Ocentis CTC ready for 2025/2028 and VIDA ! 😉 #einvoicing #ctc
What an inspiring event in Prague ! The e-invoicing Exchange Summit was the opportunity to have a full insight and to clarify knowledges about CTC approach in France, Europe and all over the world. Contacts and discussions with operators (PDPs) and many other experts ! Congrats to the team from Exchange Summit ! And thanks to fnfe-mpe for being part of the french delegation ! Ocentis is now, more than ever 😉, ready to help you, our customers, and for CTC / e-invoicing audits and roadmaps of your companies or Business Units, in France and Europe ! Sept 2026 is soon enough ! GO ! Ocentis CTC ready ! 😉 E-Invoicing Exchange Summit #e-invoicing #excs24 fnfe-mpe Nice evening event too with all the attendees and : Johannes von Mulert Lucien Gimenez Daniel Vinz