Vous êtes confronté à des doutes de la part des parties prenantes sur les objectifs d’économie d’énergie. Comment pouvez-vous les convaincre de la faisabilité ?
Lorsque les parties prenantes doutent de la faisabilité des objectifs d’économie d’énergie, il est crucial de s’attaquer de front à leurs préoccupations. Voici comment influencer leur opinion :
- Présentez des études de cas ou des données qui démontrent le succès d’initiatives similaires.
- Décrivez un plan clair, étape par étape, montrant comment les objectifs seront atteints et suivis.
- Mettez en évidence les avantages financiers potentiels, tels que les économies de coûts et les incitatifs fiscaux.
Avez-vous été confronté à des défis similaires avec les parties prenantes ? Comment avez-vous abordé la conversation ?
Vous êtes confronté à des doutes de la part des parties prenantes sur les objectifs d’économie d’énergie. Comment pouvez-vous les convaincre de la faisabilité ?
Lorsque les parties prenantes doutent de la faisabilité des objectifs d’économie d’énergie, il est crucial de s’attaquer de front à leurs préoccupations. Voici comment influencer leur opinion :
- Présentez des études de cas ou des données qui démontrent le succès d’initiatives similaires.
- Décrivez un plan clair, étape par étape, montrant comment les objectifs seront atteints et suivis.
- Mettez en évidence les avantages financiers potentiels, tels que les économies de coûts et les incitatifs fiscaux.
Avez-vous été confronté à des défis similaires avec les parties prenantes ? Comment avez-vous abordé la conversation ?
It is not unusual for people to be skeptical of energy savings targets and goals. Study of energy efficiency strategies revealed that six out of ten companies surveyed fell short of meeting their goals. The key reason for this was that companies relied on savings targets established through energy audit studies . Invariably the studies did not prioritize establishment of measurement & verification ( M& V) systems to track & monitor savings. Absence of M&V led to poor guesstimates of data required to determine the extent of energy savings achieved. Those companies that implemented a system of metering/sub-metering energy consumption fared much better. They were able to present verifiable evidence of meeting their projected savings goals.
I have observed that presenting verifiable case studies is an important way of convincing stakeholders on feasibility of energy savings goals.
One thing that is really important is to present the financial benefits. Case study of their own facility creates a deeper impression than random case studies. Also, all data should be backed by reasonable feasibility plan. All of the proposal might not be economically feasible by general standards, but it is important to present that transparently. Do not rely on simple payback, rather go for IRR. That gives more leverage in critical or tight cases. Even NPV over a longer period of time can also present a broader picture. Paint hope.
In my experience, there’s often a mindset that energy savings equate directly to immediate cost savings. However, under current conditions, energy-saving installations—especially in retrofit scenarios—may not yield immediate financial benefits. It’s essential to communicate clearly with stakeholders about the timeframe required for these investments to become beneficial. By doing so, we can set realistic expectations and demonstrate the long-term value of these energy-saving initiatives
In my experience energy-saving goals should begin with guaranteed outcomes. Leveraging night time idle energy grid to supercharge buildings with heating or cooling offer multiple benefits. Many Energy suppliers offer discount energy at night. Linking many HVAC systems with rechargeable concrete floors enable new functionality with reduced maintenance costs. This thermally active building immediately shifts regular building to luxury Class A building using conventional budgets for many buildings. It is set to elevate comfort and reduce building’s overall energy demand. Innovative internal thermal network efficiently manages user adjustable temperature and air quality by expanding traditional HVAC systems specified performance benchmarks.
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