Vous devez choisir les bons outils de gestion des actifs informatiques pour votre entreprise. Que devriez-vous considérer en premier ?
Gestion des actifs informatiques (ITAM
Gestion des actifs informatiques (ITAM
La première chose que vous devez considérer est ce que vous voulez réaliser avec ITAM. Vous souhaitez réduire les coûts, améliorer la sécurité, vous conformer aux réglementations ou optimiser les performances ? Différents outils ITAM peuvent avoir des caractéristiques et des capacités différentes qui s’alignent sur vos objectifs spécifiques. Par exemple, certains outils peuvent se concentrer sur l’inventaire du matériel et la gestion du cycle de vie, tandis que d’autres peuvent se spécialiser dans la conformité et l’optimisation des licences logicielles. Par conséquent, vous devez définir clairement vos objectifs ITAM et les hiérarchiser en fonction des besoins de votre entreprise.
Where there is certainly a need for more sophisticated and dedicated asset management systems in a large company, I can warmly recommend the "Assets" module of Atlassian's Jira for small and medium-sized companies. It offers the possibility to link IT tickets directly to assets and manage them in a meaningful way. You can define the structure, attributes, reminders and workflows as you wish.
Data Collection. It's already a cliche the importance of data and this is equally important in IT as anywhere else. To have quality data your data has to be complete so collection so that you have it all and then keep it complete is essential. After that tooling that turns data into insights is your next step.
Clearly define your ITAM goals and objectives. Identify what you want to achieve with ITAM, such as cost optimization, compliance, risk management, or improved efficiency. Different tools cater to specific goals, so align your tool selection with your overarching ITAM strategy.
Managing a remote team across different time zones presents unique challenges, but with effective strategies, you can ensure productivity and seamless communication. Here are some tips: Establish Clear Communication Channels: Use reliable communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom to facilitate real-time communication. Clearly define the purpose of each communication channel to avoid confusion. Set Expectations for Availability: Establish core working hours where team members need to be available for meetings and collaboration. Be transparent about individual working hours and expectations for responsiveness.
Considerations for choosing the right ITAM tool A. Business Needs and Objectives B. Inventory and Asset Types C. Integration Capabilities D. Scalability E. User Interface and Usability F. Reporting and Analytics G. Cost H. Vendor Support and Community I. Compliance and Security J. Trial and Demos K. Feedback from Stakeholders L. Future-Proofing
La deuxième chose que vous devez prendre en compte est la taille, la complexité et la diversité de votre environnement informatique. Combien d’actifs possédez-vous et de quels types s’agit-il ? Comment sont-ils répartis entre les sites, les réseaux et les plateformes ? À quelle fréquence changent-ils ou sont-ils mis à jour ? Ces facteurs affecteront la façon dont vous devez collecter, stocker et analyser les données relatives à vos actifs. Vous devez rechercher un outil ITAM capable de gérer l’échelle et la variété de votre environnement informatique, et qui peut s’intégrer à vos systèmes et processus informatiques existants.
Consider the existing IT systems in use, such as Configuration Management Databases (CMDBs), maybe that's SNOW, network management tools, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems like SAP or Oracle. The chosen ITAM solution should integrate well with these systems to avoid data silos and ensure a cohesive management approach.
Understand the complexity and diversity of your IT environment. Consider factors such as the number and types of devices, operating systems, and software applications. Choose ITAM tools that support the breadth of your IT ecosystem. For instance, if your organization predominantly uses Windows devices, a tool with strong Windows compatibility may be essential.
Begin by understanding what you want to include in your asset register Start by creating a comprehensive inventory of all your assets, including hardware, software, and peripherals, then categorize them based on your individual requirements. It may not make sense to try to manage all of them. Criteria for inclusion could be based on value or ability to track them (eg those with a MAC address), Doing this will allow you to prioritize your ITAM effort and focus on the more critical assets.
Secondly, take into account your IT environment. Consider the size, complexity, and specific requirements of your IT infrastructure. The tools you choose should be capable of effectively managing and monitoring assets within your unique environment.
Assessing the scale and intricacy of your IT environment is essential when choosing ITAM tools. In my role, managing a varied and dynamic array of assets across multiple locations necessitated a tool capable of handling this diversity and scale efficiently. It was vital to select a tool that not only accommodated our existing IT infrastructure but also streamlined data collection and analysis across the entire asset lifecycle.
La troisième chose que vous devez considérer est le montant que vous pouvez vous permettre de dépenser pour les outils ITAM. Le prix des outils ITAM varie en fonction de leurs caractéristiques, de leurs fonctionnalités et de leur prise en charge. Vous devez comparer les coûts et les avantages des différents outils ITAM et déterminer comment ils s’intègrent dans votre budget informatique. Vous devez également tenir compte du coût total de possession (Coût total de possession
Allocating your ITAM budget judiciously is vital. In my role, balancing the upfront and ongoing costs of ITAM tools against their benefits was key. It's important to consider not just the purchase price, but also the long-term costs associated with maintenance, upgrades, and training. Opting for a tool that delivers strong ROI and can adapt to the evolving needs of the business is a prudent approach.
Evaluate your budget constraints and determine the total cost of ownership for the selected ITAM tools. Consider both upfront costs and ongoing expenses, such as licensing, maintenance, and training. Balance your budgetary constraints with the features and capabilities that align with your ITAM goals.
