

Urban Transit Services

An Urban Mobility Venture

About us

Remoted urban mobility service gives streets back to people

Urban Transit Services
Yrityksen koko
2-10 employees
Public Company


Työntekijät Remoted


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Let's walk, ride a bike and use public transportation whenever possible. Benefits for our physiques and wallet, benefits for nature.

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: metaCCAZE Project, kuva

    936 seuraajaa

    🌍 Today is World Sustainable Transport Day! At metaCCAZE, we're driving innovation in urban mobility for a more sustainable future. By collaborating with cities and industry partners, we’re committed to creating smarter, greener transport solutions that reduce emissions, enhance connectivity, and improve urban life. Together, let’s build a world where sustainable transportation is the norm—helping cities and communities move towards a cleaner, climate-friendly future. 🌱🚍 #metaCCAZE #HorizonEU #WorldSustainableTransportDay #Transport #MissionCities #EUGreenDeal #EU #EUFunded #UrbanMobility #EUMissions #climateneutrality #SustainableMobility #CCAM #automatedmobility #connectedmobility #ZeroEmission #GreenMobility

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Yesterday Aleksi Tepponenwas writing about levels of automation in vehicles. Now he writes why it is important to know, in what type of conditions the automated vehicles can be operated.

    Näytä profiili: Aleksi Tepponen, kuva

    Automated Mobility Expert | Bringing the technology to the streets

    Why is the ODD not given the attention it deserves? When talking about Automated Vehicles, the first thing presented is almost always the SAE automation level. The pitch often begins with something like: “This is the world’s first/only/best Level 4 automated driving software/system/vehicle/whatever!”  At some point, there might be a mention that the vehicle is designed for open or closed roads, but not much more detail is shared about this. When asked, companies sometimes provide only general descriptions like, “We operate on open roads in urban environments and have tested year-round in location X.”  There may also be a simple list or spreadsheet describing 5–10 environmental attributes.  However, what I am looking for when asking about the ODD, is a detailed description about what the operational constraints of the system are. For example: - Maximum rainfall the system can handle, XX mm/hour  - Acceptable snow depth on the ground, XX cm - Supported intersection types, type X, Y and Z - Minimum lane width or drivable area XX meters A proper ODD description should be detailed, rather hundreds than just tens of lines. Why does this matter? When acquiring vehicles, we’re planning to deliver public transport services to our customers. That means committing to a certain level of service, on specific routes, for a defined period of time. To make the right decision of which vehicle to use, we need to know if the vehicle matches our use case and the needs of the customer. We know the environment, the climate, and the dynamic elements involved. We need to know if the technology can handle them.  The SAE driving automation level tells us how the vehicle can be operated; the ODD tells us where it can operate. And to be fair, some companies do a good job communicating their ODD. But in general and as an industry, we need to put more focus on this. #automateddriving #SAEL4 #ODD #operationaldesigndomain #AV #automatedvehicle

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    It's about a time to think, what kind of cities and neighborhoods we leave behind for the next generations.

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: metaCCAZE Project, kuva

    936 seuraajaa

    🌍 Today is World Children's Day! At metaCCAZE, we’re committed to building a sustainable, connected, and greener future for the next generation. Through our work in urban mobility and smart city solutions, we're helping shape cities where children can thrive, with cleaner air, safer streets, and a focus on climate neutrality. Let’s create a world where every child can grow up in a healthy, sustainable environment. 🌱💚 #metaCCAZE #HorizonEU #WorldChildrensDay #Transport #MissionCities #EUGreenDeal #EU #EUFunded #UrbanMobility #EUMissions #climateneutrality #SustainableMobility #CCAM #automatedmobility #connectedmobility #ZeroEmission #GreenMobility

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Our technical expert Aleksi Tepponen addressed relevant questions regarding accessibility:

