👨🔬👏 Congratulations to Adrian Westhaus , a researcher at Genethon and Inserm , in the Immunology and Liver Diseases team, under the supervision of Tiziana La Bella and led by Giuseppe Ronzitti. 💶 He has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2024 grant by European Commission - European Research Executive Agency (REA) for his project: "Towards the Engineering of High-Capacity Viral Vectors for Neuromuscular Diseases" under the Horizon Europe program. This project is among the 160 research projects across all fields that have been awarded funding in France. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie initiative, under its ‘Science and Excellence’ pillar aims to promote researcher mobility across countries, sectors and disciplines through research projects and training programmes. 🎉Congratulations on receiving this prestigious post-doctoral fellowship! ........................................................................................................................................................ 👨🔬👏 Un grand bravo à Adrian Westhaus , chercheur à Genethon et à l’Inserm , dans l’équipe Immunologie et maladies du foie, sous la responsabilité de Tiziana La Bella, dirigée par Giuseppe Ronzitti. 💶 Il a obtenu une bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2024 European Commission - European Research Executive Agency (REA), pour son projet : “Towards the Engineering of High-Capacity Viral Vectors for Neuromuscular Diseases” du program Horizon Europe. Son projet fait partie des 160 projets de recherche récompensés pour la France tous domaines confondus. L'action Marie Skłodowska-Curie pour son volet « Science et excellence » vise à encourager la mobilité des chercheurs entre pays, secteurs et disciplines sur des projets de recherche et des programmes de formation. 🎉Félicitations pour l’obtention de cette prestigieuse bourse post doctorale !
A little slice of post-doctoral Heaven! I'm incredibly happy to announce that I have been granted the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship to fund my research at INSERM and Genethon. Thanks to all reviewers, the European Commission and my lab mates! #aav #genetherapy #viralvector