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Beyond Performance Leadership

Beyond Performance Leadership

Services et conseil aux entreprises

Paris, Île-de-France 1 358 abonnés

All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards beyond performance results

À propos

At Beyond Performance, we are an independant and international transformation consulting firm. We support companies to Aspire : question, clarify , envision, Assess, Architect, Act and then Advance their transformation processes to support their strategy. We therefore provide consulting, transformation, training and coaching modalities to engage and drive your strategic and necessary Transformations successfully, delivering beyond performance results. Passion for People, Business Pragmatism We are operating globally with consultants and trainers in over 18 countries. We are proud to serve a large diversity of sectors, company-size and organisation maturity : from the automotive and aeronautics industry, insurance & banking, advertising & consulting, pharmaceutical, ... customising our services for their context and bringing a broader perspective on what impact them. Some references : Airbus, Yazaki, Havas Paris, BNP, Forvia, Allianz, Daiichi Sankyo, GE, Alstom, Valeo, Renault, Dior, L'Oréal, Manifeste, XN, OnePoint, Vygon, Biorad... Some example of project : -cultural transformation across a perimeter of 23 000 people and 30 leaderships teams -training modules to speed or deploy a management transformation in 18 countries at the same time, local language, local trainers - restructuration and organisation transformation after challenged context globally in the sector - HR transformation ...

Services et conseil aux entreprises
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
management and leadership training, executive, team and organisation coaching, transformation, change, growth, sustainable high performance, femaleleadership, transformation, cultural change, collaboration, management & leadership development, positive transformation, impact, management consulting, diversity and inclusion, organizational development et regenerative leadership


Employés chez Beyond Performance Leadership


  • Plus que jamais d'actualité

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    🔄 Faire des feedbacks à son boss : preuve de loyauté, ou invitation à l’évolution ? Un article dans Les Echos met en lumière une réflexion contre-intuitive mais essentielle : faire des feedbacks à son patron peut être une véritable preuve de LOYAUTÉ. La plupart des dirigeants savent que ces retours, bien que parfois difficiles à entendre, sont précieux. Et ceux qui osent les donner, même dans un esprit critique, gagnent le respect de leurs leaders. Mais allons plus loin… Aujourd’hui, l’enjeu n’est plus seulement de faire un feedback, mais de se positionner en PARTENAIRE. Il s'agit désormais de passer à un feedforward, où l’on exprime non seulement des constats, mais surtout une intention positive et une vision du résultat souhaité. ⚡ Ce n’est pas uniquement une question de courage (même si celui-ci est nécessaire), mais aussi de vision (Envision). S’imaginer ensemble le futur, celui qu’on pourrait créer à travers ces échanges, demande une vraie prise de recul, une capacité à se projeter. C’est là que réside la vraie force du feedback, quand il devient moteur de changement. Et au-delà de la simple notion de partenariat, il est question de partenariat en ALLIANCE. L'union fait la force, et plus nous serons à porter ces messages ensemble, que ce soit au sein d’une équipe ou avec des partenaires extérieurs, plus nous pourrons faire bouger les lignes. 🔑 Le rôle des collaborateurs devient donc clé dans le développement d’une culture managériale plus audacieuse, tournée vers l’avenir. Contre intuitif à nouveau ? En pratiquant un feedforward pertinent et en écoutant véritablement, nous pouvons initier ce changement nécessaire au business. Alors, si on apprenait à nos leaders à mieux écouter et à embrasser cette culture du courage et de l'envision ? Le futur du management se construit aujourd’hui, ensemble. #Leadership #Management #Feedback #Feedforward #Courage #Envision #CultureCollaborative #Innovation

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  • Voir le profil de Julie DELLE VEDOVE

    Directrice et Fondatrice de Manifestes, l’agence des belles marques et des maisons qui veulent rencontrer l’époque.

    2015 - 2025 MANIFESTES a 10 ans. Il y a 10 ans tout pile donc, je commençais une autre vie, je quittais, le coeur gros, l'agence qui m'avait faite grandir pour une aventure pleine de promesses.  Il s'est révélé assez vite que cette aventure n'était pas la mienne. C'est là que tout a commencé. J'étais alors convaincue que l'entreprenariat c'était pour les autres et surtout pas pour moi. Le complexe de l'imposteur et mes habitudes de bonne élève étaient mes compagnons du quotidien. Alors j'ai bossé, beaucoup bossé et j'ai inlassablement cultivé tout ce qui faisait peut-être ma différence (mon goût pour les rencontres, ma passion pour l'entreprenariat, mon obsession pour le beau, mon épicurisme invétéré pour ne citer que ça…). J'ai appris bien plus tard qu'il existait une expression pour définir ça : "Fake it until you become it". (merci Agnes Mentil pour toutes tes bonnes inspirations). Aujourd'hui l'aventure est belle. Nous accompagnons chaque année des dizaines de marques, de maisons et d'entrepreneurs dans leur communication. Depuis 10 ans, nous sommes convaincues que les plus belles histoires sont surtout celles qui servent le commerce. Nous sommes des experts de la communication mais nous aidons surtout nos clients dans leur business au quotidien et c'est peut-être pour cela qu'il nous sont si fidèles. Manifestes est l'agence dont j'ai toujours rêvé, une agence qui est là pour ses clients mais qui n'oublie jamais que le beau transforme tout. La vie est bien faite, faites vous confiance. Rencontrez des gens, cultivez vos passions et ne cessez jamais d'avoir des rêves. #entreprenariat #goodmood #goodvibes #luxury #aventure.  📸 : Studio Brinth

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  • Ready to flex ?

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    Flex your style : Are You Skiing Like You Are Leading? (or vice versa) We can all agree that the current environment with its rapid changes, incertitudes and ambiguities requires us to flex more than ever. Looking at things from a different angle can open a space for explorations of new ways to test and learn and eventually transform. Let’s slide and take an actual example. In those winter times and while some of you may be enjoying the slopes, an illustration could be a 1000 words.  Leading a team and skiing might seem worlds apart, but the parallels are striking. As leaders, we navigate through professional or sliding challenges in similar ways. Here’s a comparison to reflect on: ⛷️ Fluidity: Just like skiing, leadership requires a certain flow. You glide effortlessly when you’re in tune with your surroundings and your team. If you are tense or unsure, every movement becomes a struggle. A relaxed, confident approach can turn challenges into smooth rides. ⛷️ Body Awareness: How you position yourself on the slopes can be the difference between control and chaos. Similarly, how you present yourself to your team – grounded, open, or rigid – sets the tone for how others perform. Do you allow space for creativity, or are you tightly holding onto the reins? ⛷️ Attention to Surroundings: On the slopes, you keep an eye out for obstacles and other skiers, anticipating how the terrain will shift. Leadership requires the same situational awareness. Are you in tune with your team’s needs, or are you so focused on the path ahead that you miss the signals around you? ⛷️ Risk-Taking: Both skiing and management come with risks. Do you play it safe, sticking to familiar paths, or are you willing to push boundaries and try new approaches? The greatest successes come from taking calculated risks and embracing uncertainty. ⛷️ Speed: Whether you’re carving down a mountain or making key decisions at work, timing is crucial. Speed can be a strength, but sometimes, slowing down to consider options and reflect is the key to better outcomes. Are you rushing through tasks or taking the time to lead with precision? ⛷️ Logistical Preparation: A smooth ski trip starts with preparation – booking the right resort, checking the weather, and having your gear ready. Similarly, leadership is about planning ahead: having your strategy, resources, and communication set up before diving in. Do you plan meticulously, or are you scrambling at the last minute? So now back to you… What type of skier/leader are you ?  In your situation, where would it be useful for you to flex ?   What for ? Reach out if you want to explore how to have your managers flex better. At Beyond Performance Leadership, we are supporting organisations to develop and guide their leaders globally and locally, to transform successfully, towards beyond performance results. #Leadership #Management #Skiing #BusinessInsights #ExecutiveLeadership #inspiration #transformation #performance

  • Slow ? Fast ?

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    What if People are Slowing You Down Instead of Lifting You Up? As leaders, we often focus on achieving performance, growth, and success by pushing for more collaboration, more alignment, and more teamwork. But what if, instead of helping you move forward, some people in your organization are actually holding you back? It’s a hard truth, but it’s a reality many leaders face. Here’s why: ⛓️💥 Unproductive Mindsets: Sometimes, it’s not about lack of skill or effort, but the mindset. Some individuals may be stuck in old ways of thinking, resisting new approaches, or simply not aligned with the organization's vision. This can create friction and slow down momentum, even in the best teams. ⛓️💥 Cultural Disconnect: In an organization where change and innovation are key, cultural misalignment can be a silent but powerful force. If a person’s values or attitudes don’t align with the company’s evolving culture, it can feel like dragging a weight rather than gaining momentum. ⛓️💥 Lack of Trust or Confidence: Sometimes, the very people you rely on may not fully trust or believe in the direction the company is taking. This hesitation can manifest in passive resistance or a lack of enthusiasm, ultimately affecting team dynamics and overall performance. So, how do you turn this around? ⛓️ Create an environment where honest conversations can happen. Ask the tough questions and encourage transparency. Explicitly ask your team to do the same with their own teams and so on. Make sure they know how to run these conversations that can backfire when unprepared.  🧬 Foster a culture of growth and alignment. Ensure that everyone, from the top down, understands the importance of adaptation and change. Dedicate time with your leadership team to discuss where they have identified both blockages or leading forces, strategise and address the topic together. 🔗 Empower those who are ready to grow. Let them be the driving force, and give them the tools and support to lead from within. Change is never easy, but if you can identify where your people might be slowing you down, you can transform resistance into collaboration and build a stronger, more agile team. Remember, not all resistance is a roadblock—sometimes, it’s a sign that you need to have a conversation, realign, and get everyone back on the same page. I am Agnes Mentil, the CEO of Beyond Performance Leadership. We are supporting leaders and organisations globally, to transform successfully, all together, towards beyond performance results. For more valuable content on transformation, leadership and performance, follow us. #Leadership #Teamwork #BusinessGrowth #OrganizationalCulture #Innovation #ChangeManagement

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  • Beyond Performance Leadership a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    going Beyond ... Do you have a tough time to be positive nowadays ? What about working on your positive deviance together ? Leaders often focus on solving problems and bringing performance to "normal" levels. But what if we aimed higher—beyond the norm, beyond the average? This is where Positive Deviance, a concept pioneered by Dr. Kim Cameron in his book Positive Leadership, comes into play. Positive Deviance refers to extraordinary outcomes that exceed expectations—those rare moments where individuals and organizations perform at levels far beyond the norm. It’s about moving from problem-solving (addressing deficits) to strength-building (creating abundance). For example, for Organizations: Effectiveness: Not just being effective but achieving excellence. Efficiency: Beyond being efficient—becoming extraordinary. Adaptation: Not just coping but truly flourishing amidst change. The Key Idea: Positive Deviance isn’t just about fixing what’s broken or reaching the status quo; it’s about embracing virtuous practices that amplify performance, well-being, and resilience. It’s the difference between doing “well enough” and achieving greatness. Where do we start ? One of the way is to start by looking together on what works well, where are the strengths, alliances and resources you can build with and strenghten and where you would like to go together. We focus on appreciation and connect to the desire rather than the problem(s) This is the pink glasses transformation : Different mindset and starting point, different outputs Beyond Performance Leadership "All together, for Successful transformations, towards Beyond performance results" Let's dance. Are you ready to wear your pink glasses and dance the blues ? #mindset #strength #positivity #appreciation #excellence #transformation #resilience #performance

