We are very excited to announce the launch of our International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) for 2025. We are co-hosting with our Spanish partner Spanish Clinical Research Network (SCReN) to bring you what we hope to be a very insightful day. 📆Date: Tuesday, 20 May, 2025 📍 Place: Madrid, Spain 👩🔬 Theme: Rethinking Clinical Trials: Inclusivity in Practice The need for greater inclusivity in clinical trials is clear in Europe and there is an increasing obligation to progress from discussion to concrete implementation. By uniting different stakeholders from the community, ICTD will shed light not only on why diversity, equity and inclusion should be embraced in clinical research but will give concrete examples of what has been done so far and where there are still hurdles to overcome. More information will be released soon. For now, please mark the date in your diaries. We hope you are able to join us! 🌟 https://lnkd.in/e_mfQNxM #ClinicalTrials #DEI #ICTD #ICTD2025 CZECRIN, Infrastructure F-CRIN, KKS-Netzwerk e. V., HRB National Clinical Trials Office (NCTO), HECRIN (Hungarian National Health Research Agency) GreCRIN _ECRIN, ItaCRIN (Istituto Superiore di Sanità), NorCRIN, PCTN (Agencja Badań Medycznych), PtCRIN Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, Spanish Clinical Research Network (SCReN), SLOVACRIN, Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation
ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
Services de recherche
Paris, Île-de-France 6 136 abonnés
Supporting multinational clinical trials in Europe
À propos
- Site web
Lien externe pour ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
- Secteur
- Services de recherche
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 11-50 employés
- Siège social
- Paris, Île-de-France
- Type
- Non lucratif
- Fondée en
- 2013
- Domaines
- Multinational clinical trial management, project management, data centre certification et academic clinical trials
30, Boulevard Saint-Jacques
75014 Paris, Île-de-France, FR
Employés chez ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
Jacques Demotes Mainard
Director General at ECRIN - ERIC
Robert O'Connor PhD
Leadership | Health | Research | Communication | Consultancy | Education | Governance | - National Clinical Trials Office Director
sergio contrino
Head of Data Projects
Head of Clinical Operations
ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) a republié ceci
With #RareDiseaseDay coming up this month on February 28th, RareKids-CAN would like to hear from our rare disease community! We know how resilient this community is and the value of connection. We’d like to encourage you to share how you’ll be marking this day in your area! You can learn more about how to get involved at https://lnkd.in/gw7xrZv2 #RareDiseaseDay #RareKidsCAN #RareDiseaseResearch
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a time to celebrate achievements and advocate for a more inclusive, gender-equal scientific community. 📣 While progress is underway, women are still underrepresented in the field. We take pride in the dedication of the women in our network. The contributions of women and girls are essential in helping to drive and advance clinical research across Europe. 👩🔬 #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience #WomenInScience #GirlsInSTEM
The CONSCIOUS II project group is proud to announce the completion of the project – a 3-year journey dedicated to developing a practice based and pragmatic curriculum for PhD students and early-career researchers. 👩🔬 The project focused on building essential knowledge and skills, CONSCIOUS II equips trialists of the future to design, conduct, manage, evaluate, and publish quality clinical research with confidence. Please share the training with anyone in your network who may be interested.💡 Check out their project news: https://lnkd.in/gzJkYWbx #CONSCIOUSII #ClinicalStudies #PhD #Training National Partners: Masaryk University Brno (Czech Republic), University of Pécs (Hungary), University of Szeged (Hungary), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), Université Paris Cité (France), University College Cork UCC (Ireland) Associate partner: ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
Mark your calendars for the second REMEDi4ALL webinar within their series. We will be discussing the topic 'Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases' alongside REMEDi4ALL's partners Beacon for Rare Diseases, EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe and ECRIN! 💻 🔬Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases and Q&A 🗓️ Friday 28 February 🕚11:00-12:30 (CET) 🎟️ Registrations: ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eMwCe2Mq This series will provide valuable insights into the purpose, process, and people behind clinical research, answering some of the most common questions raised by trial participants and patients interested in research. #RareDiseases #RareDiseaseDay #Research ERDERA, EUPATI, Rare Disease Moonshot
ECRIN signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Maternal Infant Child and Youth Research Network (MICYRN) On 27 December 2024, ECRIN and MICYRN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the intention of better aligning their collaboration and capacity to jointly provide operational support to international trials. This is of particular importance as the Government of Canada and the European Commission signed an agreement in July 2024 authorising enhanced participation of Canada in Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe Programme. The Maternal Infant Child and Youth Research Network (MICYRN) is a federally incorporated, nonprofit charitable society that joins 21 member maternal-child health research organisations with over 25 affiliated practice-based perinatal and paediatric research networks, based at teaching hospitals affiliated with the 18 medical schools across Canada. MICYRN’s principal role is to improve the quality and impact of research through the provision of a coordinated infrastructure that supports research teams working across the country. It is well positioned to serve as a central point of contact to connect national and international stakeholders to clinical trial sites and investigators across Canada. With the two entities, ECRIN and MICYRN working towards similar goals on opposite sides of the Atlantic, this Memorandum of Understanding will further strengthen the capacity of both parties and open doors to concrete collaboration activities. This marks a very exciting milestone for ECRIN to collaborate beyond its continental borders. https://lnkd.in/eznhCtZ7
