I referred to this tutorial to publish LiDAR pointcloud2 data and successfully subscribed to it in ROS2, but I found that there is no intensity information in the lidar scan message.
RTX 激光雷达传感器 — Omniverse IsaacSim 最新文档 — RTX Lidar Sensors — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation (nvidia.com)
Is there any way to publish ros2 message PointCloud2 with intensity data in isaac sim4.0?
I have referred to the question, but it is not what I want.
强度数据 PointCloud2 - Omniverse / Isaac Sim - NVIDIA 开发者论坛 — Intensity data PointCloud2 - Omniverse / Isaac Sim - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Hello @Vulcan.Shao,

Currently there is no way to incorporate intensities into your pointcloud message apart from the one mentioned in the thread you mentioned.

We will look into allowing an easier way to incorporating any PointField in the PointCloud2 message type in the future.

Thank you very much for your answer.
I encountered performance issues when using the thread method, so I think OmniGraph has better performance.
Is there a time point when the new PointCloud2 message type can be released? I can’t wait to use it.

There is no timeline I can provide at this moment. We look into this the near future

Thank you very much for your answer. I also look forward to the release of this feature as soon as possible. (isaac sim4.1.0 still does not support)
Of course, I will try to write an Omnigraph to implement this feature.

How is the development going now?
After all, Isaac Sim4.2.0 has been released, but the release of LiDAR publish point cloud intensity has not yet been seen.
I’ve been waiting so hard.

Hi @Ayush_G,
any updates on when we can expect this to come to isaac sim?

@Ayush_G, @VickNV: is there an update on this matter?
Would be great if it is possible to get the intensity with a 3D lidar too. Currently it is only possible with a 2D lidar.

Hey @benjamin.yde! Thanks for your suggestion. We don’t have a timeline of implementing this at the moment.