Developing Artificial Intelligence is the space race of our times. The technology leaders of the future will likely be defined by how well they have managed to develop and adapt to our new, AI-powered societies. The EU and US take vastly different approaches to AI governance. Learn more insights from the both sides of the Atlantic: #TietoevryCreate #AI #AIregulation
IT Services and IT Consulting
Helsinki, Finland 402 267 seuraajaa
We create purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. #PurposefulTechnology #Tietoevry
About us
In a rapidly changing world, technology is everything. It's in the fabric of society. In every part of every business. At the very heart of human evolution. It’s a great power that comes with great responsibility. At Tietoevry, we believe it’s time to shift perspective. It’s not about what technology can do anymore — but what it should. So that the futures of businesses, societies, and humanity can live and thrive. Side by side. This is why we're making it our business to create purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. #purposefultechnology #Tietoevry
- Sivusto
External link for Tietoevry
- Toimiala
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Yrityksen koko
- Yli 10 001 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki, Finland
- Tyyppi
- Public Company
Työntekijät Tietoevry
Petri Ojala
Tech Lead, Lead Cloud Architect, Public Cloud at TietoEVRY
Ingrid Karttunen
Lead HCM Consultant | @Tietoevry Tech Services | Specialized in Compensation and Rewarding with Cloud HR Technology
Karri Virkajärvi
Experienced leader of expert organizations | Sourcing | Service delivery | Sales
Matti Airas
Lead Business Consultant @ Tietoevry | Designing Customer-Centric Solutions
✅ Tietoevry Banking: SWIFT Certified for Three More Years In a world of increasing cyber threats, geopolitical tensions, and strict regulations, secure payments are more important than ever. The SWIFT network is the backbone of global payment processing, and we are proud to have renewed Tietoevry Banking’s SWIFT certification for another three years. 💡 Why does this matter? SWIFT is the global standard for secure international payments. It enables seamless and trusted communication between banks and financial institutions. For Norwegian banks, partnering with a SWIFT-certified provider ensures both stability and competitiveness – SWIFT is one of our most important security mechanisms for international settlements. Through this service, we handle transaction volumes equivalent to the Norwegian national budget – every single day, says Sven Erik Sangnes Espeland, Head of Operations in Banking-as-a-Platform, Tietoevry Banking. Our SWIFT expertise is concentrated in a dedicated team in Bergen, consisting of specialists in security, compliance, and regulatory requirements. The SWIFT certification is a rigorous process that confirms we have the technology, control mechanisms, and expertise needed to protect financial transactions from cyberattacks and money laundering. 🔗 Learn more about our SWIFT Service Bureau here: #SWIFT #CyberSecurity #TietoevryBanking #Bankingasaplatform
🚀 We see every career journey as a personal story of growth. Family, studies, or a career shift - each chapter adds value. Discover how we empower our team members, like Samra, Josefin, Huda, Níbia, Ance, Jana and Caroline to #DecodeYourPotential for good. 👉 #tietoevrylife #womenintech #purposefultechnology
🚨Tietoevry Tech Services styrker alliansen med Microsoft Copilot. Som en av svært få Microsoft-partnere i Norge har vi oppnådd Microsoft Copilot Ready Tier Partner-status Dette betyr at våre kunder får større tilgang til ressurser, investeringer og den nyeste AI-teknologien. Les mer her 👉 #TietoevryTechServices #MicrosoftPartner #Copilot #PurposefulTechnology
The EU and US take vastly different approaches to AI governance – how should companies navigate the situation in the global market? In our Data Insiders podcast we discuss the evolving situation with Petja Piilola, partner at Blic Public Affairs and Benjamin Wallace, Tietoevry Create’s Manager of Architecture and Security Americas. Insights shared by our guests include: 🔹 The EU AI Act also affects American companies that seek to develop their products for a worldwide audience. 🔹 The legislative risks in AI are often difficult to predict, which slows down development and hinders the founding of new AI companies. 🔹 To remain proactive and maintain a peace of mind with their AI projects, companies should consult AI regulation experts and make sure their documentation practices are on solid ground. The EU is currently working towards more innovation-friendly approaches. As of now, organization should know that being proactive and implementing their own, expert-verified governance models will already take them a long way. 🎧 Want to learn more? Listen to the full conversation via the link below 👇 How do you think companies should participate in the AI governance conversation? Share your thoughts in the comments! #DataInsiders #AIGovernance #ResponsibleAI #AIRegulation #AIAct #TietoevryCreate #EUAIAct
Three years ago, the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began - a time of immense hardship, loss, and resilience. For our Ukrainian colleagues, these years have meant standing strong for their country, supporting their loved ones, and rebuilding their lives in the face of uncertainty. For all of us, this period serves as a constant reminder of the importance of supporting one another and of the strength we find, even in the hardest of times, to keep moving forward. As a company, we stand with Ukraine. We admire resilience of Ukrainians and remain committed to helping in every way we can. Together, we believe in a future of hope and recovery. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛 #StandWithUkraine #SupportUkraine
“We should not only be looking at carbon footprint, but what natural resources we are using when building a festival.” 🎙️ In this #DataInsiders episode, Vilja Grotenfelt from Flow Festival Oy (Ltd) and Juha Kurppa from Tietoevry Create explore how a sizeable event with 90,000 visits during the festival weekend can calculate its carbon and material footprint and use the gathered data to reduce environmental burden. 🎧 Listen to the full episode on Spotify: #Sustainability #Data #FlowFestival2025 #TietoevryCreate
Is it possible to work with the latest technology while making a real difference in people's lives? Absolutely! 💪 André and his colleagues at Tietoevry Banking in Norway are on duty 24/7 to prevent millions of card users worldwide from being scammed. Last year, his team prevented fraud totaling over 4 billion NOK. 💳 He describes the work as a "cat-and-mouse game" between them and criminals. "We use AI technology combined with human expertise to deliver the best possible quality. The fact that we can stop a lot of the cash flow to criminal networks gives this job a high degree of meaning." 🔍 Read more about André's work and the innovative solutions his team is developing: Join us and together, let's reinvent the world. For good 💜 #purposefultechnology #tietoevrylife
400,000 followers - and counting...! Follow our LinkedIn company page for industry news, thought leadership and insights. 🚀 For more news, check our news room: #PurposefulTechnology #DigitalEngineering #Tietoevry #AI
Ir noslēgusies Riga Business School programma Greenhouse 2025! Priecājamies atkārtoti būt daļa no šīs iniciatīvas un atbalstīt jaunos talantus. Programmas laikā 78 dalībniekiem 14 komandās bija iespēja risināt Tietoevry izstrādātus reālus biznesa izaicinājumus, gūstot ieskatu nozares vidē un meklējot atbildes uz aktuāliem jautājumiem. Paldies jauniešiem par vērtīgajiem risinājumiem un stratēģijām! Turpinām veicināt inovācijas un attīstīt nākotnes tehnoloģiju līderus! 🚀 Vairāk par Greenhouse programmu un Tietoevry sadarbību ar Riga Business School lasi šeit -