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APRIL International

APRIL International


Paris, Île-de-France 11 073 abonnés

Votre assurance voyage et santé internationale en plus facile

À propos

APRIL International, spécialiste de l’assurance internationale depuis 40 ans Experte en santé et en prévoyance internationale, APRIL International accompagne les expatriés, voyageurs, étudiants, stagiaires, voyageurs d'affaires, salariés ou retraités, seuls ou en famille, durant leur expérience internationale, avec des solutions d'assurance adaptées à chaque profil. Pour en savoir plus et souscrire un contrat en ligne : UNE PRÉSENCE INTERNATIONALE Pour être au plus près de nos clients où qu'ils soient dans le monde : › Des bureaux de gestion à Paris, Bangkok, Mexico, Londres, Singapour, Hong Kong, au Vietnam et aux Philippines › Des bureaux commerciaux en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie CHIFFRES CLÉS › 40 ans d’expérience › 150 000 assurés › 180 pays couverts › 260 collaborateurs › Plus de 5 000 professionnels d'assurance partenaires › 1 500 entreprises couvertes Siège social : 14 rue Gerty Archimède, Paris, Île-de-France, 75012, France Intermédiaire en Assurances immatriculé à l’ORIAS sous le numéro 07 008 000

Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société cotée en bourse
Fondée en
assurance santé internationale, assurance voyage, assurance rapatriement, assurance expatriés et assurance visa Schengen


Employés chez APRIL International


  • Are you looking to enhance your expertise in international health insurance and provide even greater value to your clients? Join us for an exclusive webinar featuring our experts Helen Calderini (Head of Global Network) and Henri Baltia (Business Development Director), where we will explore: 🔹 Our comprehensive support and medical expertise, directly benefiting your clients throughout their medical journey 🔹 How we ensure seamless access to healthcare for your globally mobile policyholders 🔹 Our proactive approach to managing medical inflation and keeping costs under controlt 📅 Date: 6th March ⏰ Time: 10:00 AM (Paris Time) Gain exclusive insights and have your questions answered by our experts. Don’t miss this opportunity! #APRILInternational #HealthInsurance #Webinar #Healthcare #InsuranceBroker #GlobalMobility  

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  • Inpatient and outpatient care are common terms you may come across when purchasing an international health insurance policy, but what do they mean and what services do they include? International health insurance plans include a variety of benefits that fall into these two types of medical care. With this in mind, take a look at our carousel for some guidance on the key differences between inpatient and outpatient care, as well as examples and how the kind of care you need is determined.

  • Cost of living can be an important consideration for many professionals who are considering relocating abroad. Mercer's Cost of Living City Ranking 2024 assesses different factors, including the cost of housing, clothing, food and education, to determine which cities are the most expensive for international workers. Watch to discover which cities they found to be most expensive in Europe. 🔽

  • With populations living longer and the healthcare landscape continuing to evolve, healthcare costs around the world are on the rise. These can vary significantly between different countries based on factors such as the general cost of living, demand for healthcare services and advances in medical technology. Discover how much private healthcare costs across the world in our carousel below.

  • Telehealth services have experienced a significant surge in recent years, more than doubling from 57 million users in 2019 to a projected 120 million by 2025, according to Statista. At APRIL International, our mission is to simplify healthcare access for our members. Our telehealth services offer convenient 24/7 access to virtual medical consultations, anytime, anywhere. Explore the key figures below to see how we’re supporting our globally mobile members.

  • APRIL International a republié ceci

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de APRIL

    56 841  abonnés

    With its strategic geographical position, at the crossroads of three continents and two seas connected by the Suez Canal, Egypt is a country in full transformation, where tradition and modernity meet. Eric Maumy, President of the APRIL group, Isabelle Moins, Head of IPMI for Europe, Antoine Néhmé of APRIL International were this week in Cairo to meet the French Ambassador, the Egyptian authorities, the dynamic French community established in this region and one of our emblematic customers with the Egyptair teams. Thank you for these fruitful exchanges under the sign of cooperation and strengthening of our ties. ***** Avec sa position géographique stratégique, au carrefour de trois continents et de deux mers reliées par le canal de Suez, l’Egypte est un pays en pleine transformation, où tradition et modernité se rencontrent. Eric Maumy, Président du groupe APRIL, Isabelle Moins, Head of IPMI pour l'Europe, Antoine Nehmé d'APRIL International étaient cette semaine au Caire à la rencontre de Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de France, des autorités Egyptiennes, de la dynamique communauté française implantée dans cette région et d’un de nos clients emblématiques avec les équipes d’Egyptair. Merci pour ces échanges fructueux sous le signe de la coopération et du renforcement de nos liens.

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  • There are a variety of healthcare models used worldwide to provide medical treatment to the population, which can differ based on factors such as funding and delivery. Sometimes local healthcare access can be restricted for expats, so it's useful to have an understanding of how different systems work if you're thinking about move abroad. To provide you with peace of mind, you could consider purchasing international health insurance to help protect your healthcare needs. and ensure you're not left out of pocket. With that in mind, check out our carousel for an overview of the healthcare models that are found around the world.

  • Voir la Page de l’organisation de APRIL International

    11 073  abonnés

    Last Wednesday, we had the pleasure of attending the 2025 Santé Group Conference in Bicester. The day was filled with insightful talks, valuable networking, and the opportunity to present APRIL International's international health insurance solutions. A huge thank you to our hosts, Santé Group, for organising such a fantastic event - we look forward to seeing you again next year!

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  • As we welcome the new year, Eric Maumy, President of the APRIL Group, would like to take this opportunity to extend his deepest gratitude to all our clients, partners, and followers for their trust and support throughout 2024. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones, driven by innovation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to making a difference in the world of insurance.   At APRIL International, we are proud to serve a global community, ensuring protection, peace of mind, and seamless services for our customers across the globe. From expanding our medical network to introducing cutting-edge digital solutions, 2024 has been a year of growth and innovation—achievements that were only possible thanks to your confidence in us.   As we look forward to 2025, we are more determined than ever to continue delivering excellence, supporting our partners, and simplifying the lives of our clients.   On behalf of the entire APRIL International team, we wish you a happy, healthy, and successful new year. Let’s continue to grow and innovate together! Isabelle Moins Romain Di Meglio

  • APRIL International a republié ceci

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de APRIL

    56 841  abonnés

    ✨ New year, new headquarters, new window on the world.  Nouvelle année, nouveau siège social, nouvelle fenêtre sur le monde. To be ever closer to you, we are broadening our horizons.  Pour être toujours plus proche de vous, nous élargissons nos horizons. All the APRIL teams wish you a very happy new year.  Toutes les équipes d'APRIL vous présentent leurs meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année. APRIL APRIL International APRIL ASIA APRIL Entreprise Le Courtage par APRIL APRIL Portugal APRIL Canada Insurance APRIL Marine Canada APRIL Belgium La Centrale de Financement DLPK Nortia Lexham Insurance Magnacarta Group Mérimée Gestion Privée (…)

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