Vous êtes confronté à des problèmes de consommation d’énergie dans votre usine. Comment pouvez-vous maintenir l’efficacité de la production ?
Vous avez du mal à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de votre usine ? Partagez vos stratégies pour équilibrer la consommation d’énergie et la productivité.
Vous êtes confronté à des problèmes de consommation d’énergie dans votre usine. Comment pouvez-vous maintenir l’efficacité de la production ?
Vous avez du mal à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de votre usine ? Partagez vos stratégies pour équilibrer la consommation d’énergie et la productivité.
To maintain production efficiency while facing energy consumption challenges, here are some simple steps: 1. Use only the necessary equipment and avoid running machinery at full capacity if it isn’t required. 2. Well maintained equipment works more efficiently and uses less energy. 3. Consider using energy from hot waste gases or other byproducts to power other processes in the plant. 4. Slightly adjust temperatures, pressures, and other settings to maintain output with lower energy use. 5. Train team members to follow best practices in energy-saving. 6. If possible, upgrade to energy efficient machines or add automation. By combining these strategies, you can balance energy usage and keep production efficient.
The basic aspects of Energy saving should start from design aspects of plant which most of the organization fail to identify and follow. Technology adaption: there are many clean alternatives like Sola tubes, solar fans and alternate energy like bio diesel if run by generator. Energy audit : which enlists the major consumers of energy and follow macro attack on those with alternate or efficient solution. Benchmarking: refer to parallel industries to assess and adapt best practices in energy saving. Participation/ networking: attend sessions and industrial forums where it might be common problem for industries and get advise from experts and SME. Efficiency is always a direct product of investment, which will benefit ROI in long term.
Para manter a eficiência da produção diante de desafios de consumo de energia, é essencial adotar algumas estratégias. Primeiro, realizar uma auditoria energética para identificar desperdícios e oportunidades de economia. Em seguida, otimizar equipamentos com manutenção preventiva e substituir os ineficientes. A automação e o monitoramento em tempo real podem ajudar a ajustar processos e reduzir o consumo. Melhorar processos produtivos e adotar sistemas de recuperação de energia também são fundamentais. Além disso, investir em fontes renováveis, capacitar funcionários e integrar IA para otimizar a demanda energética garantem maior eficiência e menores custos.
Maintaining Production Output Amid Energy Challenges Optimize Equipment Use: Schedule operations during off-peak hours and streamline machinery efficiency. Implement Energy Audits: Identify high-consumption areas and adjust processes accordingly. Invest in Energy-Efficient Technology: Upgrade to energy-saving equipment where possible. Monitor in Real-Time: Use sensors and software for continuous energy usage tracking. Promote Energy Awareness: Engage staff in conservation practices and efficiency initiatives.
Dhula Gorad
Senior Process Engineer
(modifié)Some things need to optimise: 1. If Compressors & pumps are operating continuously with recirculation during less flow rate, need to study VFD installation for that particular equipment. 2. For pumps if this situation is continuous, then analysis to be done for the de-staging of pumps or impeller trimming option Please note that compressor & pump curve will vary. 3. For Reciprocating compressor step control & stepless control system available to Handel less flow rate as compared to design rate. It will save the energy proportionally. 4. For save the flared gas, we will install flare gas recovery system. It will be like compressor, ejector etc., 5. pipeline section we will use DRA dosing, it will reduce pressure drop across pipeline.
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