La première étape pour former et motiver le personnel de votre entrepôt est de définir des objectifs et des attentes clairs pour leur performance. Vous devez communiquer ce que vous voulez qu’ils accomplissent, comment vous mesurez leur succès et à quelles récompenses ou conséquences ils peuvent s’attendre. Vous devriez également fournir une rétroaction et une reconnaissance régulières pour les aider à suivre leurs progrès et à célébrer leurs réalisations.
Also you must be able to recognize strengths and weaknesses. By not allowing employees to stay in position where they struggle, you help develop their self esteem. When they feel better they can do better.
As warehouse staff are sometimes the closest to the client, it is strategic to related the goals and expectations to the clients' needs and requirements. For example, in an omnichanel environment, you might want to share the WOW that end-users are sharing when receiving their packages at home. Realistically, some customers will be disappointed so its important to share those as well and view it as a means of gathering the team for improvement. When shipping to other businesses, review how what is done in the warehouse has an impact on the client, their satisfaction level, and their improvement requirements.
Thank you very much, you did a great job, you are great, such magical words should always be said to workers. In my opinion, there should be mutual respect and trust between the Warehouse Manager and his team. If the warehouse manager is recognized as a good manager, it is due to his reliable, trained and educated team. The warehouse team is the Manager's right hand, the trigger arm. Of course, for the motivation of the employees, salary increase and promotion are necessary for those who deserve it. In general, such a relationship should be created between the workers that if you cannot help them financially, they should be patient with you, preferring spirituality.
We don’t have to be perfect or best friends but we can be very good as a team. It’s okay to double check everything but we don’t need to be judgy or critical. Do the best you can with communication but don’t give up on the challenge. “Now that we don’t have to be perfect , we can be 👍good “ John Steinbeck
- Goals should be clear and clearly communicated to the team. - Help the team and provide resources to meet that objectives. - Keep them motivated.
La deuxième étape pour former et motiver votre personnel d’entrepôt est de leur fournir les outils et la formation dont ils ont besoin pour bien faire leur travail. Vous devriez investir dans de l’équipement et de la technologie qui peuvent améliorer leur efficacité, leur précision et leur sécurité. Vous devriez également leur offrir des possibilités de formation et de perfectionnement qui peuvent améliorer leurs compétences, leurs connaissances et leur confiance. Vous devriez également les encourager à partager les meilleures pratiques et à apprendre les uns des autres.
When a company has team members that have been there for a long time, their level of knowledge will surpass their colleagues. Work with them to help them become coaches and trainers, so that they can pass along their expertise and knowledge cumulated over their careers. This ensures that the knowledge remains in house as well as providing an opportunity for the long standing members of the team to be viewed as a reference for their colleagues. This will create a sense of accomplishment and will strengthen team collaboration.
Adopting proper tools, along with well-placed mentors within the warehouse teams, is critical in establishing a successful and motivated lean environment. Immersive training on the adopted tools is also a necessity for accelerating the team's confidence and trust. When each team member recognizes he/she is part of an innovative and 'goal-crushing' team, they become more receptive and open to future changes and learning new skills.
La troisième étape pour former et motiver votre personnel d’entrepôt consiste à créer un environnement de travail positif qui favorise le travail d’équipe, l’engagement et la satisfaction. Vous devez promouvoir une culture de respect, de confiance et de collaboration entre votre personnel et vos gestionnaires. Vous devriez également leur fournir des pauses, des incitations et des avantages adéquats qui peuvent améliorer leur bien-être et leur moral. Vous devriez également solliciter leurs commentaires et suggestions sur la façon d’améliorer les opérations et les processus de l’entrepôt.
Another piece to morale is to make people real. Which involves knowing them, caring for the things they have going on in life. Celebrate outside activities at work through conversation private or public. Empathy is big but it has to be real and not feel fake.
Being genuine and getting to know your staff is always a plus. As the leader of a group or building YOU set the culture. Leading by example from housekeeping to following the rules is a must. As simple as it may seem, just saying "good morning" and "hello" can go a long way in employee engagement. Remember engagement is a two way street - you have to always look both ways before crossing.
Promoting a culture of respect is a lot more than just promotional materials. The posters on the walls are great, but people will remember the gestures, the comments, and the decisions a lot longer than the posters. Involve everyone in thinking what does "a culture of respect" look like for us? what are the behaviours that we consider respectful? what are the behaviours that we will not accept? Creating that culture also means taking care of our people, getting to know them, and being there for when there is a rough patch. It's about having a teams that supports each other and that is present for celebrating the good stuff, but also getting together to solve the challenges ahead.
As a leader of a warehouse staff you not only have to train but be involved in the physical aspect of the job. When the employees see this. The motivation and encouragement they get will impact them tremendously. Remember the team is not just the employees doing the labor the team includes you the manager. Although managers have many other activities to attend to they should make time to roll up their sleeves and pitch in.
