📢 Offre de #stage : Ingénieur/Master- 6 mois - LabTAU, Inserm U1032 - "Évaluation in vitro d’une sonde #ultrasonore thérapeutique pour le traitement de l’#endométriose #digestive"
LabTAU, Inserm U1032
Services de recherche
Lyon Cedex 03, Rhône 1 437 abonnés
LabTAU is an INSERM research unit. The research at LabTAU aims at using ultrasound for therapy
À propos
The research laboratory LabTAU is affiliated to INSERM, the University of Lyon and the Center Leon Bérard. The research at LabTAU aims at using ultrasound for therapy. The expertise of scientists at LabTAU covers acoustics, biomedical engineering, clinical and industrial transfer. In that context, the LabTAU is certified ISO9001 since 2008. Long term collaborations with companies resulted in the clinical evaluation and / or commercialisation of ultrasonic devices for treating prostate cancer (with EDAP TMS), glaucoma (with EyeTechCare) or brain diseases (with Carter) for examples. LabTAU performs a research at the interface between engineering sciences and medicine, and thus benefits from the support of 2 laboratories of excellence, an elite French funding program: Excellence Laboratory Cancer Development and Targeted Therapies (LabEx DEVweCAN) and Excellence Laboratory of Acoustics (LabEx CeLya), with the aim of promoting Lyon to a global hub in the field of oncology and acoustics, respectively, and to attract new talents. In 2017, LabTAU became the 7th Center of Excellence of the FUS Foundation.
- Site web
Lien externe pour LabTAU, Inserm U1032
- Secteur
- Services de recherche
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 51-200 employés
- Siège social
- Lyon Cedex 03, Rhône
- Type
- Administration publique
- Fondée en
- 1985
- Domaines
- Acoustics, Biomedical Engineering, Clinical research et Industrial transfer
151 Cours Albert Thomas
69424 Lyon Cedex 03, Rhône, FR
Employés chez LabTAU, Inserm U1032
Cyril Lafon
Directeur du LabTAU - Directeur de Recherche à l'INSERM - Arbitre FFR
Rémi Souchon
Research Scientist at LabTAU, Inserm
Frederic Padilla
Director of Gene and Cell Therapy Program, Director of Applied Physics Research
Au Hoangdinh
PhD, MD, Radiologist at Hanoi Medical University Hospital
Thesis Defense : « Ultrasons focalisés interstitiels guidés par la navigation échographique pour les thérapies conformationnelles du carcinome hépatocellulaire » Date: Monday, December 16th 2024 at 2:30 pm (French Time) Author : Thomas BISCALDI - PhD Student at LabTAU - Inserm U1032 Place: LabTAU Conference Room Language : French #Ultrasons thérapeutiques, #Cathéter #interstitiel, #robotique, #carcinome #hépatocellulaire
Congratulations to Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna on receiving The Grand Prix de thèse Saint-Gobain from the French #Physics Society (SFP) Le Prix Saint-Gobain 2023 est décerné à Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna Borgna pour sa thèse intitulée "Micro-#élastographie : caractérisation mécanique de la cellule par ondes élastiques" effectuée à l'Université Claude Bernard / Lyon 1 sous la direction de Stefan Catheline. Son travail porte sur l'imagerie des objets biologiques via la mesure de leurs propriétés mécaniques, une classe de techniques dont la mieux connue est l'échographie. La première partie porte sur une extension de ce type de caractérisations à des échelles nettement plus petites que celles auxquelles elles ont aujourd'hui accès, celle de la cellule vivante unique. Pour cela, elle a mis au point une technique originale pour générer des #ondes #mécaniques à petite échelle via l'utilisation d'une #bulle oscillante. Elle a ensuite tourné son attention vers des amas cellulaires mimant des tumeurs cancéreuses, et a là encore contribué au développement d'une source d'onde innovante à base de #nanoparticules magnétiques. La dernière partie de ce travail porte sur des échelles beaucoup plus grandes, et a trait à l'#onde de #pouls provoquée par les battements du #coeur et qui se propage le long des vaisseaux sanguins. Alors que la communauté scientifique n'avait jusque là connaissance d'un seul type d'onde de pouls, Gabrielle Laloy Borgna en a au cours de sa #thèse identifiée une seconde, beaucoup plus lente et impliquant la flexion des vaisseaux sanguins. Ces résultats bouleversent 200 ans d’histoire faisant suite aux travaux de Thomas Young en 1820 et ouvrent des perspectives très prometteuses pour le diagnostic médical (1 Science Advances, 3 APL, 1 brevet). https://lnkd.in/djB_zYYz
Seminar : “ #Therapeutic #microbubbles for #vascular drug delivery and #bacterial killing ” Date : Monday, November 18th 2024 at 11am (French Time) Author: Klazina Kooiman – Associate Professor - Head of Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Group - Biomedical Engineering, Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Research Institute- Rotterdam Place: LabTAU Conference Room Language: English
