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CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation

CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation


CIDOC provides the museum community with advice on good practices in museum documentation.

À propos

Documentation is essential to all aspects of a museums activities. Collections without adequate documentation are not true “museum” collections. CIDOC, ICOM’s International Committee for Documentation, provides the museum community with advice on good practice and developments in museum documentation. CIDOC is one of the 30 International committees of ICOM. It is CIDOC rather than ICDOC because the committee was at its inception guided by mostly Francophones (French speakers) who named it the Comité International pour la Documentation. As the world has become more Anglophone (English speaking) the lingua franca of the committee has become English, and the de facto name of the committee has become the International Committee for Documentation.

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Taille de l’entreprise
1 employé
Siège social
Non lucratif
Fondée en
Museum Documentation, Standards et Museum


Employés chez CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation


  • CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation a republié ceci

    CIDOC EODEM. New training module available: Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model The result of a successful collaborative effort between CIDOC and eleven software providers, EODEM makes it possible for museums to exchange data about object loans at the click of a button - saving time and avoiding errors. A survey conducted by the CIDOC Documentation Standards WG revealed that museums spend and average of 21.5 days every year working on data entry related to loans - that's a lot of time spent copying and recopying data. EODEM is already fully supported by major software applications, with more announced for 2025. If your software provider isn't on the list yet, tell them they should be! The training module, developed and presented by Rupert Shepherd, was first presented at the CIDOC 2024 training workshop in Amsterdam. Use it free of charge. You can consult EODEM and other CIDOC Training modules online here:

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  • CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation a republié ceci

    CIDOC CRM 2025 meetings This year the CRM SIG ( will hold two hybrid meetings to carry forward the work of the development and maintenance of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model and its related extensions. The first one will be held in the Spring, from April 1 to 4, and will be hosted by Digital Humanities, Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern in Bern, Switzerland ( The second meeting will be held in the fall, from the 14th to the 17th of October, hosted by FORTH-ICS in Crete, Greece. Larger foci of this year’s meetings will be integrating ground up knowledge from the community on on-going modelling concerns, working on the question of referencing non-official extensions on the CRM site, investigating questions of pedagogy around the standard and discussing questions of querying ( These topics will be addressed alongside the usual work on iteratively moving the standard forward. Documentalists, cultural heritage specialists, semanticists, developers and anyone interested in the development and application of the CRM standard for heritage data integration are welcome to join.  Participation in the meetings can take place either in person or online. Interested participants should check for the precise agenda of each meeting approximately one month before the scheduled event on the CIDOC CRM website. The link for this registration will be posted on the website link above a few weeks before the event begins. Also, to join the CRM mailing list, write at csa [@] the subject of the email should read “CRM SIG mailing-list subscription request".

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  • CIDOC CRM 2025 meetings This year the CRM SIG ( will hold two hybrid meetings to carry forward the work of the development and maintenance of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model and its related extensions. The first one will be held in the Spring, from April 1 to 4, and will be hosted by Digital Humanities, Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern in Bern, Switzerland ( The second meeting will be held in the fall, from the 14th to the 17th of October, hosted by FORTH-ICS in Crete, Greece. Larger foci of this year’s meetings will be integrating ground up knowledge from the community on on-going modelling concerns, working on the question of referencing non-official extensions on the CRM site, investigating questions of pedagogy around the standard and discussing questions of querying ( These topics will be addressed alongside the usual work on iteratively moving the standard forward. Documentalists, cultural heritage specialists, semanticists, developers and anyone interested in the development and application of the CRM standard for heritage data integration are welcome to join.  Participation in the meetings can take place either in person or online. Interested participants should check for the precise agenda of each meeting approximately one month before the scheduled event on the CIDOC CRM website. The link for this registration will be posted on the website link above a few weeks before the event begins. Also, to join the CRM mailing list, write at csa [@] the subject of the email should read “CRM SIG mailing-list subscription request".

