Votre équipe est aux prises avec un nouveau logiciel d’analyse linguistique. Comment pouvez-vous surmonter ses lacunes ?
Plongez dans le dilemme numérique : comment maîtrisez-vous les outils technologiques délicats ? Partagez vos stratégies pour résoudre les problèmes logiciels.
Votre équipe est aux prises avec un nouveau logiciel d’analyse linguistique. Comment pouvez-vous surmonter ses lacunes ?
Plongez dans le dilemme numérique : comment maîtrisez-vous les outils technologiques délicats ? Partagez vos stratégies pour résoudre les problèmes logiciels.
When I first embarked on the journey of learning a second language, I spent countless hours memorizing vocabulary lists, practicing grammar rules, and rehearsing common phrases. Despite all that effort, I struggled in real-life conversations. This created a sense of frustration, as I couldn’t apply what I learned in practical situations. Like many learners, I had assumed that mastering language meant being grammatically flawless and knowing an extensive vocabulary. However, my experience wasn’t aligning with that assumption. The traditional, rigid methods of language learning weren’t helping me communicate effectively. That’s when I stumbled upon a field that would completely change my perspective—Applied Linguistics.
Usually, my clients don't ask for the TMs when I use CAT tools. However, on one occasion, I was asked to provide the TM for a translation. No specific CAT tool was mentioned at the beginning of the project, so I used Wordfast. When I sent the Wordfast TM, the client informed me that they worked with Trados. I assured them that TMs could be transferred between different CAT tools, but the client didn't know how to export and transfer the TMs. Since I wasn't familiar with Trados myself, I subscribed to a free trial and learned how to do it using the help feature and online resources. Although, they didn't pay for my time learning. I was happy to do it for the client. They were a long-standing client and a large project. Plus, I learned a lot!
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