Photo de couverture de OFFRIAN RUM (OR)


Fabrication de boissons

Oudon, Pays de la Loire 1 250 abonnés

The Rum of Travelers with a Retro Spirit

À propos

OFFRIAN RUM means « To Offer » in Old English. To Offer and to Share. OR is a Life-Style brand, embracing a relaxed ethos via an eclectic DNA. Traveling the world as time-travelling, it plays with past vs present, vintage vs modern, that mirrors the world’s diversity Originally, we, founders, are two childhood friends, natives to Loire-Atlantique (French Loire Valley). In 2011, we united a dozen of local family-owned wine estates. With the "Muscadet in our suitcase" (the local dry white wine, paired with oysters), we embarked on a journey to spread our Loire culture to every corner of the world. While one was exploring Asia, the other connected with Latin America, particularly going through Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela. It was in Caracas where we crossed paths with Arturo Labarca, the Sales Executive of Ocumare Rum, who became the true visionary behind OFFRIAN RUM. Arturo embodied goodness and introduced us to the world of rum from his unique perspective, sharing his dream of crafting his own rum. Being big fans of the "honey bamboo" ourselves, we eagerly embraced his vision. This was around the time when the very first batches of molasses rum were arriving in the EU. Arturo introduced us to Don Pancho, a celebrated Cuban rum master born in 1938. He gained recognition in Cuba from the 1970s and later restored a distillery in Panama with a friend. From wine-lovers to globe-trotters, until rum-crafters. The essence of our brand's DNA navigates between voyages across the world and journeys through time, evoking a sense of retro charm. We see traveling as a gateway to meeting people and cultures, while enjoying a glass of rum by some smooth notes of jazz. Offrian it’s liking the authentic, the "good old days”, vintage, classic movies… At the core of our values stand Conviviality, Quality, and Character, that we infuse in everything we craft.

Fabrication de boissons
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Oudon, Pays de la Loire
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Export, Spiritueux, Rum et Wine



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    1 250  abonnés

    (English version) **Offrian Rum: The Rum of Travelers with Retro Spirits** At OFFRIAN RUM (OR), we believe that rum represents more than just a drink; it stands for values that inspire 😎 For us at OR, it’s an invitation to journey, a tribute to free spirits, a celebration of togetherness and sharing 🤝 Trying to see beyond our ownself, understand the reality of others, and keep an open mind, resistant to dogma. No matter one’s story, it's about offering and enjoying good moments with others. Our mission is to democratize premium rums by making them accessible to as many people as possible, without ever compromising on quality and while preserving our unique character 🥃 We embrace three core values: 1. **Conviviality**: We celebrate the values of travelers – good company, interculturality, kindness, tolerance, empathy, and open-mindedness. Each bottle is an invitation to offer and share, to experience camaraderie and joyful moments together. 2. **Quality**: Elegance, refinement, balance, and craftsmanship. Our rums are carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled tasting experience, delivering finesse and reliability. 3. **Character**: Inspired by the pioneering spirit and courage of explorers, Offrian Rum values audacity, free will, and a deep respect for the past. Our rums carry a love for all things retro/vintage – sometimes dusty and nostalgic, taking you on a journey back in time. It’s our cocktail of authenticity and freedom. Our **Offrian 18-Year-Old** embodies the idea that beyond conviviality, Offrian masters the art of exceptional rums. It offers a sophisticated and unforgettable experience for connoisseurs. If our 8- and 12-year-old cuvées were crafted as the 'everyday friend’s rum,' then our 18-year-old is the one you open for a lifelong friend – a childhood companion, someone you don’t see often, for those rare and exceptional moments that deserve a truly special sharing experience. 😉 #offrianrum #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits **France Distribution: BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS.** Excessive drinking is dangerous for health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation (and in good company).

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    1 250  abonnés

    (Version française) **Offrian Rum : The Rum of Travelers with Retro Spirits** Pour OFFRIAN RUM (OR), nous croyons que le rhum incarne plus qu’une simple boisson mais des valeurs qui inspirent 😎 Chez OR c'est une invitation au voyage, un hommage aux esprits libres, une célébration de la convivialité et du partage 🤝 Voir plus loin, la réalité de mon voisin. Garder un esprit ouvert, imperméable au dogme. Quelque soit son histoire, offrir et recevoir des bons moment avec l'autre. Notre mission est de démocratiser des rhums premium en les rendant accessibles au plus grand nombre, sans jamais compromettre notre engagement pour la qualité et tout en gardant notre caractère intact 🥃 Nous incarnons trois valeurs fondamentales : 1. **Convivialité** : Nous célébrons les valeurs des voyageurs – la bonne compagnie, l’interculturalité, la sympathie, la tolérance, l’empathie et l’ouverture d’esprit. Chaque bouteille est une invitation à offrir et partager, à vivre des moments de camaraderie et de plaisir partagé. 2. **Qualité** : Élégance, raffinement, équilibre et savoir-faire. Nos rhums sont soigneusement élaborés pour offrir une expérience de dégustation d’une finesse et d’une fiabilité inégalées. 3. **Caractère** : Inspiré par l'esprit pionnier et le courage des explorateurs, Offrian Rum valorise l’audace et la liberté, ainsi que l'amour et le respect de l'ancien. Nos rhums c'est l'amour pour le rétro, parfois le noir et blanc et le poussiéreux, un voyage qui se fait aussi dans le temps. Notre cocktail d'authenticité et de liberté. Notre cuvée **Offrian 18 ans** incarne que, au-delà du rhum de convivialité, Offrian maîtrise également l’art des rhums d’exception. Offrant une expérience sophistiquée et inoubliable pour les connaisseurs. Si nos cuvées 8 et 12 ans étaient conçues comme le "rhum des copains", alors notre 18 ans est la cuvée que l'on ouvre pour les très vieux amis 😉 #offrianrum #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits **Distribution France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS.** L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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    1 250  abonnés

