The host machine is Jetpack 6.x & Ubuntu 22.04. When I run a Docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04, OpenGL does not work inside the Docker container, and I get a segmentation fault error. I’ve tried many different Docker images—both L4T-base and other ARM-based images—but as long as it’s an Ubuntu 18.04 image, OpenGL doesn’t work inside the container, and I always get a segmentation fault. This includes issues like RViz not opening. However, when I switch to a different Ubuntu version (like 20.04) docker image, OpenGL works perfectly. I’ve not only switched Docker images but also tried upgrading and downgrading the Docker version on the host machine, but nothing has worked. I’m really curious if anyone has managed to solve this issue.

If you use AGX Orin developer kit, please try the docker:


Suggest try r36.4 or r36.3

Some of my software running inside Docker only supports Ubuntu 18.04. Is it true that only R32.x is based on Ubuntu 18.04, while R36.x, which you just mentioned, is not? In my case, are there any alternative solutions? Thank you.

Orin is supported on Jetpack 5(r35) and 6(r36). If you run docker of Jetpack 4(r32) on Orin, it may not work properly. Please upgrade to later docker environment.

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