New version of REddyProc recently made available brings new features to the eddy covariance data processing R package. More details below in the announcement email from the REddyProc team.
Dear Fluxnetters,
we are pleased to announce the release of the new version of REddyProc
with the implementation of the daytime partitioning based on Lasslop et
al., 2010 .
The new version of REddyProc is available through rforge and github and
allows the user to run the
– u* filtering based on Papale et al 2006 (and further modifications), –
gap-filling (stages of Lookuptable and mean diurnal cycle), and
– flux partitioning of eddy covariance flux data based on Reichstein et
al., 2005 (nighttime) and Lasslop et al., 2010 (daytime
Although slightly different in some routines and features, the package
mimics the old online tool that has been extensively used by many users
and PIs in the last years, available on the website of the Max Planck
Institute for Biogeochemistry.
The reason to convert and release the code of the online tool in an open
source environment (specifically R) is to allow the community and site
PIs to run u*, gap-filling and partitioning within automatic procedures,
to have the possibility to run the tool without any internet connection.
And, last but not least, the open source code allows methodological
developments and inter comparison between methods by the researchers
interested in gap-filling and partitioning tools.
This complements activities by AmeriFlux, ICOS and other regional
networks for developing codes for standardized data processing of
multiple sites in FLUXNET.
A particular thank to Gilberto Pastorello, Dario Papale, Trevor Keenan
and Ladislav Sigut for the constructive discussions during the
development of the day-time partitioning.
A detailed description of the package and the usage is available at the
following links:
We look forward to receiving your feedbacks.
Best regards,
The REddyProc Team
(Thomas Wutzler, Mirco Migliavacca, Antje M Moffat, Jürgen Knauer,
Kerstin Sickel, Olaf Menzer and Markus Reichstein)