[⭐ Suppliers' day a great success once again!]
The auditorium at “La Comète” in Hésingue City was packed to capacity on Thursday 21 November, confirming the attractiveness of the Suppliers' Meeting organized by Marianne Samuel, Global Purchasing Director.
Cryostar's partners, welcomed by the Purchasing Department, the buyers and procurement teams, were able to discover, through the figures shared by Marianne Samuel, the excellent stability and durability of the partnership between Cryostar and its suppliers: we are talking about more than 4,000 cumulative years of fruitful exchanges between Cryostar and its suppliers, whether they are historical or recent partners!
By detailing and commenting on the figures, the outlook and the markets analysis, Samuel Zouaghi, Chairman of Cryostar, elicited a number of questions and discussions, before giving the floor to Adriano Audia, Head of After-Sales Purchasing and Business Centers of Cryostar and project manager for the PYXIS interface.
Adriano gave a very detailed presentation on the progress of the launch of the Pyxis SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) interface, which brings together all the data and exchanges with our partners.
We were delighted to welcome Béatrice Lamourette and Driss Rachdi, co-founders of AXISCOPE and creators of the PYXIS interface, who were able to reassure the partners about the functionalities, fluidity and efficiency of this new collaborative tool dedicated to partners, developed and implemented at Cryostar in February 2024. Many thanks to them for their commitment to making this new interface a reliable, intuitive tool, which will continue to evolve to provide ever greater comfort and speed of exchange with our partners. The latter have shown a clear interest in this solution, which offers the advantage of being able to interface with their own ERP systems.
The morning ended on a very convivial note, with intense discussions around a buffet featuring products coming from Alsace, giving our partners from all over the world a foretaste of the very popular Christmas markets.
#BeCryostar #SupplierDay