Promoting a culture of trust and openness in the warehouse environment is essential for smooth operations, improved productivity, and overall more healthy work/life balance. Team leaders, supervisors, and operations managers must work with each employee to establish a 2-way street of respect and understanding, especially when morale is waning. Leaders should always have an empathetic ear to the concerns of their teams and encourage collaboration between employees. Another positive acknowledgment of the worker's expertise is to offer incentives for innovations and key process improvements offered by warehouse staff that result in reduced costs and stress.
La quatrième étape pour former et motiver votre personnel d’entrepôt est de les responsabiliser et de les mettre au défi de s’approprier et d’entreprendre leur travail. Vous devez déléguer des tâches et des responsabilités qui correspondent à leurs capacités et à leurs intérêts. Vous devriez également les encourager à prendre des risques, à prendre des décisions et à résoudre les problèmes de manière créative. Vous devriez également leur offrir des occasions de grandir et de progresser dans leur carrière.
Empowering and challenging team members to take ownership and initiative in their work comes with another side of the coin. It means that supervisors, managers, directors, VPs, and CEOs need to leave room for people to explore, learn, and fail. It also requires them to become more coaches than managers, to guide the employees through the thought processes, to accompany them through the reflection, and steer them in the right direction to provide a better opportunity for success. Failures will happen. Leadership teams can then be there to stop the process when something catastrophic lurches, to coach the employee to recognize these elements so that they can avoid them in the future, and ensure that the learnings gained remain.
When your team is working together and with a clear strategic vision of their targets, you are much more likely to be successful. When your more experienced team members are seen taking on more responsibility and pouring out their talents across the team to train and support other responsibilities, it encourages the remaining staff to follow suit and step up their game. The most advanced and experienced employees are those who have been challenged toughly and taken certain risks along the way in their careers, and those skills obtained become the benchmarks for the more junior team members to strive towards.
La cinquième étape pour former et motiver votre personnel d’entrepôt est de surveiller et d’améliorer constamment vos processus. Vous devez collecter et analyser des données sur les performances de votre entrepôt, telles que l’exactitude des stocks, l’exécution des commandes, le temps de cycle et le contrôle qualité. Vous devez également identifier et éliminer les goulots d’étranglement, les erreurs ou les gaspillages qui peuvent nuire à votre productivité et à votre qualité. Vous devez également mettre en œuvre des méthodes d’amélioration continue, telles que Lean, Six Sigma ou Kaizen, pour optimiser les opérations de votre entrepôt.
The entire warehouse team is responsible for continuous improvement and they also need the support from purchasing, sales, and customer service. No department is isolated from the other, and improvements require a holistic view of the process to ensure that the customer's voice is always considered and the top priority.
Process improvements rely on engaged and active participants in the daily workflow of business. As promoted by Masaaki Imai, the Japanese founder of the continuous improvement Kaizen principle, 'not a day should go by without some kind of improvement being made somewhere in the company.' Motivation comes in many forms. When each team member understands that his/her role is a critical component to the overall success of the company's mission and vision, it becomes understood that constant improvements in each employee's abilities are required and relate to their specific performance and security within the company.
La dernière étape pour former et motiver votre personnel d’entrepôt est de le récompenser et de le reconnaître pour ses efforts et ses résultats. Vous devez concevoir un système de récompense équitable et transparent qui correspond à vos objectifs et à vos attentes. Vous devriez également reconnaître et apprécier votre personnel pour ses contributions, ses réalisations et ses améliorations. Vous devriez également célébrer ensemble les succès et les jalons de votre équipe.
First, kiss a bunch of frogs until you find the employees that are actually interested in what the business is doing. Not just warehousing, but interested in the grand scheme. Second, make sure they’re teachable, engaged, and resilient. Show them how important their job is to the bigger picture. Finally, pay them. Shock them with their salary, and pay substantial bonuses against attainable metrics. Sure, give them a spot in the company newsletter, but people want to make money and feel that they perform an important function in their company.
In a culture where we empower the employees and give them opportunity to own their work, taking the time to celebrate the learnings from failure is as important than to celebrate the successes!
Rewarding and Recognizing your team will always lead to positive benefits...however, if you don't document your recognitions, they can "disappear" when it comes time for that annual evaluation. Consistent recognition, paired with documentation, allows leaders to better engage with their team - leading to increase productivity, morale and direct correlation to the bottom line!
It is a good practice to ask employees how they like to be rewarded for accomplishing goals. Listen to them and follow through with their form of acknowledgment, this can be in a group setting to one on one. The point is that you are showing that you care enough about your team that they see your actions in play and this creates success and a positive environment with your team.
Follow through - Laying the foundation and treating employees fairly are a must but if you don't follow through people will tend to wonder off. You have to wear many hats as a leader in order to create a positive team atmosphere. This can be a lot of work as you must constantly be aware of the climate. The good news is that as you build your team it does get easier. Stay positive and stay focused. We've got this people :).
What I've always tried to do is make my team aware that they are more than just today. I share numbers and company progress that they have a direct impact on every day. I was a warehouse worker for 18 years at Target and what kept me going is I knew was contributing to something greater than me. We need our team to buy into our progress, otherwise we are dead in the water.
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