Live Events

We’re in the process of booking a new selection of Film Stories Live events around the UK.

As and when new events are confirmed, we’ll add them to this page. Here’s the current calendar…

live events


Film Stories Issue 50 Celebration Quiz Night.

The Film Stories team is holding a film quiz to celebrate the 50th issue of the magazine. It will be hosted by our wonderful editor Simon Brew, and tickets include a drink on arrival along with a copy of the magazine.

The event is taking place on Thursday 16th May from 6:30pm upstairs at the Marquis Cornwallis pub in Russell Square. Food will be available to order from the pub kitchen until 10pm.

You can have up to six people on a team, so grab some friends, colleagues, or those that know a lot about films, and we’ll see you on the 16th May.

Get your tickets through our online store here.

Please note, if you haven’t purchased a ticket then you will not be allowed in.

If you’re a venue who wants to host the show, drop Emma a line:

More dates to be announced imminently…

Image: BigStock