Votre équipe résiste au changement avec les nouveaux outils de communication. Comment pouvez-vous surmonter leur hésitation ?
Plongez dans le défi du changement : comment avez-vous guidé votre équipe pour adopter les nouveaux outils technologiques ?
Votre équipe résiste au changement avec les nouveaux outils de communication. Comment pouvez-vous surmonter leur hésitation ?
Plongez dans le défi du changement : comment avez-vous guidé votre équipe pour adopter les nouveaux outils technologiques ?
Generally it should be explained to the team why and for which purpose the new tools will be introduced and what the advantages are. It can be useful to look for a few members in the team who are a open try the new tool first and let them and report to the other team members their experience. Another approach is to commit with the team to do some tests and define a test phase. In this phase there should be support (tech support for the tool and some training). Questions and feedback should be gathered and solved/adressed. In the best case the team will have learned about the tool and will have made some positive experiences. After the test phase there can be an agreement about when and for what the tool should be used in future.
I think it is importat to understand the reasons for the reluctance to adopt the ways of communicating. Once the reasons are understood, one can then adress the reluctance through a proper change management process, including a clear communication plan.
¿Por qué no convertir la resistencia en curiosidad? En vez de imponer las nuevas herramientas, ¿por qué no invitar a tu equipo a un "laboratorio de innovación"? Crea un espacio seguro donde puedan experimentar, jugar y descubrir los beneficios de las nuevas herramientas por sí mism@s. Organiza talleres interactivos donde todos los miembros del equipo puedan explorar las herramientas de forma divertida y colaborativa. En lugar de decirles "debes usar esto", pregunta: "¿qué te gustaría lograr con estas herramientas?". Al involucrarlos activamente en el proceso, fomentarás la adopción y el sentido de pertenencia.
Na minha opinião, primeiro entender a rotina da equipe e apresentar com exemplos reais, como as ferramentas podem facilitar o trabalho da equipe no dia a dia. Assim podemos apresentar as melhorias e identificar possíveis falhas de dúvidas antes mesmo de ir a campo com as novas ferramentas. Desta forma reduzimos a resistência e facilitamos a adaptação da equipe sem interferir na performance.
For starters, you as a leader should start using the prescribed communication tools actively to not only demonstrate that 'change is the best way forward' but also the advantages that come along with it. Secondly, actively engage with your team and take their apprehensions 'head on', transform yourself as a mentor/coach during this critical 'transition' time period. This will help you establish yourself as a leader who leads by example and also is empathetic during the tricky time period when your team is not so enthusiastic about 'change'.
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