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  • CIDOC EODEM. New training module available: Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model The result of a successful collaborative effort between CIDOC and eleven software providers, EODEM makes it possible for museums to exchange data about object loans at the click of a button - saving time and avoiding errors. A survey conducted by the CIDOC Documentation Standards WG revealed that museums spend and average of 21.5 days every year working on data entry related to loans - that's a lot of time spent copying and recopying data. EODEM is already fully supported by major software applications, with more announced for 2025. If your software provider isn't on the list yet, tell them they should be! The training module, developed and presented by Rupert Shepherd, was first presented at the CIDOC 2024 training workshop in Amsterdam. Use it free of charge. You can consult EODEM and other CIDOC Training modules online here:

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  • Thinking about Dubai 2025? This year the International Council of Museums (ICOM) community of museum professionals will have its 27th General Conference, or “Triennial,” set to take place in Dubai from 10–14 November 2025. The Conference’s theme is “The Future of Museums in Rapidly Changing Communities”. There are three grants to support participation in the ICOM Triennial. We invite you to have a look at the eligibility process as well as the priorities and deadlines: ICOM announced the Participation Grants for the Conference in Dubai supported by SAREC for 60 grantees. More information at ICOM’s website. Deadline 28 February: The Getty Foundation announced 20 grants for Supporting Emerging Professionals to attend the Conference. Deadline 14 March. More information here: The Grace Morley Participation Grant is available for prospective applicants from ICOM India. It has conditions similar to the SAREC grants but does not require committee nominations. Deadline 28 February: More information here:

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  • Museum Documentation and Information technologies in Paris On Friday 24 January, ICOM CIDOC and ICOM FRANCE joined forces for a unique discussion on documentation and new digital technologies. CIDOC presented its current and past work, including its efforts to reach out to the francophone community, to an audience of 70. The event continued with a series of presentations showing applications of CIDOC standards, including LIDO, CRM, and LinkedArt. A highlight of the day were the presentations of museums, libraries, and archives showcasing their experiments with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Several case studies were presented, such as the one by the library of the Philharmonie de Paris, which applies AI for research on its media collection, supporting the link between sources. Also, the Bibliothèque nationale de France presented their AI roadmap and several concrete projects. The Ecole nationale des Chartes and Musée des Arts Décoratifs as well as the Musée Guimet and theIr technological partner Teklia presented projects to identify entities in their image corpus. The French Ministry of Culture presented their use of LIDO as an interoperable standard for data ingestion in the French museums collective catalogue. They also animated the discussion at the end of the day with all speakers and offered a conclusion on how the Ministry is supporting AI initiatives. We thank the many museum professionals for taking part as well as the Musée Guimet - the French national museum for Asian arts - for their support in organizing this meeting. Videos from this event will be made available online soon on CIDOC's channel:

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  • ICOM France and CIDOC are ready for a day, Friday January 24th, in Paris, to discuss about artificial intelligence in the museum sector through some recent or ongoing French projects in this field. This event, in-person only, and fully in French, will be recorded and shared with our community. The event is full and we have a waiting list. For those who will attend, find the information and final program here. Musée Guimet – Hôtel d’Heidelbach (19 avenue d’Iéna, Paris 16th) Friday, January 24, 2025. 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Program: If you have any questions, please contact: Matthieu BONICEL, CIDOC board member in charge of French speaking community development mbonicel [@]

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  • CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation a republié ceci

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de ICOM FRANCE

    17 370  abonnés

    🥁 Ne manquez pas les rendez-vous d'ICOM France du mois de janvier ! - Nous serons présents au salon MUSEUM CONNECTIONS le 14 et 15 janvier prochain porte de Versailles. Rendez-vous en D82 pour découvrir notre stand et échanger avec des membres de notre équipe. - Les 52 minutes d'ICOM France reviennent le jeudi 30 janvier à 12h30 ! Francis De Bonnaire viendra nous présenter les conclusions du projet de recherche européen sur les publics de musées "Sentomus" : Prenez le pouls de votre publics. Une nouvelle étude sera lancée en 2025 ! 👉🏻 - Le CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation de l’ICOM, vous invite à une journée d’études au Musée Guimet. Objectif : découvrir ses projets visant à promouvoir et outiller le rôle de la documentation au sein des musées. En savoir plus :

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