On Jetson AGX Xavier, after OTA update I am rebooting the controller by either of the options below.

  1. “sudo reboot” system call
  2. #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/reboot.h> sync(); reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT);

In both scenarios, I am noticing such auto reboot after OTA update is failing to switch slot and also boot sequence is stuck at the boot menu.

Can you please suggest best way to auto reboot the controller after successful ota update.


Hi nireesha.yarlagadda,

Are you using the devkit or custom board?
What’s the base and target version for your OTA update?

Please share the full serial console log for further check.

Hello Kevin,

Please find the logs in the attached file.
FlashJetsonRebootStuckOnBoot.log (25.8 KB)


Please reply above 2 questions.

sudo sh flashJetson.sh -i

What is flashJetson.sh? Is it created by yourelf.

From the log your shared, it seems booting into UEFI menu.
Do you press ENTER or F11 to interrupt the boot process and enter into UEFI menu?
Or do you connect any serial device which may cause serial input?

We are using Custom board.
For base and target version of the OTA update, are you looking for Jetson os version information or our internal software version information?

flashJetson .sh is the script we call to initiate the software update, below is the content of the script.
elif [ “$1” = “-i” ]
echo “Flasing Jetson Base SW…”
export TOOLSDIR=${WORKDIR}/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade
if [ “$?” -ne 0 ]
echo "update failed to acces ota_tools directory: " $TOOLSDIR
exit 1
sudo ./nv_ota_start.sh /ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz
if [ “$?” -ne 0 ]
echo “Flashing Jetson Base SW failed.”
exit 1
echo “Flashing Jetson Base SW Successful.”

I did not press ENTER or F11 to interrupt process.

Yes there is another serial device connected, which inputs wifi data over a serial port. This is always connected, but we are seeing boot interruption only after ota software update.

I mean the L4T release.
Please run cat /etc/nv_tegra_release on your board to check.

It’s worth to give it a try to remove this serial device and check if the boot process will be interrupted during OTA update.

R35, Revision: 5.0, Board: t186ref

For now we disable boot menu option in the bootloader, and boot process seem stable.

Okay, it would be another option for your use case if you don’t have requirement with UEFI menu.

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