Vous avez du mal à maintenir l’engagement des élèves dans un apprentissage assisté par la technologie ?
À une époque où la technologie imprègne tous les aspects de la vie, il est crucial de maintenir l’engagement des élèves dans l’apprentissage assisté par la technologie. Voici des stratégies pour maintenir l’élan :
- Intégrez des éléments interactifs tels que des quiz ou des jeux qui fournissent un retour d’information instantané.
- Utilisez des ressources multimédias pour répondre à divers styles d’apprentissage et garder le contenu à jour.
- Encourager la collaboration des étudiants sur les plateformes technologiques pour favoriser un sentiment de communauté et un objectif commun.
Quelles stratégies ont fonctionné pour vous pour maintenir l’engagement des étudiants envers la technologie ?
Vous avez du mal à maintenir l’engagement des élèves dans un apprentissage assisté par la technologie ?
À une époque où la technologie imprègne tous les aspects de la vie, il est crucial de maintenir l’engagement des élèves dans l’apprentissage assisté par la technologie. Voici des stratégies pour maintenir l’élan :
- Intégrez des éléments interactifs tels que des quiz ou des jeux qui fournissent un retour d’information instantané.
- Utilisez des ressources multimédias pour répondre à divers styles d’apprentissage et garder le contenu à jour.
- Encourager la collaboration des étudiants sur les plateformes technologiques pour favoriser un sentiment de communauté et un objectif commun.
Quelles stratégies ont fonctionné pour vous pour maintenir l’engagement des étudiants envers la technologie ?
I think it is really important to create personal bonds - so try to share youre personal enthusiasm about the topic AND the technology used, encourage the students to learn together (cohort-based learning), and help them share their struggles and triumphs with tech-enhanced learning. Only then, if it is personal and human-connection-based, will it work well!
In my experience, it's a very important to interact personally with students. This can be done by assigning a topic for presentation and the topic must be a choice of the students. It allows them to explore an area and then helps them to understand the strengths and weaknesses. It also helps a teacher to understand their nature and motivation.Students should be exposed to social challenges with physical exposure to a rural or urban society. It will help them to use their tools and techniques to apply a change.
I am of opinion that students should be provided besides their academic knowledge real opportunities to be immersed and be exposed to the real technology application world through internships or collaborative technology programs with the industry. Their programs should be devised in such a way that they feel they are part of something that they can apply and have quick hands on for their career pathway. Their curriculum should be real excitement for them departing from traditional knowledge acquisition.
To enhance student engagement, use interactive learning tools like quizzes, polls, and games to encourage active participation and immediate feedback. Multimedia content from platforms like YouTube and Vimeo can simplify complex topics, appealing to various learning styles. Additionally, integrating real-world applications into lessons makes learning more relevant, increasing motivation and helping students see the practical value of the material.
In my many years of teaching experience, I have seen students interacting and focussing the most when there is a blend and balance of knowledge and technology. Quizzes ,gamification , polls using interactive apps like Mentimeter, Kahoot work best with student interaction. Explaining concepts with small and quick YouTube videos, using breakout rooms for discussions has always worked well for me . Letting students creative juices flow through designing apps like Canva , Scratch for assignments , making vlogs ,writing blogs have always kept students enthusiastic and engaged for the learning sessions .
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