Thesis Accepted! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce that Annabelle KLEIN has successfully defended her PhD thesis titled:
"Characterization of developmental senescence using a new reporter mouse model to identify genes common across senescence states"
under the supervision of Bill KEYES and co-supervision of Muriel RHINN. 🧬🔬
Summary of her work:
Cellular senescence is a cell state characterized by stable cell cycle arrest, numerous intracellular changes, and a secretion phenotype. While senescence can have detrimental effects in many contexts, it also plays beneficial roles, such as during embryonic development. However, there are currently no specific markers for cellular senescence.
In her PhD project, Annabelle validated a new murine model of senescence, the p21-mCherry-CreERT2 mouse, both in vitro and in vivo. Using this model, she defined the transcriptome of developmental senescence in embryonic limb buds. This developmental senescence signature was subsequently used in a meta-analysis alongside 18 other senescence studies, leading to the identification of numerous candidate genes that may serve as novel markers or mediators of senescence. 🧠✨
For more details, the thesis will be officially deposited in the coming months: Thesis link
Skills acquired:
During her PhD, Annabelle acquired a wide range of experimental skills, from classic techniques such as western blotting and qPCR to more specialised methods such as in ovo electroporation and SA-ß-Gal staining. Her project enabled her to deepen her understanding of cellular senescence, work effectively in a team, understand how academic research works, present her work effectively and, of course, write a doctoral thesis!🧑🔬🛠️
Highlights at IGBMC:
The IGBMC offers cutting-edge scientific platforms that are essential for high-quality research. During her PhD, Annabelle benefited from the flow cytometry, imaging and cell culture platforms, as well as the ICS (Institut Clinique de la Souris) for the creation and management of genetically modified mouse models. She also enjoyed the social and scientific events organised by the institute, including Get Togethers, Poster Sessions, annual barbecues organised by the SPB, or management. 🍔🔬
Funding and collaborations:
Her thesis was funded by the IMCBio doctoral school for three years, followed by a one-year extension funded by the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research.. 💡💰
Next step:
After her thesis, Annabelle will remain with her team for the time being to finalise and publish her project. During these few months, she will also begin to explore opportunities for her next position. Although she hasn't yet precisely defined the direction she wants to take, this period will be crucial for maturing her thinking and guiding her career choices.🌍✨
Congratulations to Annabelle, and best wishes for her future endeavors! 🎉