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La bonne nouvelle du jour !! 🤟 Avec Power Platform, inclus dans vos licences Microsoft 365, vous pouvez maintenant développer des applications mobiles no-code pour IOS, et Android qui supportent le mode hors connexion ; à faible coût et en quelques heures. 😵 *** Certaines fonctionnalités nécessitent l'achat d'une licence Power Apps Premium ***
Building solutions on the Microsoft platform to provide best outcomes for my customers | SharePoint | Office 365 | Power Platform | MS Teams | Azure | RecordPoint | Nintex | Powell | DocuSign | Dynamics 365
Exciting news for mobile app developers! Microsoft recently announced the General Availability of mobile offline support for canvas apps on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. This means that with the flip of a switch, your app can work with Dataverse data wherever you are – with or without a network connection. The best part? The offline feature handles all the complexity for you, so you can build your app with standard Power Fx formulas. Stay connected and productive, no matter where you are.