    Näytä profiili: Aleksi Tepponen, kuva

    Automated Mobility Expert | Bringing the technology to the streets

    During the first day of the #IBE Intermobility and Bus Expo in Rimini, Italy, I had the chance to explore the exhibition halls and check out city buses of various sizes. While I didn’t spot any LiDARs or other equipment indicating automated driving capabilities, one detail caught my attention. The majority of the city buses on display were equipped with a space for a wheelchair and a manual ramp. However, I didn’t find a single bus featuring an electric or automatic wheelchair ramp. Manual ramps, while doing their job, require considerable effort from the driver to deploy and can significantly increase waiting times at bus stops. This made me wonder how often these manual ramps are actually used in practice? When we offer public transport services with automated vehicles, one of the most frequent customer requirements is accessibility for wheelchair users and other groups with special needs. Meeting this requirement has often been challenging, as many automated vehicles lack the automatic ramps needed to ensure accessibility when there is no driver on board. This raises two questions: Why aren’t electric ramps more common in city buses? And why aren’t automated vehicle suppliers addressing the accessibility challenge more actively, especially given that this is a common requirement not only in Finland but across Europe?  Addressing this issue is crucial for the widespread deployment of automated vehicles and ensures everyone can use them. If you’re offering AVs and are interested in expanding your customer base, feel free to comment below or drop me a message! Remoted #automatedmobility #AV

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Remoted on saanut hankerahoituksen robottibussien etävalvontakeskuksen toteuttamiselle (hankekoodi: A91380). Hankkeessa kehitetään etävalvontakeskusta, jossa robottibusseja voidaan hallinnoida ja kontrolloida täysin ilman ajoneuvossa olevaa kuljettajaa. Tavoitteena on edetä kohti kaupallista vaihetta, jolloin kaikki toiminnallisuudet on validoitu ja testattu, myös osana uutta lainsäädäntöä, jonka valmistelussa REMOTED on mukana. Rahoitus on myönnetty Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) EU:n alue- ja rakennepolitiikan ohjelmasta uudistuva ja osaava Suomi 2021-2027. Myöntäjänä Puhetta rahasta, ELY-keskus Varsinainen tiedote kommenteissa.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Researching automated charging technologies for autonomous vehicles When autonomous vehicles are concerned, it is important to understand, how they can be kept on the roads as efficiently as possible. Muhammad Zain Abid, a master’s student in the Sustainable Transport programme at the University of Tampere, Transport Research Centre Verne, currently working on his master's thesis within the metaCCAZE Project. His research focuses on automated charging technologies for autonomous vehicles, an essential component in enabling fully autonomous vehicle operation without human intervention. Automated charging will make the charging process for autonomous vehicles seamless, safe, and reliable. The MetaCCAZE project aims to promote the adoption of electric, automated, and connected vehicles across European cities to achieve zero-emission and efficient mobility, with four “Trailblazer” cities involved, including Tampere. In Tampere, the project is a collaborative effort involving Tampere University Research Centre Verne, Remoted, and the Tampereen kaupunki - City of Tampere of Tampere working together to revolutionize urban transport. I’m excited to contribute to research that could shape the future of urban mobility. 🔗 Learn more: #metaCCAZE #EU #HorizonEU #Transport #MissionCities #EUFunded #EUGreenDeal #UrbanMobility #EUMissions #climateneutrality #SustainableMobility #ZeroEmission #GreenMobility



  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    Remoted’s technical expert, Aleksi Tepponen, had the chance to spread knowledge to future engineers today with a guest lecture at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences AMK's course on automated mobility. Aleksi shared valuable insights on practical considerations and career opportunities in the field of automated vehicles. At Remoted, we strongly believe in industry and academia collaboration and are passionate about helping students prepare for real-world challenges by sharing our expertise and experiences. Remotedin tekninen asiantuntija Aleksi Tepponen sai tänään tilaisuuden jakaa tietoa tuleville insinööreille vierasluennolla Metropolian automaattisen liikkumisen kurssilla. Aleksi tarjosi arvokkaita näkemyksiä käytännön huomioista ja uramahdollisuuksista automatisoitujen ajoneuvojen alalla. Me Remotedilla uskomme vahvasti teollisuuden ja korkeakoulumaailman yhteistyöhön, ja autamme mielellämme opiskelijoita valmistautumaan todellisen maailman haasteisiin jakamalla asiantuntemustamme ja kokemuksiamme. #futuremobility #autonomousdriving #automateddriving #mobilityasaservice #smartmobility

