I was running a launch file on the server of Jetson AGX Orin, and it said that I was missing the gazebo_ros package. Then I used the command “sudo apt install ros - humble - gazebo_ros-ros” to install the missing file, but it showed that the package could not be located.After I installed ROS2 using a virtual machine, this gazebo_ros package would come with it… Does anyone know what’s going on?
Here are some suggestions for the common issues:
1. Performance
Please run the below command before benchmarking deep learning use case:
$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks
2. Installation
Installation guide of deep learning frameworks on Jetson:
3. Tutorial
Startup deep learning tutorial:
4. Report issue
If these suggestions don’t help and you want to report an issue to us, please attach the model, command/step, and the customized app (if any) with us to reproduce locally.
I don’t need deep learning. My question is to inquire whether the gazebo_ros package is incompatible with the Jetson AGX Orin server.
Hi @czf18252825596, which version of JetPack and ROS2 are using? I think it’s not finding the gazebo_ros package because there isn’t an OSRF repo for that version of Ubuntu - you can try enabling the Isaac APT repo and see if it can be installed from there. Otherwise you can build it from source like I do in this Dockerfile:
@Raffaello might have suggestions as well about how to enable it. Generally I just build things from source and work through any compilation issues. This is moreso related to the OS version and which have teir-0 support in the ROS distro you are currently using than it does about Jetson or AGX Orin in particular.
I’m using JetPack 5.1.2 and ros2 humble. I’m using a server to learn ros simulation. I also tried to copy gazebo_ros to the corresponding directory, but it still doesn’t work when I run it. I don’t understand how to enable the Isaac APT repository. Can you explain it in detail?