Compare the costs and benefits of different ITAM tools to determine how they fit into your budget. Its important to look into long term costs for upgrades, AMC etc for a better ROI.
ITAM tools are critical to the risk management of your organization as well. You need to consider that when deciding on the budget. ITAM should be part of an ongoing program that monitors changes in your IT environment. By doing so, it becomes a proactive risk mitigation strategy. It helps identify potential problems before they impact your organization’s operations or information security posture. Effective ITAM ensures compliance with internal and external regulations, reducing legal and financial risks.
Thirdly, carefully evaluate your ITAM budget. Determine how much you are willing to invest in asset management tools and ensure that the chosen solution offers good value for your money.
La quatrième chose que vous devez considérer est de savoir qui utilisera et bénéficiera des outils ITAM. Les outils ITAM ne sont pas seulement destinés aux responsables et techniciens informatiques, mais aussi à d’autres fonctions et rôles de l’entreprise, tels que les finances, les achats, le juridique et la sécurité. Vous devez identifier vos parties prenantes ITAM et comprendre leurs besoins, leurs attentes et leurs défis. Vous devez également les impliquer dans le processus de sélection de l’outil ITAM et obtenir leurs commentaires et leur adhésion. Vous devez rechercher un outil ITAM capable de répondre aux exigences diverses et dynamiques de vos parties prenantes ITAM et de leur fournir des informations pertinentes et exploitables.
Identify key stakeholders involved in ITAM processes. This could include IT administrators, procurement teams, finance, and compliance officers. Ensure that the chosen ITAM tools facilitate collaboration and provide role-based access control, allowing stakeholders to access relevant information without compromising security.
Consider your ITAM stakeholders. Identify the individuals or teams who will be involved in the asset management process and ensure that the chosen tools cater to their needs and preferences.
Considering the diverse stakeholders in ITAM is critical. In my experience, involving representatives from IT, finance, procurement, and other relevant departments ensures the selected ITAM tool meets varied needs and expectations. It's important to select a tool that offers insights and functionalities that are relevant to all these groups, ensuring comprehensive asset management that aligns with the broader business objectives.
La cinquième chose que vous devez prendre en compte est la maturité de vos pratiques et processus ITAM. La maturité ITAM fait référence à votre capacité à gérer et à optimiser vos actifs informatiques tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Les niveaux de maturité de l’ITAM vont de basiques à avancés, en fonction de facteurs tels que la qualité des données, l’intégration des processus, l’application des politiques et la création de valeur. Vous devez évaluer votre niveau de maturité actuel en matière d’ITAM et identifier vos lacunes et vos possibilités d’amélioration. Vous devriez rechercher un outil ITAM qui peut vous aider à progresser dans votre maturité ITAM et qui peut prendre en charge vos meilleures pratiques et normes ITAM.
Assess your organization's ITAM maturity level. If you are establishing ITAM processes for the first time, focus on tools that provide a solid foundation for asset discovery, tracking, and compliance. If your organization is at an advanced stage, look for tools with automation, analytics, and integration capabilities to enhance efficiency.
Evaluating your ITAM maturity level is an essential step. In my role, assessing where we stood in terms of ITAM practices helped us identify areas for improvement. We looked for a tool that not only matched our current maturity level but also offered the potential to grow and enhance our ITAM capabilities, supporting best practices and standards integral to our IT operations.
Assess your ITAM maturity. Determine your organization's current level of asset management maturity and select tools that can support your growth and improvement in this area. By considering these factors in a thoughtful and impactful manner, you can make an informed decision and choose the right IT asset management tools for your business.
La sixième et dernière chose que vous devez considérer est ce à quoi vous voulez que votre ITAM ressemble à l’avenir. L’ITAM n’est pas un projet ponctuel, mais un parcours continu qui évolue avec les changements de votre entreprise et de votre technologie. Vous devez avoir une vision claire et réaliste de la direction que vous voulez prendre avec l’ITAM et de la façon dont vous voulez mesurer vos progrès et votre succès. Vous devez rechercher un outil ITAM qui peut s’aligner sur votre vision ITAM et qui peut s’adapter à l’évolution de vos besoins et objectifs ITAM.
Your IT strategy and roadmap have to be well understood and need to align with your company's strategy and vision as well. Ensure that you lay the foundation for your infrastructure and security and choose tools that will enable your digital growth.
Envision the future state of your ITAM processes. Consider scalability, flexibility, and the ability to adapt to evolving technology trends. Choose tools that align with your long-term ITAM vision and accommodate potential changes in your business's technology landscape.
Finally, a separate group of projects with significant influence within the company and strong knowledge in change management should be established. These tools, when implemented in large enterprises, inevitably affect many business units that are reluctant to change their asset management practices. Often, these units are unaware of the benefits of such changes and prefer to maintain the status quo for job security reasons. However, these tools bring about significant operational savings. Therefore, there should be a project aimed at optimizing current resources to expand into more projects, products, and services. This transformation turns the ITAM implementation from a threat into an enabler of growth.
The wold is changing fast. To stay competitive, businesses should embrace IT transformation by rethinking ITSM and tapping into data in new ways. AI, Machine Learning and Cloud Technology should also be considered as one of the factors going forward.
Na minha experiencia o que mais devo considerar é a maturidade e o processo bem definido. A escolha da ferramenta correta vai ser facilitada se isso for bem definido. Aí o passo seguinte vai ser trabalhar na cultura da equipe.