Enterprise Europe Network Hauts-de-France - EEN HDF a republié ceci
Chargée de mission Projets européens & Innovation chez Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement - EEN HdF
Honorée d'avoir pu participer à cette table ronde pour renforcer nos actions avec le réseau Eureka Network. C'est Bpifrance France qui finance les partenaires des projets côté Français mais Enterprise Europe Network Hauts-de-France - EEN HDF peut vous aider : ☑ à identifier le bon programme entre #Eurostars, #Innowide ou encore #Investment readiness et autres programmes d'Horizon europe ➿ à identifier des partenaires européens ⚠ à vous poser les bonnes questions sur la propriété intellectuelle notamment via le European IP Helpdesk Christian Dubarry Daniela Onofri
Senior expert in public funding and access to finance for high innovative companies. Scaling up business support services. European and international R&D&I collaborative projects.
Strong #cooperation 🤝 between #eencanhelp #EEN2024 and Eureka Network leads to successful funded 💸 international 🌍 innovative projects 💡 between #SMEs . Let's continue to work on great joint activities, events, partner searches and supporting applications of high innovative companies accross the world. Bring also the protection of IPR into your portfolio of support services thanks to the #eencanhelp #IPR ambassadors and you will have the perfect winning combination. How does it really work 📝 📞 was the core topic of our pannel discussion "Navigating Global Growth: EEN and EUREKA Partnering Together" during the EEN Annual Conferece 2024 #EEN2024 in #Budapest. Let's continue to support innovative SMEs and StartUps going #international and increasing their #competitiveness through R&I. Their strength is needed more than ever and they need our support to achieve it. Thanks to Natalia Martínez Paramo, Oscar Fernandez Moyano Jana Drzkova Tamas Tuske and György Cserey, founder of the by Eurostars funded company StreamNovation Ltd. for their valuable insights and for the clear orientation to get the funding! European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Eureka Network CDTI Innovación - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) GmbH Győr-Moson-Sopron Vármegyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Hauts-de-France Innovation Développement Enterprise Europe Network Bayern European IP Helpdesk Barbara Betz Alexandra Pohl