Votre équipe repousse les changements de calendrier du projet. Comment les convaincre de s’adapter et d’aller de l’avant ?
Lorsque les calendriers d’un projet changent, il est essentiel de diriger avec empathie et clarté. Utilisez ces stratégies pour aider votre équipe à s’adapter :
- Expliquez la raison d’être des changements, en vous assurant que tout le monde comprend le « pourquoi ».
- Impliquez l’équipe dans le reprogrammation, en favorisant un sentiment d’appartenance et de collaboration.
- Offrez du soutien et des ressources pour gérer la transition, en atténuant le stress et la résistance.
Comment gérez-vous les changements de calendrier au sein de votre équipe ? Partagez vos stratégies.
Votre équipe repousse les changements de calendrier du projet. Comment les convaincre de s’adapter et d’aller de l’avant ?
Lorsque les calendriers d’un projet changent, il est essentiel de diriger avec empathie et clarté. Utilisez ces stratégies pour aider votre équipe à s’adapter :
- Expliquez la raison d’être des changements, en vous assurant que tout le monde comprend le « pourquoi ».
- Impliquez l’équipe dans le reprogrammation, en favorisant un sentiment d’appartenance et de collaboration.
- Offrez du soutien et des ressources pour gérer la transition, en atténuant le stress et la résistance.
Comment gérez-vous les changements de calendrier au sein de votre équipe ? Partagez vos stratégies.
Drawing from my leadership experience in the Army and law enforcement, I’ve learned that resistance to change often stems from uncertainty, miscommunication or lack of ownership. Here’s how I’d approach it: 1. Provide Clarity and Context: Explain the “why” behind the timeline change, emphasizing the bigger picture and the risks of staying the course versus adapting. 2. Engage the Team: Involve them in finding solutions by asking how they can contribute to success and what support they need. Ownership fosters buy-in. 3. Model Adaptability: Lead by example, showing confidence and resilience. Your attitude sets the tone for how the team responds to challenges. I believe these steps can shift resistance to alignment and action.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. I will start planning any project with my team with this quote. if we as a team developed the project character together that means we all are aligned ahead of time to face and deal with challenges, obstacles and forces major might appear during the project time line. However I know the feeling when we are doing our best to achieve things on time as per the plans however we also know we are not alone, there are stakeholders who wants quicker results and competitors who are there looking ahead to grab any opportunity to be faster than us. Once the team are aware of these elements they will go full speed and adopt the changes needed to complete the project before the agreed time 👍
Let’s be clear: resistance is normal. Change disrupts, and people cling to the status quo like a life raft. Here’s ideas to support your team: Lead with the “Why”: People hate being told what to do. Share the logic behind the shift—whether it’s market dynamics, or financial pressure, to stay relevant. Collaborate, Don’t Dictate: Involve them in the solution. Nobody likes mandates; everyone loves ownership. Ask: “How can we make this work?” Give them a voice and help them remain curious, and you’ll get buy-in. Plus, they might spot issues you haven’t. Sell the Upside: Align the change with their interests. Will this shift build new skills? Increase visibility? Deliver a win for the team? Sell them the future, not the sacrifice.
Project management comes with unforeseen challenges, demanding swift adaptation and strategic maneuvering. - Acknowledge and adapt the need of the change - communicate transparently to the team why it is required and what to be done next. - Adjust team composition to manage the change. - Prioritizing project deliverables - and most importantly to keep everyone aligned and focused on the project, Avoid Blame game.
When your team pushes back on timeline changes, start by acknowledging their frustration—validation builds trust. Clearly explain why the changes are necessary, linking them to broader goals or shifting priorities. Address their concerns directly: are they worried about resources, workload, or quality? Collaborate to adjust plans, reprioritize tasks, or allocate support where needed. Highlight the benefits of adaptability, like staying competitive or avoiding risks. Show confidence in their ability to pivot and resilience. Empower them with a sense of purpose, making the adjustment a shared mission, not just a mandate. Inspire them to give their best. In spite of this, if the deadline is missed, assure them that you have their back.
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