

Technology, Information and Internet

Tampere, Pirkanmaa 10 381 followers

Reshaping IoT. Data for better life.

About us

Treon is a leading technology company that helps businesses enhance their physical operations through Treon Connect, a platform designed to boost operational efficiency by utilizing data-driven automation to extend machine lifespan, monitor assets, increase productivity, and ensure safety. Serving industries such as industrial, manufacturing, automotive, oil & gas, transportation, logistics, and more, Treon empowers companies to leverage data-driven automation for better outcomes. With hundreds of customers globally, including tens of the world’s leading companies, Treon is trusted to provide secure, customized products that integrate seamlessly into business solutions. Treon's mission is to help businesses achieve measurable outcomes by improving productivity, enhancing operational visibility, and reducing environmental impact across every process.

Technology, Information and Internet
Yrityksen koko
51–200 työntekijää
Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Privately Held


Työntekijät Treon


  • We are glad to be part of the INTERROB project, working alongside various institutions and companies! This collaborative effort focuses on developing sustainable and energy-efficient powertrain solutions for mobile machinery. 🚀

    🚜 Liikkuvat työkoneet ovat yksi Suomen vientiteollisuuden tukipilareista. Ala on kohtaamassa merkittävän murroksen, kun sähköiset voimansiirtoratkaisut korvaavat fossiiliset polttoaineet. Uusi INTERROB-hanke yhdistää tutkimuksen ja teollisuuden voimat, tavoitteenaan luoda entistä energiatehokkaampia ja ympäristöystävällisempiä ratkaisuja työkoneteknologiaan. 🌱 Hankkeen keskiössä ovat muun muassa: ✅ Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun NUVE-LAB -ympäristöön hankkeessa rakennettavat ratkaisut, jotka lyhentävät merkittävästi uusien, testattujen tuoteratkaisujen markkinoille tuloaikaa ja vähentävät testauksen kustannuksia yrityksille, ✅ Kyberfysikaaliset testausratkaisut, kuten Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) ja Software-in-the-Loop (SiL), joiden avulla kehitetään ja testataan voimansiirtojärjestelmiä sekä data-analytiikan ratkaisuja, ✅ Energiatehokkaiden, sähköisten voimansiirtokomponenttien kehittäminen, ✅ Ohjelmistokehitys. "Hankkeessa rakennettavat ratkaisut tukevat koko Suomen työkonesektorin kilpailukykyä pitkällä aikavälillä," kertoo kehittämispäällikkö Jukka Säkkinen Oulun ammattikorkeakoulusta. Hankkeen odotetaan tuottavan merkittäviä tutkimustuloksia ja uusia tuote- ja palveluinnovaatioita, joiden yhteenlaskettu vientipotentiaali on arviolta yli 300 miljoonaa euroa vuosina 2030–2035. Oamkin lisäksi hankkeessa ovat mukana Oulun yliopisto, LUT-yliopisto, sekä yritykset Kalmar Cargotec, Arctic Drilling Company, Danfoss Editron, Treon, Wapice, HORIBA Europe GmbH ja HORIBA MIRA Ltd. Business Finlandin rahoittaman hankkeen kokonaisbudjetti on lähes 8,5 miljoonaa euroa. Tutkimuksen ja teollisuuden yhteistyö näyttää suuntaa, kun liikkuvat työkoneet siirtyvät kohti kestävää tulevaisuutta. 🌍 Lue lisää hankkeesta uutisesta verkkosivuiltamme! #työkoneet #kilpailukyky #vientiteollisuus #vihreäsiirtymä #NUVELAB #PuhallammeElinvoimaaPohjoiseen #TKI #tutkimus #Oamk

    • NUVE-LABin valvomo, jossa testitilannetta tarkkailee kaksi miestä näytöiltään
  • What a year it’s been! 🎉 We want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! ✨ From exciting new projects to growing partnerships, 2024 has been incredible for all of us here at Treon. We want to thank all our trusted partners and everyone who made the year 2024 possible. 🙌 As we look ahead, we’re preparing for even bigger things in 2025.😎 Here’s to another year of success, can’t wait to see what next year has in store for us. 🍾 See you in 2025! ✨

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  • We did it! 🎉 Treon Connect has officially had its first platform release approved for customer deliveries, and we couldn’t be prouder for this moment. 😎🚀 Starting in January, our clients will begin receiving their Treon Connect platform, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter. 💪 Our team has been working super hard for this achievement, so we thought it was in order to raise a toast to celebrate this milestone together. 🥂 This is just the first of many releases, with continuous updates and improvements planned throughout 2025.😜 Curious to know more about how Treon Connect is helping businesses overcome the challenges of physical operations? Learn more 👉

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  • Greetings from Treon Christmas lunch. 🍽️😋 We wanted to start getting ready for the holidays and what a better way to do that than to get together and enjoy some Finnish Christmas food. 😎🎄And of course there were gift bags involved. 😜🎁

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  • Wow, what a way to wrap up 2024. 10 000 followers on LinkedIn! 🎉 🎉 🎉 Late last night, we reached 10k followers and we want to thank all of you for following our journey! 💪 We’ve done some pretty incredible things in 2024, and this is a great addition to that. For now, let’s celebrate the milestone of 10 000 followers and later we’ll tell you more about those other amazing things because hey, there's still a few weeks left before 2024 turns into 2025. 😜 Thank you for growing together. 💪🥂 #Treon #growth

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Treon, kuva

    10 381 seuraajaa

    Last week, Joni Korppi attended the Ventech Portfolio Summit 2024 in Paris! 💡 It was a day filled with insightful moments, such as our panel discussion "Ace Your Executive Team Structure Since Day 1." Thank you, Lisa Smith and Stephan Wirries, for a fantastic discussion! Additionally, we had some intriguing exchanges on how AI will transform our businesses during a breakout session led by Stephan Wirries. Here at Treon, we understand that it takes the right people to create significant impact—from management and product skills to market knowledge. We take great pride in the impact we're creating with our world-class team and valued partners. 💪 Following the informative afternoon, we celebrated Ventech's 25th birthday. We are exceptionally proud that Ventech, a company that has demonstrated enterprise excellence for 25 years, is with us on our journey as we continue to grow! 🎉 #Treon #Ventech #VentechPortfolioSummit

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  • As the year draws to a close, it was the time to celebrate our annual Treon Winter event!❄️ We started our day with some snacks (like traditional Finnish Christmas tart😋) and had fun playing different games. However, the highlight of our day was the Salibandy Club Classic’s floorball game. 💪 There we got to enjoy some good food 🍽️ and an exciting game which kept us on the edge of our seats until the very end! Cheers (or kippis in Finnish😜) to having fun together! 🥂 #Treon #Classic #partner #winter

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  • Hi, I’m Nahom Aymere Hailu and I’m happy to join Treon as a software design engineer! With a background in software development and machine learning, I’m passionate about working on projects that make a difference.💡 Joining Treon felt like the right move because it’s a place where I get to work directly on projects that impact customers. I enjoy the chance to wear different hats and really dive into all parts of the process to get things done. I’m also excited to learn more about the business and client side of things—it’s a great chance to build expertise across the board. I’m really looking forward to contributing to software development here, working on impactful projects, and exploring where machine learning can add value down the road. Treon offers a unique chance to see the client relationship up close, and I’m excited to broaden my skill set and learn from the team. In my free time, you’ll often find me playing football or futsal, which keeps me active and competitive. I also like trying out new things—lately, I’ve gotten into kart racing with friends, and it’s been a blast! ⚽ #Treon #wireless #TreonConnect

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5 898 136,00 $


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