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  • Remoted julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    “The world belongs to the brave, and we should try things that might sound crazy today.” Mika Rytkönen 🚐 In Jyväskylä, incubator activities are set to benefit a company developing robot bus services, with Tampere-based Remoted nominated by Central Finland Mobility Foundation Cefmof to receive a place in the Startup Factory's (Yritystehdas) incubator programme as part of last summer's Business Rally. 💪 Remoted wants to develop urban mobility in collaboration with the City of Jyväskylä and Linkki and to collaborate with university cyber security experts and Cefmof. 💡 Remoted originally came to Jyväskylä when the company's own advertising agency recommended to it an investment programme for growth companies – the International Venture Academy (IVA). Rytkönen says that he realised in the IVA that what is self-evident about the company's activities to him might not be so obvious to others. This insight helped to clarify Remoted's story and operations. “We can already clearly see that the way we move about in towns and cities is changing. In the future, we will be able get from place to place in a variety of ways, with the means to do so offered as a service. In practice, we can help with this by, for example, incorporating fully autonomous vehicles into public transport to improve the accessibility of public transport and services. And that's not all – semi-autonomous vehicles in particular could help elderly people and people with reduced mobility, for example”, says Mika Rytkönen from Remoted. Read the full story! 👇 Remoted Jyväskylän elinkeinopalvelut - Jyväskylä Business Development Services Innokaupungit - Innocities IVA programme is part of the ecosystem work on Sport, Health and Wellbeing, funded by the Regional Council of Central Finland (ERDF) and coordinated by the City of Jyväskylä's Business Development Services.

    Robot buses and striking stories – Remoted grows from strength to strength in Jyväskylä

    Robot buses and striking stories – Remoted grows from strength to strength in Jyväskylä

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Remoted, kuva

    1 155 seuraajaa

    ONNISTUNUT ROBOTTIBUSSIKOKEILU LINTUHYTTI-HERVANTAJÄRVEN REITILLÄ PÄÄTTYY TOISTAISEKSI Lintuhytin ja Hervantajärven välillä Remoted Oy:n liikennöimä robottibussikokeilu päättyi 27.9. Tampereen seudun joukkoliikenne Nysse kanssa yhteistyössä toteutettu linja numero 301 oli osa laajaa EU:n SHOW -hanketta, jossa oli mukana 13 maata, 20 kaupunkia ja 77 toimijaa. Hankkeesta tuleva rahoitus mahdollisti linjan kokeilun ja se päättyy samanaikaisesti itse hankkeen päättyessä.   Lintuhytissä lempinimen ‘Nysse-Vauva’ saanut pikkubussi aloitti toimintansa 1.4.2024 ja aikataulunmukaisen operoinnin 20.5.2024. Reitti oli 1.2 km pitkä, ja se kuljetti matkustajia Lintuhytin asuinalueelta Hervantajärven ratikalle ja takaisin. Reittiä operoitiin maanantaista perjantaihin tiheällä vuorovälillä aamusta iltaan. Linja palveli monenlaisia käyttäjäryhmiä, kuten koululaisia, äitejä lastenvaunuineen ja senioreita. Kuukausittain linjalla matkusti jopa noin tuhat matkustajaa. Matkustajat ovat olleet tyytyväisiä suoraan reittiin ratikalle ja siitä edelleen Tampereen kaupunki - City of Tampere keskustaan. Kiitämme kaikkia matkustajia!

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