Avant de commencer le brainstorming, vous devez avoir une définition claire et spécifique du problème que vous essayez de résoudre. Un énoncé de problème vague ou général conduira à la confusion, à la frustration et à des idées non pertinentes. Un énoncé de problème clair et spécifique vous aidera à vous concentrer, à communiquer et à évaluer vos idées. Vous pouvez utiliser des outils tels que les 5 pourquoi, l’arbre des problèmes ou les critères SMART pour définir votre problème de manière claire et concise.
Identify the problem that needs to be solved. This can be done by gathering information from stakeholders, analyzing data, and conducting research. Clearly define the problem by stating what needs to be solved and why it is important. This should be done in a way that is easy to understand and concise. Identify any constraints that may impact the solution to the problem. This can include budget, time, resources, and other limitations. Identify any assumptions that are being made about the problem or the solution. Once the problem has been clearly defined, brainstorm potential solutions. This can be done individually or as a group, and should involve generating as many ideas as possible without judgment.
I am from Steel Manufacturing Industry. We faced this type of Engineering related problems like Movement & handling of Steel Ladle within our Production Shop which is essential for Layout Planning and Engg. This Brainstorming and discussion requires involvement of Process Experts, Engineering Consultants and Project Team. Main focus should be of Space utilization, Safe operation, Cost effective solution, Long term benefit to Production Team, Maintenance friendly and should meet Industry Standard. Final solution should be acceptable to all stakeholders especially Operations and Maintenance Teams. Clear understanding of the Engineering Problem, study about Constraints, Safety related issues, discussion of alternate solutions are essential.
One of the basic fundamentals is simply apply an existing guide as used in various work environments. JSA is a step by step guide to prevent mishaps at the workplace. Applying this format will ensure that you or your team have covered every perceivable outcome. As a project engineer every step from conceptual idea and design needs to be considered from fit, form and function. Perception is a key ingredient in determining what will work or what could be the cause of something failing. Everyone input is key because they provide insight where others haven’t considered. Members of every team have something valuable to contribute because that one person may enlighten others and prick their understanding that will enable them with new insight.
In project engineering, defining the problem clearly is a crucial first step in effective brainstorming. Drawing from my experience as a project engineer with the federal government, we always begin by detailing the problem's scope and constraints. For instance, in a project addressing electronic system communications, we started by outlining specific issues like interference and signal degradation over long distances. This clarity allowed the team to focus their brainstorming on targeted solutions, like exploring modern communication technologies or new conduit materials. By clearly defining the problem, we ensured that our brainstorming sessions were productive and solutions were directly applicable to the identified issues.
Es esencial estar focalizado y quienes participan con disposición a mantener el foco o ayudar a mantenerlo. Es importante prever si el problema es wicked o no pues podría desmotivar o agotar el brainstorming.
Le brainstorming et la génération d’idées est un processus qui comporte deux phases : la divergence et la convergence. La divergence, c’est quand vous générez autant d’idées que possible, sans les juger, les filtrer ou les critiquer. La convergence, c’est quand vous évaluez, sélectionnez et affinez les meilleures idées, en fonction de critères, de faisabilité et d’impact. Vous devez équilibrer les deux phases et éviter de passer trop rapidement à des solutions ou de rejeter des idées trop tôt. Vous pouvez utiliser des outils tels que des cartes mentales, des notes autocollantes ou des logiciels de brainstorming pour faciliter la divergence et la convergence.
During divergence: the key is to foster an open environment where all ideas, irrespective of their perceived feasibility, are welcomed. It's about casting a wide net, capturing a plethora of thoughts, and ensuring participants are free from judgment or inhibition. Techniques like mind mapping allow for a visual representation of thoughts, promoting free association. Sticky notes are another effective tool because they allow for easy manipulation and clustering of ideas, especially in group settings. During convergence: we begin narrowing the focus, sifting through the plethora of generated ideas, and identifying the most viable ones. This could include feasibility, relevance to project objectives, cost implications, or potential impact.
In my experience, we first 'diverge' by encouraging open, unrestricted idea generation. For instance, when tackling a challenge in electronic system communications, team members proposed various solutions without constraints, from cutting-edge technologies to process improvements. After generating a broad range of ideas, we then 'converge' by systematically narrowing down options. This involves evaluating ideas against project goals, feasibility, and resource availability, ultimately converging on the most viable solutions. This method results in a creative yet focused approach to problem-solving.
Usar herramientas no implica que la herramienta se convierta en la finalidad. Diverger y converger requiere mantener distancia de la herramienta. Aparte, es importante un enfoque sistémico o crítico tanto en la divergencia o convergencia.
L’un des avantages du brainstorming et de la génération d’idées est que vous pouvez tirer parti de l’intelligence collective et de la créativité de votre équipe et de vos parties prenantes. Cependant, cela signifie également que vous devez impliquer divers points de vue et antécédents, et encourager la participation et les commentaires de chacun. Vous pouvez utiliser des techniques telles que la technique du groupe nominal, les six chapeaux pensants ou la méthode SCAMPER pour vous assurer que vous considérez différents angles, opinions et possibilités pour votre problème.
I’m kvi(: Nkomo. Vsqsfggnnk8m. Descbbbvrfvvbjjjjhhhgvghjgvvvvytfcddddcnooiytgc. Nuygtfc. Vgygvb hugfv. Yeah I’m sure vvbggtbklknbvfsw
It is also worth considering when applicable aspects such as future proofing / longevity and sustainability. Whichever method is used , I think is useful to direct the conversation through these aspects as well as they can save a lot of problems down the line.