ECRIN is thrilled to announce that the Slovak Republic is now officially a full Member of the ECRIN community! Slovakia has been an Observer country since 2018 and its request for full membership was approved during the Assembly of Members meeting in Paris on January 27, 2025. As a Member SLOVACRIN has acquired the right to vote in ECRIN’s deciding body, the Assembly of Members. The appointment of a national representative to the Assembly of Members will take place shortly. Meanwhile, Beata Čečetková has been designated as Slovakia's representative in the Network Committee. CZECRIN, F-CRIN, KKS-Netzwerk e. V., GreCRIN _ECRIN, Hungarian National Health Research Agency, HRB National Clinical Trials Office (NCTO), #ItaCRIN, NorCRIN, Agencja Badań Medycznych, PtCRIN Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, Spanish Clinical Research Network (SCReN), Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation #InvestigatorInitiatedClinicalStudies, #ResearchInfrastructure, #SlovakRepublic
ECRIN supports research and collaboration on World Cancer Day! 🎗️ This #WorldCancerDay, we wish to celebrate the collective efforts of organisations and initiatives that are committed to making a difference to the lives of cancer patients. This day promotes health equity, improves accessibility to cancer services and reduces disparities in cancer incidence and mortality, to finally close the care gap. Here are some of the projects and trials that we are working within to provide cancer solutions: 💡 Liveration #LIVERATION is a comprehensive, practical and multinational clinical trial with the objective of investigating if the enlargement of the ablated margin through radiofrequency can reduce the recurrence of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis (CRLM) and enhance patient longevity. ECRIN is the leader of two work packages dedicated to the preparation of the pragmatic clinical trial. We are coordinating the trial in 7 different countries (France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland) working along 8 different academic CTUs/CROs. 💙 EOSC4Cancer #EOSC4Cancer will make diverse types of cancer data accessible: genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economic. It will use and enhance federated and interoperable systems for securely identifying, sharing, processing and reusing FAIR data across borders and offer them within community-driven analysis environments. ECRIN supports efforts on data harmonisation and interoperability between clinical trial databases and Clinical Decision Support Systems 🌟 #PERMIT Recommendations Available Personalised medicine (PM) is redefining healthcare, in particular in oncology, by tailoring treatments to individual patients, but ensuring its research is rigorous and reliable has been an ongoing challenge. ECRIN has coordinated the work conducted by the PERMIT project which presents over 30 key recommendations for the different steps of the PM research pipeline and guidance from end-to-end. 💊 REMEDi4ALL #REMEDi4All is building a sustainable European innovation platform to enhance the repurposing of medicines for all. The project has selected four medicine repurposing projects in different stages of development to demonstrate the viability of the newly created platform. Each project covers a different therapeutic area with high unmet medical needs, including the VESPA trial on pancreatic cancer. ECRIN is leading the work package on clinical development, which focuses on the identification of resources and services needed to support the clinical development of repurposed medicines.
Great opportunity at our Czech national partner. Reach out to them today if you, or someone you know is interested in this exciting job offer.
🕴🏻 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄 (𝐂𝐓𝐂) | 𝐂𝐙𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍 hledá projektového manažera/manažerku! Máte zkušenosti s řízením projektů? Umíte efektivně koordinovat tým a dohlížet na realizaci klinických studií? Láká vás příležitost podílet se na výzkumu, který mění životy pacientů? Rozšiřujeme jednotku Clinical Trial Centre (CTC) v rámci VVI CZECRIN, české národní sítě pro klinický výzkum a součásti evropské sítě 𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍-𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐂. Podílíme se na národních i mezinárodních výzkumných projektech, spolupracujeme s předními klinickými pracovišti a přispíváme k vývoji moderních inovativních produktů. Hledáme posilu do našeho týmu projektových manažerů a manažerek, jejichž úkolem je zajištění realizace klinických studií, včetně řízení a koordinace činností zapojených subjektů. Co vás u nás čeká? 🔹 Zajištění realizace klinických studií, řízení a koordinace činností v jednotlivých fázích projektu 🔹 Řízení a vedení projektového týmu k úspěšné realizaci klinických studií 🔹 Dohled nad průběhem klinické studie v souladu se správnou klinickou praxí a legislativou 🔹 Příprava a správa projektové dokumentace, smluv a rozpočtu 🔹 Příprava reportů, zajištění povinných hlášení a dohled nad farmakovigilancí 🔹 Komunikace se zadavateli, klinickými centry a regulačními autoritami (např. SÚKL) 𝐂𝐙𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍 je součástí MUNI | CREATIC - středoevropského centra pro moderní terapie, nově budovaného mezinárodního univerzitního centra, jediného svého druhu v ČR, zaměřeného na vzácná onemocnění dětských i dospělých pacientů. Výzkumné výsledky tohoto centra znamenají pro pacienty větší naději na přežití a kvalitnější život. 💡 Přidejte se k našemu týmu a staňte se součástí prestižní infrastruktury, která pomáhá posouvat hranice klinického výzkumu! 📌 Více informací a přihlašovací formulář najdete zde: https://lnkd.in/e_iVJ9tN a na webových stránkách CZECRIN i CREATIC. Těšíme se na vás! Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity #CZECRIN #CREATIC #ClinicalTrials #ScienceJobs #CREATIC_hiring