalu tuo helpotusta IFC-tietomallien siirtämiseen kaupunkimalliin. Työkalu mahdollistaa ulkovaipan osien valinnan sääntöpohjaisesti, mikä tekee prosessista nopeampaa ja johdonmukaisempaa. Nyt tämä työkalu on vapaasti ladattavissa kaikille Simplebim-lisenssin käyttäjille! Kokeile nyt ilmaiseksi 👇 🔗 #Simplebim #IFC #Kaupunkimall #BIM #AvoinData #kympR3 #DigitalTwin #openBIM
Deriving new objects and data is a common practise in other industries using digital data. Now it is also possible in construction, in a scalable way. Discover how, here 👇 #DigitalConstruction #ConTech #bim #BIMData
Data wrangling is what Simplebim was built for ✨ Transforming raw BIM data into clean, consistent and rich information facilitating multiple use cases for construction professionals. And better still, the process can be automated for time and cost savings 💡 Discover more about the benefits of BIM data wrangling 👇 #DataWrangling #ConTech #DigitalConstruction #bim #Simplebim #DataScience #BIMDataScience
🔍 IFC-tietomallien siirtäminen kaupunkimalliin voi olla monimutkaista – Simplebim-kaupunkimallityökalu on kehitetty helpottamaan IFC-tietomallien siirtämistä. Helsingin Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala tilasi käyttöönsä Simplebim-kaupunkimallityökalun, joka mahdollistaa ulkovaipan osien valinnan ja suodatuksen sääntöpohjaisesti. Työkalu on nyt avoimesti saatavilla kaikille Simplebim-lisenssin käyttäjille. Haluatko testata, miten se toimii? Lataa ilmaiseksi ja kokeile itse! ⬇️ 🔗 #Simplebim #IFC #Kaupunkimall #BIM #AvoinData #kympR3 #DigitalTwin #openBIM
Don’t be 'BIMnoying' to clients by spending hours going back and forth with multiple export requirements 🤯 Take a leaf out of Atelier Juno’s book and save time and resource with Simplebim 💪 Discover how they use our data wrangling software in our Case Study 👇 #bim #CaseStudy #DataWrangling #ConTech #DigitalConstruction
Reports suggest that less than 10% of data generated in construction is used. One major reason for this is the lack of data standardisation. That’s where Simplebim comes in 💡 Simplebim cleans up the data, then standardises it. Once it’s standardised, it can be enriched with additional data to suit the use case, then shared with downstream applications and used in IFC or Excel format. Want to unlock 🔓 the value in your construction data? Get your FREE 15-day trial now! #simplebim #DataStandardisation #ConstructionData #BIMData #bim #ConTech
📢 Uutta Simplebim-käyttäjille! Helsingin Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala on päättänyt jakaa teettämänsä kaupunkimallityökalun kaikille Simplebim-käyttäjille. Työkalu mahdollistaa ulkovaipan osien valinnan sääntöpohjaisesti ja tehokkaasti, mikä helpottaa IFC-tietomallien siirtämistä kaupunkimalliin. Tämä kehitys on osa KympR3-hanketta, kiitos yhteistyöstä Anna-Riitta Kallinen ja Tiina Talvitie! 💡 Lataa työkalu ja ota käyttöön jo tänään! ⬇️ 🔗 #Simplebim #IFC #Kaupunkimalli #BIM #AvoinData #kympR3 #DigitalTwin #openBIM
What does Simplebim actually do? What is data wrangling? Is BIM just for design? If you’ve ever asked yourself one of these questions, we have the answers 💡 Discover them here 👇 #faq #bim #DataWrangling #DataScience #simplebim #ConTech #DigitalEngineering #DigitalConstruction
In his Unlocking Simplebim with Gio series, our Support Manager Gio Siradze demonstrates how to use Simplebim’s 'calculate quantities' directly from model geometry, and how to use the 'Proximity' tool to create relationships between objects! In this video, you'll see how to: ✅ Calculate Quantities directly from model geometry ✅ Establish relationships between objects with the new Proximity tool ✅ Automate processes using templates for efficiency ✅ Add custom properties to IFC models for richer data insights With the right Simplebim template, the process practically runs itself! ⚙️ Contact us if you'd like to get the sample template! Check out the video to take your BIM skills to the next level! 🎥 #BIM #OpenBIM #IFC #Simplebim #Automation #DigitalConstruction #AEC
Calculate Window Opening Wall Surfaces