CIDOC - International Committee for Documentation a republié ceci
CIDOC EODEM. New training module available: Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model The result of a successful collaborative effort between CIDOC and eleven software providers, EODEM makes it possible for museums to exchange data about object loans at the click of a button - saving time and avoiding errors. A survey conducted by the CIDOC Documentation Standards WG revealed that museums spend and average of 21.5 days every year working on data entry related to loans - that's a lot of time spent copying and recopying data. EODEM is already fully supported by major software applications, with more announced for 2025. If your software provider isn't on the list yet, tell them they should be! The training module, developed and presented by Rupert Shepherd, was first presented at the CIDOC 2024 training workshop in Amsterdam. Use it free of charge. You can consult EODEM and other CIDOC Training modules online here: