Photo de couverture de chaixetmorel

À propos

The projects developed by the Atelier are the fruit of team work, being the only approach possible given the multi-faceted demands made on today’s architects. Founded in 1983, the Atelier currently comprises a team of eight architect patners : Philippe Chaix, Jean-Paul Morel, Rémy Van Nieuwenhove, Anabel Sergent, Walter Grasmug, Rémi Lichnerowicz, Benoit Sigros and Denis Germond. Project leaders, architects and administrative managers complete this group of around 40 people. The various nationalities represented make this an international and multilingual agency based on openness and exchange. The last 30 years have seen the development of a culture within the agency based on two complementary facets: public sector architecture (Zénith concert halls, theatres, museums, stadiums and educational buildings) and private sector architecture (office blocks and industrial buildings). The Atelier is currently expanding abroad thanks to an agency in Vienna, associations with foreign architects and a particular focus on Germany, Austria and Belgium. The Atelier proposes an architecture that places emphasis on restrained elegance, a refined style and a subtle approach to lighting. Every project is studied from a fresh point of view, with each scheme calling for a specific response that avoids any preconceived architectural or aesthetic ideas. It is this spirit that has allowed the Atelier to meet the challenge of all types of programmes and continue the architectural adventure in a manner that constantly stresses the importance of innovation.

Activités d’architecture
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Architecture, Design et BIM


Employés chez chaixetmorel


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