Services juridiques

Paris, Ile-de-France 959 abonnés

À propos

The International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) is an independent learned society dedicated to studying and discussing legal issues arising in connection with the protection of the interests of creative individuals. Copyright and performing artists' rights are today an integral part of fundamental human rights as enshrined in several international conventions, declarations and charters. Founded in 1878 by the great French writer Victor Hugo to promote the international recognition of the legal protection of authors for their intellectual work, the Association fulfils its purpose by fostering the wider international dissemination of works so as to enrich the heritage of humanity. This objective was initially achieved at the end of the 19th century with the adoption of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. ALAI, since then, continues to play a key role in the preparation of international legal instruments related to copyright and performers' rights, specifically by organizing congresses and study days dedicated to the in-depth analysis of every aspect of copyright. ALAI promotes creativity by endeavouring to assure the protection of the moral and economic rights of creators in general, a goal that article 27(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also affirms. ALAI does not represent or promote any individual author in particular, nor does it assist businesses or industrial groups. ALAI is a broad-based, independent organization, receptive to the views held by its numerous national groups and individual members from every corner of the globe. Its members have a wide range of backgrounds and activities, from academic scholars and practising lawyers specializing in the field of copyright to professionals in the media sector and national and international officials.

Services juridiques
Taille de l’entreprise
1 employé
Siège social
Paris, Ile-de-France
Non lucratif
Fondée en


Employés chez ALAI


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