    ** Discover the Elegance of OFFRIAN RUM (OR) with Our Signature Cocktails ** We are thrilled to introduce our new line of signature cocktails, crafted to highlight the exquisite flavors and sophistication of Offrian Rum. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a moment of relaxation, our cocktails promise an unforgettable experience. ✨ **Offrian Chenin Finish** ✨ 1. **Rhum Chaume Fizz** - A sparkling and floral delight combining Crémant de Loire with delicate notes of our rum, aged in Chenin Blanc barrels. Perfect for a touch of elegance and celebration. 2. **Loire Sunset** - Experience the floral and vinous notes of our rum, balanced with the natural sweetness of fresh pineapple and lime. A true taste of summer in a glass. 🌿 **Offrian Rum 8 Years Old** 🌿 1. **Offrian Voyager** - Embark on an exotic adventure with this refreshing and spicy cocktail, featuring hints of vanilla, citrus, and cinnamon. Perfect for those who love to explore new flavors. 2. **Panama-Loire Spritz** - Light and sparkling, this cocktail blends the floral and spicy notes of our rum with Loire rosé wine for a summery and refreshing touch. 🔥 **Offrian Rum 12 Years Old** 🔥 1. **Offrian Sidecar** - A classic cocktail revisited with woody and spicy notes, inspired by vintage sophistication. Ideal for those who appreciate timeless elegance. 2. **Loire Noir** - A sophisticated blend of our rum's complex flavors with the sweetness and acidity of Loire red wine. A truly unique and refined cocktail. 🍫 **Offrian Rum 18 Years Old** 🍫 1. **Chocoffrian** - Indulge in the rich hazelnut and chocolate notes of this elegant cocktail. A luxurious treat for any occasion. 2. **Café d’Antan** - Nostalgic elegance in a glass, highlighting the rich coffee and orange flavors of our aged rum. Perfect for a sophisticated evening. Join us in celebrating the art of fine cocktail making with Offrian Rum's signature creations. Cheers to new beginnings and unforgettable moments! #offrianrum #cocktails #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits Distribution France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).  

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    1 250  abonnés

    🌟 Discover a sneak peek of the first visual of our new OFFRIAN RUM (OR) range, true bridge between Panama and France ! 🥃✨   We are thrilled to unveil an exclusive preview of what we have in store for the months ahead. Our range is undergoing a transformation, poised to reintroduce our products that perfectly embody our commitment to quality, friendliness, and character.   For over 8 years, our brand has made its mark in the heart of the French market, particularly among wine merchants, offering unique experiences to rum enthusiasts. Our DNA, blending travel and vintage charm, continues to captivate and charm. We sincerely thank our community and reaffirm our dedication to remaining true to you.   As part of our international expansion, we are excited to announce our journey across the Atlantic with an upcoming launch in the United States. This expansion marks a significant step in our mission to share our passion for rum worldwide.   Lastly, we are incredibly proud and touched by the remarkable success of our Loire/Chenin Finish cuvée, a unique finish of a Panamanian rum in late-harvest Loire Valley wines casks (Coteaux du Layon 1er Cru Chaume). It has unanimously impressed for 3 years, perfectly embodying our ambition to marry Panama's flavours with French elegance.   Stay tuned for more details on our new range and international expansion. Together, let's continue to write the story of rum, combining passion, tradition, and innovation. 💼💡🌍 #offrianrum #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits Distribution France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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    1 250  abonnés

    🌟 Découvrez un aperçu exclusif du premier visuel de notre nouvelle gamme de rhum OFFRIAN RUM (OR), toujours un pont entre le Panama et la France ! 🥃✨ Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler en avant-première ce que nous avons prévu pour les mois à venir. Notre gamme est en pleine transformation, prête à réintroduire nos produits qui incarnent parfaitement notre engagement envers la qualité, la convivialité et le caractère. Depuis plus de 8 ans, notre marque a marqué son empreinte au cœur du marché français, notamment auprès des cavistes, en offrant des expériences uniques aux amateurs de rhum. Notre ADN, mêlant voyage et charme vintage, continue de captiver et de séduire. Nous remercions sincèrement notre communauté et réaffirmons notre dévouement à rester fidèles à vous tous. Dans le cadre de notre expansion internationale, nous sommes heureux d'annoncer notre traversée de l'Atlantique avec un lancement prochain aux États-Unis. Cette expansion marque une étape importante dans notre mission de partager notre passion pour le rhum à travers le monde. Enfin, nous sommes incroyablement fiers et touchés par le remarquable succès de notre cuvée Loire/Chenin Finish, une finition unique au monde d'un rhum panaméen dans des fûts de vendanges tardives de Chenin Blanc de la Loire (Coteaux du Layon 1er Cru Chaume). Elle a unanimement impressionné pendant 3 ans, incarnant parfaitement notre ambition d'associer les saveurs du Panama à l'élégance française. Restez à l'écoute pour plus de détails sur notre nouvelle gamme et notre expansion internationale. Ensemble, continuons à écrire l'histoire du rhum en alliant passion, tradition et innovation. 💼💡🌍 #offrianrum #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits Distribution France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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    1 250  abonnés