    Voir le profil de Timothy T Tiryaki, PhD

    I bring clarity to complexity | Executive Advisor | Executive Coach | Strategy & Culture in the AI-Driven World |

    Positive Deviance and High-Performing Organizations Leaders often focus on solving problems and bringing performance to "normal" levels. But what if we aimed higher—beyond the norm, beyond the average? This is where Positive Deviance, a concept pioneered by Dr. Kim Cameron in his book Positive Leadership, comes into play. Positive Deviance refers to extraordinary outcomes that exceed expectations—those rare moments where individuals and organizations perform at levels far beyond the norm. It’s about moving from problem-solving (addressing deficits) to strength-building (creating abundance). Here’s how Positive Deviance works across different areas: 🔹 For Individuals: Physiological Positive Deviance = Vitality Psychological Positive Deviance = Flow (that state where work feels effortless and fulfilling) 🔹 For Organizations: Economics: Moving from profitability to generosity. Effectiveness: Not just being effective but achieving excellence. Efficiency: Beyond being efficient—becoming extraordinary. Ethics: From ethical behavior to true benevolence. Relationships: Shifting from helpful interactions to honoring and nurturing relationships. Adaptation: Not just coping but truly flourishing amidst change. The Key Idea: Positive Deviance isn’t just about fixing what’s broken or reaching the status quo; it’s about embracing virtuous practices that amplify performance, well-being, and resilience. It’s the difference between doing “well enough” and achieving greatness. Dr. Kim Cameron highlights 4 key strategies for cultivating Positive Leadership that foster Positive Deviance in organizations: 1️⃣ Fostering Positive Climate – Build environments of gratitude, compassion, and optimism. 2️⃣ Building Positive Relationships – Create connections that enhance trust and collaboration. 3️⃣ Creating Positive Meaning – Help people find purpose and fulfillment in their work. 4️⃣ Enabling Positive Communication – Use affirming, strengths-based dialogue to inspire and energize. Why It Matters: Positive Deviance is the result of positively deviant leadership teams and a high-performing culture. It’s not just about achieving results—it’s about building cultures where individuals and teams can flourish. This is what I call a self-actualizing organization, where extraordinary outcomes become the norm. In my next post, I’ll dive deeper into the 4 practices of Positive Leadership. Please click follow and enjoy how I bring clarity to complexity!

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  • Voir le profil de Gaël Guéret

    Coach de Dirigeants

    What is your sentence ? « In 1962, Clare Boothe Luce, one of the first women to serve in the U.S. Congress, offered some advice to President John F. Kennedy. “A great man” she told him, “is one sentence”. Abraham Lincoln’s sentence was : “He preserved the Union and freed the slaves”. Franklin Roosevelt’s was: “He lifted us out of a great depression and helped us win a world war”. Luce feared that Kennedy’s attention was so splintered among different priorities that his sentence risked becoming a muddled paragraph.” Daniel Pink – Drive   Every successful transformation has purpose and focus… that translates into a simple story, a meaningful story. One that can be encapsulated in one sentence. A reminder of the adventure you all embark upon. It will help you get the results you want.   What is your sentence?  It is part of our job at Beyond Performance to help you find or finetune your sentence. Because your results will depend on it.   Let’s open a conversation. Beyond Performance Leadership All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance Results