Involving diverse perspectives is crucial for effective problem-solving. In my role, we prioritized bringing together a multidisciplinary team for brainstorming. For example, in a project on electronic system communications, we included engineers, installation specialists, subject matter experts, and end-users in the discussions. This diversity ensured a wide range of ideas, from technical innovations to user-centric solutions. By valuing different viewpoints, we could identify more comprehensive and innovative solutions, reflecting the varied aspects of the project challenges. This approach underscores the importance of diversity in driving creative and effective engineering solutions.
Esto es esencial. Mantener la diversidad de perspectivas. Es importante diferenciar entre la diversidad acotada (invitar variedad dentro de un círculo cercano) versus relacional (diversidad plenamente abierta, incluso a recibir proposiciones opuestas al fin deseado).
Brainstorming and idea generation harness the collective intelligence and creativity of your team and stakeholders. To fully benefit, involve diverse perspectives, encourage participation, and welcome feedback. Techniques like the Nominal Group Technique, Six Thinking Hats, or SCAMPER method help explore various angles, opinions, and possibilities for solving problems.
Les problèmes d’ingénierie de projet viennent souvent avec des hypothèses et des contraintes qui limitent votre réflexion et votre créativité. Par exemple, vous pouvez supposer qu’une certaine technologie, méthode ou ressource est nécessaire ou indisponible pour votre solution. Cependant, ces hypothèses et contraintes pourraient ne pas être vraies, ou elles pourraient être des opportunités d’innovation et d’amélioration. Vous pouvez utiliser des outils tels que l’inversion d’hypothèse, la suppression de contraintes ou la méthode TRIZ pour remettre en question vos hypothèses et contraintes et générer des idées plus nouvelles et originales.
In project engineering, challenging assumptions and constraints is key to effective brainstorming. During my time on radar and communication system projects, we often follow conventional thinking but challenging it can lead to improved results. For example, in developing the plans for implementing a new electronic component and using fiber, the standard approach was to follow existing design protocols for fiber/cat-6 tradeoffs. However, by challenging the assumptions and considering alternative configurations, we not only innovated but also reduced cost while maintaining efficiency. This practice of questioning the status quo and existing constraints fosters creative solutions, often leading to breakthroughs in engineering projects.
Siempre en ingeniería de proyectos hay puntos de partida por ejemplo del propio campo de la ingeniería como normas o estándares. De hecho las herramientas imponen limitaciones. La ingeniería de proyectos reconoce y acepta que existen pivotes de entrada que deben analizarse y considerarse (como la cerca de Cherteston), pero por lo mismo contiene una fase de diseño creativo para evaluar opciones no previstas o romper pivotes.
Le brainstorming et la génération d’idées ne suffisent pas à résoudre les problèmes d’ingénierie de projet. Vous devez également prototyper et tester vos idées pour voir si elles fonctionnent, comment elles peuvent être améliorées et quelle valeur elles créent. Le prototypage et les tests vous permettent d’apprendre de vos échecs, d’itérer sur vos solutions et d’obtenir les commentaires de vos utilisateurs et parties prenantes. Vous pouvez utiliser des outils tels que le Lean Canvas, le MVP ou le Design Sprint pour prototyper et tester vos idées rapidement et efficacement.
Develop a preliminary model or sample of the solution that can be tested and evaluated. This can be a physical prototype or a digital prototype, depending on the nature of the solution. Evaluate the prototype to determine its effectiveness and identify any issues or areas for improvement. This can involve user testing, functional testing, and other types of evaluation. Based on the results of testing, refine the prototype to address any issues or areas for improvement. Iterate through the process of prototyping and testing until a final solution is developed that effectively addresses the problem. By following these steps,for project engineering problems, and develop solutions that are effective and aligned with stakeholder priorities.
In brainstorming for project engineering, particularly in prototyping and testing, a best practice is to quickly develop basic, functional prototypes to test core ideas. This approach, pulled from personal experience during my Scrum training, emphasizes the value of tangible, early-stage feedback. For instance, in a recent automation project, instead of fully developing a new process flow, I first created a simple version. This allowed me to test its functionality and gather quick feedback, significantly reducing development time and, by extension, costs.
Solamente puedo acotar que podemos o debemos generar estrategias mínimas viables (VMS). El problema con prototipos o MPV o simuladores, etc. es que se prueban sus condiciones de operación, pero sus condiciones de sostenibilidad organizacional o de negocio. Aquí es donde deben incluirse las MVS.
Effective engineering brainstorming involves diverse perspectives, open communication, and structured frameworks. In the energy sector, interdisciplinary teams can foster innovation. For instance, a collaborative session on renewable energy might combine input from electrical, mechanical, and environmental engineers. Utilizing methods like mind mapping or the Six Thinking Hats technique enhances creativity. Successful projects often integrate lessons learned from past challenges, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptability in the dynamic energy landscape.
I have found Mind Mapping is a good Technique. What it is: Mind mapping is a visual technique that helps explore different facets of a problem and organize ideas for possible solutions. How to do it: Start with a central question or problem statement (e.g., “How can we improve our customer response times?”). Write down related thoughts and ideas in separate bubbles around the central question. Connect these ideas using circles, lines, and arrows. The messy result allows you to comb through and extract the best ideas
When teams get stuck on generating ideas, a technique I experienced was to brainstorm ideas of what not to do or what would guarantee failure or roadblocking. After a few rounds of this, the ideas were reviewed to discuss how to innovate and creatively overcome them. It was successful in that positive ideas were generated for further development.
Brainstorming leads to better teamwork and greater group cohesiveness. All of that working together does more than generate better ideas, it can actually improve our level of teamwork. There’s plenty of research out there that backs this up. Quote: “Groups that focus on both the quantity of ideas and building on the ideas of others significantly increase their cohesiveness,” unquote. Brainstorming can be used to help a team buy into and implement a plan of action, or it can be used to simply build cohesiveness, which in turn can lessen employee turnover and increase employee commitment.
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