Discovery of Flexural Waves in Blood Vessels Could Enable Accurate Cardiovascular Diagnostics. Pulse wave felt by fingers for vital diagnosis is a guided mechanical wave propagating from the heart to the end of the arteries. It is by nature axisymmetric. A collaboration with Quinze-Vingt Paris Hospital, University of Tokushima and University of Lübeck conducted by INSERM of Lyon [1], lead to the discovery that pulse energy originated from the heart could also travel in an antisymmetric way: it is the flexural pulse wave. As it is much slower, its detection and speed estimation are easier. We anticipate that this parameter will be very useful in #angiography, shall it be by #ultrasound, MRI, #optics or X-rays, to assess the #cardiovascular health of a patient. Watch the animation on : https://lnkd.in/eC-nThJt [1] Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna-Borgna, Léo Puyo, Hidero Nishino, Michael Atlan, Stefan Catheline Observation of natural flexural pulse waves in retinal and carotid arteries for wall elasticity estimation Science Advances, 9 (25) (2023) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf1783
ITEC 2024 - Lyon Thank You for an Incredible #ITEC 2024 conference! We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made this event possible. A special thank you to our esteemed speakers, dedicated participants, and supportive sponsors for their contributions and insights. During 3 days, we explored groundbreaking research, shared best practices, and forged new connections that will drive #elastography forward. We encourage all attendees to stay connected and continue the conversations that began here. Save the date for #ITEC 2025 to be held in Seattle (USA), by the end of June -we can’t wait to see you again! Thank you once again for being part of this journey.
Congratulations to Thomas BISCALDI on receiving the Nadine Barrie Smith Award 2024 from the #ISTU Society! Mr. Thomas BISCALDI, PhD student at the Laboratory of Therapeutic Applications of Ultrasound (LabTAU, Inserm U1032, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, University Claude Bernard of Lyon, France), recently received the International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound’s (#ISTU) Nadine BARRIE SMITH Award at the 23rd International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound. ISTU’s most prestigious student award was established in 2011 in honor of Dr. Nadine BARRIE SMITH's dedication to students in therapeutic ultrasound and recognizes exemplary student achievements at the ISTU Annual Symposium. This fund allows continued recognition of Dr. BARRIE SMITH's legacy as a mentor, and to encourage others to do the same. The ISTU24 event was held in Taipei (Taiwan) from Sept. 19 to 22, 2024, at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) located right in the heart of Taipei City in the international Xinyi business district. Following ISTU tradition, the student award winners were selected by the ISTU Student Awards Committee after pre-selection of abstracts and presentations of their works at either the “Student Award Talks” Session or the “Student Award Posters” Session. Three awards were then given for Best Poster, Best Oral Presentation, and the Nadine BARRIE SMITH Award at the final “Student Award Announcements” session. This year, Mr. Thomas BISCALDI (LabTAU, Inserm U1032, INSERM, CLB, University Claude Bernard of Lyon, France) shared this session with Ms. Mahsa Mokhlesabadi (Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Canada) and Ms. Vanessa Drevenakova (Imperial College London, UK) who respectively received the awards for Best Oral and Best Poster Presentations. Thomas BISCALDI gave a presentation entitled “Dual-Mode US Interstitial Catheter for Robotic US-Navigation-guided Conformal #HIFU therapy: in-vitro experimental validation” highlighting their recent contributions to the development of 3D image-guided robot-assisted ultrasound therapy in interventional radiology, in the context of #HepatoCellular #Carcinoma (HCC) ablation.
“Magnetic microelastography for evaluation of ultrasound-induced softening of pancreatic cancer spheroids” Authors: Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna et al. Published in : Physical Review Applied – 8 August 2024 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.22.024024 https://lnkd.in/dnf7jSKK #pancreatic #cancer, #ultrasound, #microelastography
#ITEC 2024 LYON : Coming soon We’re just ONE month away from the Eighteenth International Tissue Elasticity Conference and its applications in Elastography. The conference will include an opening presentation by Pr. Elisa Konofagou. Pr. Mathias Fink, Pr. Richard Ehman and Pr. Ivan Pelivanov will provide tutorial lectures on "SHEAR WAVE #ELASTOGRAPHY – AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE", "MAGNETIC RESONANCE ELASTOGRAPHY: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS ", and "GUIDED-WAVE #OPTICAL COHERENCE ELASTOGRAPHY (OCE) TO QUANTIFY MACROSCOPIC ELASTICITY IN THE CORNEA", respectively. 🗓️ Date: 21-23 October, 2024 📍 Location: 8 Av. Rockefeller, 69003 Lyon, France 🔗 Register here: https://lnkd.in/dVqibyZj Don’t miss your chance to be part of the conversation!
📢 Offre d'#emploi : Ingénieur en #recherche en #intelligence #artificielle pour l’#imagerie #médicale - CDD de 12 mois LabTAU, Inserm U1032