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  • Beyond Performance Leadership a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    💡 Are you part of the 12% of transformations that succeed? 💡 Today we would like to highlight the useful work of our confrères at Bain & Company, which echoes our experience and might help you if you are leading a transformation. It offers good ground to question how well a transformation is likely to succeed. Major business transformations demand more than bold strategies—they require the collective energy of motivated teams. However, the challenge is real: only 12% of transformations succeed, while 75% fall short with mediocre results. How do you ensure success? Bain gathered insights from four experienced Chief Transformation Officers at large companies: 1️⃣ Prioritize and sequence: Motivated employees are up to three times more productive than disengaged ones. To prevent overload and fatigue, focus on what matters most and sequence changes thoughtfully. Avoid overwhelming your teams with simultaneous disruptions—prioritization drives sustainable performance. 2️⃣ Move quickly: Momentum is everything in transformation. Even with incomplete resources, starting fast can spark progress, maintain energy, and inspire others to join the effort. Don’t let perfection slow you down—just get moving! 3️⃣ Celebrate wins: Every achievement, big or small, deserves recognition. Acknowledging milestones boosts morale, strengthens engagement, and fuels the collective drive toward success. Positive energy is contagious! 🌟 On a scale of 1 to 10, how well is your organization doing regarding these 3 points? In our experience, having coureageous and transparent conversations around sensitive and tricky questions is an excellent way to create or maintain an alliance around the transformations that you lead. #Leadership #Transformation #Engagement #Performance

  • Beyond Performance Leadership a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    Do you know the transformation change curve ? At which stage(s) are you on this curve in your organisation ? graph source : Bain & Company Whatever stage you are in for one of the (many) transformations you are currently deploying, there are ways to question, deepen, reframe, engage or reengage, refocus, boost or accelerate... in short LEAD better together, to reach together success and expected results in your transformations. Interested to explore, contact us Beyond Performance Leadership All Together, For Successful Transformations, Towards Beyond Performance Results #transformationjourney #maintainingenergy #pragmatism #smartobjectives #transformativestory #results #success #performance

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  • Beyond Performance Leadership a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    Transformation - What are we talking about ? We all think we know we know, yet ... What is this definition by the Oxford dictionary telling you in your corporate context ? What does it inspire you or new to your previous representations ? By the way, which change(s) are we talking about in your current role ? And how do you contribute to make it more "complete"? #transformation #beyondwords #strategy #execution #beyondperformance

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  • You are not alone

    Voir le profil de Agnes Mentil

    CEO Beyond Performance - All Together, for Successful Transformations, towards Beyond Performance results

    Having a hard time to restart after the holiday break ? How do you want to restart ? How do you make your teams/ your organisation restart ? More importantly: what is your story? This is what I want to highlight today with you. ⚡️ You know you need to restart  yet some years are more difficult than others And if you have taken 2 weeks off this year, enjoyed it and eventually really disconnected This week may feel long and the restart be somewhat slower than necessary And 2025 can be someway scary  Whether you think about the hard facts or you look at the low signals, Fuzzy and risky, tough to read, impredictable  Reactivating the ghost of what bad surprises can imply If you have not done it yet and if you are not against it by principle, management best practices and processes are well known to create a motion towards tomorrow, whether we are speaking about a regular evolution or a transformation. 🎬 At Beyond performance, we like to take it one step Beyond and set the ingredients for successful transformation. And at this special moment of the year, What matters is the story A story People can understand, relate to, share, follow A "smart" story You know What "smart" usually stands for when we talk about objectives-  S- Specific  M- Mesurable  A- Atteinable R- Relevant T- Timed (time base, time bound) Because the best soups are made in the old pots Yet because things change and people have different needs And because finding the right words to engage, matters 💎 Here is our "smart" for the year and for your transformative story Smart like  S- Sensing - needs to be connected to what people see, feel, live, their reality, grounded   M- Meaningful - needs to be connected to a purpose, a why, something above you and them. People want to be useful and impactful towards something bigger than them  A- Alliance - needs to be and speak about "together"; whatever the year is about, people want to belong to a force acting towards it and are longing for collective motion and energy  R- Rare - people want and can do great and unique things, be on the winning team, they want to build cathedrals. Your story needs to inspire this T- Triggered - people need more support, push, development, training, feedback, empathy... than before, to be motivated, engaged, performing   🚀 Are you starting the year SMART? As for me, dance is inspiring my restart. Flexibility and grace. Gently opening 2025, strengthening our alliances with our clients. #stopandstart #storyline #SMART #motivation

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