A new era for Finnish microelectronics is starting in Espoo! 💾 🔬 The EU Chips Act has awarded funding to the APECS pilot line project, where VTT is also involved. 🔬 “VTT will focus in particular on the radio frequency technologies required for the 6G network and on the development and demonstration of optical microsystems and chip packaging methods," says VTT’s Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä. 🔬 VTT's activities in the European APECS, FAMES and NanoIC pilot lines will be located in Kvanttinova, our RDI Hub that will help companies develop and test semiconductor innovations. The first processes kick off in late 2026. The European Commission has also announced the creation of PIXEurope, a new pilot line for photonic chips. VTT is among the participants of the PIXEurope consortium. Read more here: https://hubs.ly/Q036YjCb0 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #EUChipsAct #SirujaSuomesta
Research Services
Espoo, Uusimaa 84 760 followers
We go beyond the obvious to help society and companies to grow through technological innovations.
About us
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. Our research and innovation services give our partners, both private and public, all over the world a competitive edge. We pave the way for the future by developing new smart technologies, profitable solutions and innovation services. We create technology for business – for the benefit of society.
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- Espoo, Uusimaa
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Vuorimiehentie 3
Espoo, Uusimaa FI-02044, FI
Kaitoväylä 1
Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 90570, FI
Tekniikankatu 1
Tampere, Pirkanmaa 33720, FI
Koivurannantie 4
Jyväskylä, Keski-Suomi 40400, FI
Työntekijät VTT
Etsimme huippuosaajia Safe & Connected Society tutkimusalueelle! Oletko intohimoinen projektipäällikkö tai kyberturvallisuuden ja kryptografian asiantuntija? Haluatko työskennellä merkityksellisissä projekteissa ja kehittää uusinta teknologiaa? Lue alta lisää 👇 🔍 Tutkija, Kyberturvallisuuden ja kryptografian testaus: Liity tiimiimme ja ratkaise aikamme suurimpia haasteita tieteen ja innovaatioiden kautta. Arvostamme uteliaisuutta ja innokkuutta oppia uutta. 🔍 Tutkimusinsinööri, Kyberturvallisuuden ja kryptografian testaus: Etsimme tutkimusinsinööriä, joka osallistuu ohjelmisto- ja laitteistotestauksen käytännön toteutukseen ja vahvistaa kansallista kyberturvallisuutta. 🔍 Projektipäällikkö, Safe and Connected Society: Haluatko johtaa menestyksekkäitä projekteja ja luoda uusia innovaatioita yhteiskuntamme turvallisuuden varmistamiseksi? Hae nyt ja tule osaksi asiantuntevia tiimejämme: https://lnkd.in/dVFw7hfY #VTTbeyondtheobvious #kryptografia #kyberturvallisuus #projektipäällikkö
Gen Z is often called the “sustainability generation.” But when we asked 900 young adults across Europe about food, the reality wasn’t so simple. 🥗 🟢 47% are actively making sustainable choices, whether that means eating less meat, supporting sustainable brands or trusting food tech 🟡 19% are on the fence, sticking to what’s familiar, unsure if change is worth it 🔴 34% feel disconnected, not interested, sceptical or just too busy to think about it “Generalizing the behavior of Gen Z can overlook essential aspects such as the need for support. It is important to find ways of making sure that a proportion of young adults don’t feel entirely disconnected from the discussion of the changing food system,” write VTT's Anu Seisto and Tom Tamlander. What would make it easier for you to choose sustainable food? Read the Anu and Tom's blog post here: https://hubs.ly/Q036XlB60 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #generationz #genz #sustainability
Miksi asuntojen tarve pysyy ennallaan, vaikka syntyvyys laskee? 🏙️ Kysytään VTT:n erikoistutkija Terttu Vainiolta! 📊 Suomessa uusia asuntoja tarvitaan vuodessa reilut 30 tuhatta seuraavan 20 vuoden aikana. Väestöennusteet ovat heilahdelleet vuosien varrella, mutta asuntotuotantotarve on pysynyt samana. 📊 “Asuntojen tarve ei ole suoraan luettavissa väestökehityksestä. Asuntojen kysyntään vaikuttavat aikuisten määrän muutos, asuinkuntien kokoonpano ja yksinasujien määrä sekä se, minne asuntoja tarvitaan”, Terttu selittää. Tutustu VTT:n tuottamaan asuntotarve-ennusteeseen 🔗 https://hubs.ly/Q036WTk90 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #asuminen #rakentaminen #väestöennuste Finanssiala ry - Finance Finland Kuntaliitto | Kommunförbundet (Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities) Kuntarahoitus – MuniFin Rakennusteollisuus RT Ympäristöministeriö - Miljöministeriet - Ministry of the Environment of Finland
Technology infrastructures as tools for competitiveness! 🚀 Europe needs new tools for competitiveness and technological sovereignty to boost the uptake of R&I results and enhance the Single Market. Technology Infrastructures primary goal is to work with researchers, industrial users, SMEs, and startups to mature, test, and demonstrate technologies towards commercialization and market uptake. The European Commission's Expert Group's Final Report of the Technology Infrastructures, published today, marks a significant milestone in TI policy, enhancing the EU’s competitiveness. It feeds into the preparation of the Research and Technology Infrastructures Strategy and the European Innovation Act, promoting access for innovative companies to European RIs and TIs. The report offers five strategic recommendations and provides a unique overview of TIs, their purpose, scope, users, and gaps in finance, recognition, and visibility. It presents 7 dimensions of RIs, TIs and IIs and concrete next steps in TI policy development, such as pilots to test the European approach to TIs. VTT’s experts in the group were: Tiina Nakari-Setälä, Vice President Industrial biotechnology and food supported by Mirka Gottberg, Manager, International Affairs, Policy and Strategy (who worked as a Seconded National Expert at the European Commission between 2021-2023 TI policy as her main task). 📄 Read the report: https://hubs.ly/Q036KBtl0 🔎 What are technology infrastructures? https://hubs.ly/Q036KBCM0 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #innovation #EU #technology
We’re happy to announce that Leena Rantasalo has been appointed VP of Communications and Brand at VTT! 🙌 Leena has been leading VTT’s internal and external communications, media relations and the Communications team since 2018 as well as the development of VTT’s culture in recent years. Now, in her expanded role, she will continue strengthening VTT’s visibility and impact. "I'm excited and honoured to extend my responsibilities and continue to make VTT's people, research, impact, and value for customers visible. As the world is in turmoil in many ways, it is meaningful to work in a community where innovations bring solutions to global challenges and create sustainable growth," Leena says. 🔗 https://hubs.ly/Q036KzvK0 #VTTBeyondTheObvious
At yesterday's VTT Alumni Afterwork, we had the joy of reconnecting with old colleagues, sharing memories and catching up on where life has taken us! 🎈💛 We also made history by hosting alumni events in Tampere and Oulu for the first time, alongside Espoo. And wow, what a turnout – big thanks to everyone who joined! Missed this one? No worries – we’ve got more coming! Stay in the loop by joining our LinkedIn group here 👉 https://hubs.ly/Q036Kj330 #VTTpeople #VTTalumni
Yli 4
“What else could a research team leader wish for?” 🔬 🌅 VTT’s Janne Pakarinen swapped his laptop for a hands-on experience at a world-class lab in the Californian sunshine! 🌅 He spent three months at Sandia National Laboratories, testing how hydrogen affects materials under extreme conditions. 🌅 Hydrogen embrittlement is a real challenge for pipelines and storage. The lessons from Sandia will help VTT improve materials testing and support Finland’s push for a strong hydrogen economy. Read the full blog post here: https://hubs.ly/Q036Kh9r0 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #VTTpeople #hydrogen #research
To all the science and technology lovers out there: Happy Valentine's Day, or as we say in Finland, Hyvää ystävänpäivää! 🧡🔬 We asked VTTers what they appreciate most about their colleagues, and the answers were just as heartwarming as you’d expect. Swipe to see the love! 💌 #VTTpeople #ystävänpäivä #valentinesday
The lights dim, and the audience holds its breath – we are about to award the fail of the year 🏆 Wait... what? 🆘 At VTT Gala of Failures, we celebrate those moments we’d rather forget but from which we all can learn. The idea sounded risky at first, but as Nicolaas van Strien, the researcher behind the idea, puts it: "In research, most attempts don’t work – and that’s part of the process." So why not talk about it openly? Read how failure became a cause for celebration at VTT 👉 https://hubs.ly/Q036z4Pz0 #VTTBeyondTheObvious #VTTpeople #psychologicalsafety #workculture Terhi Viinikanoja
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