    OFFRIAN RUM, Chenin (Loire) Finish ORIGINS As natives of the Loire Valley (Loire-Atlantique), our journey began in 2012 with a simple yet adventurous concept to group all together from Sancerre to Muscadet one family-owned wine-estate per AOC and promote them abroad. This is how we started to travel "Muscadet in the suitcase". This endeavour has remained a cornerstone of our activities ever since.   After years of traveling far and wide, including extensive explorations in Central Asia and Latin America, the road brought us into contact with Arturo Labarca in Venezuela (Latino Rum expert), and then Don Pancho (famous Cuban Maestro Ronero) in Panama. These encounters sparked the birth of OFFRIAN RUM company. When you possess a deep appreciation for both rum and wine, it inevitably shapes your perspective and fuels your creativity with boundless ideas.   For the past 8 years, we've harboured the desire to pay homage to our beloved Loire region by marrying its wines with our Panamanian rums. This concept represents our vision of crafting a truly unique Panamanian-Loire blend—a cuvée that defies convention and expresses the essence of both personalities. We hope the public embraces this endeavour as passionately as we have, as the creation of this cuvée resonates deeply within us, evoking a wealth of emotions and memories from its inception.     CHALLENGES The challenge lay in finding the right "juice" that would embody the strength and distinctive OFFRIAN style while still allowing the late harvest barrels of Chenin Blanc (Coteaux du Layon 1er Cru Chaume AOC) to shine through, all the while avoiding exacerbating sweetness. It is through the invaluable expertise of our team, including our partners within the BARDINET LA MARTINIQUAISE group (France Distribution), that we not only met but surpassed our objectives.   We collaborated with a sixth-generation family wine estate that provided precisely the type of barrel we sought. Chenin Blanc, also known as Pineau de Loire, is an exceptional grape variety with a versatile character, ranging from dry and fruity, to sweet. It imparts delicate notes of acacia blossoms, as well as yellow and white fruits, particularly quince, and delightful honey undertones in sweet wines. In this blend, we opted for a standard 40% abv, aiming to cater to the palates of the majority of rum enthusiasts. We may explore alternative paths in the future. DESIGN This label, like our others, features the artistic signature of LEGZ, a renowned Venezuelan street artist known for his exceptional calligraphy and mastery of pencil and brush.   Our label, inspired by the Loire River, reflects the region's iconic castles and the royal lily flower. It also celebrates the simple joys of riverside life: fishing, barbecues, and convivial gatherings with friends, whether on a "toue cabanée" or amidst vineyards.

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    1 250  abonnés

    Merci au Journal le Crafter pour sa sélection "Le Bar à Rhums" ! Un line-up rhum digne d'intérêt de par sa diversité. Cheers, OR #offrianrum #armagnacobry #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits Distribution France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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  • OFFRIAN RUM (OR) a republié ceci

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    1 250  abonnés

    Today, we were delighted to receive an outstanding article about our dear friend—the one without whom Offrian would not exist today—the Legend: Don Pancho. We appreciate the kind words from Camilo Cesarino for The Rum Lab (with greetings to our friends Federico Hernandez). Don Pancho's significant contributions to the Rum Industry over the past 60 years are monumental and will be remembered. This moment also prompts us to reflect on Arturo Labarca, another esteemed figure in the world of rum, who is the originator of OFFRIAN RUM (OR). As we pay homage to both admired men, the Godfather and the Padre of Offrian, we express deep gratitude for what has been accomplished. Understanding our roots allows us to navigate our future more effectively. Thank you, Don Pancho, for a lifetime devoted to rum, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support. Cheers,   #donpancho #bestmaestroronero #therumlab #offrianrum #armagnacobry #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits   France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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  • Voir la Page de l’organisation de OFFRIAN RUM (OR)

    1 250  abonnés

    Today, we were delighted to receive an outstanding article about our dear friend—the one without whom Offrian would not exist today—the Legend: Don Pancho. We appreciate the kind words from Camilo Cesarino for The Rum Lab (with greetings to our friends Federico Hernandez). Don Pancho's significant contributions to the Rum Industry over the past 60 years are monumental and will be remembered. This moment also prompts us to reflect on Arturo Labarca, another esteemed figure in the world of rum, who is the originator of OFFRIAN RUM (OR). As we pay homage to both admired men, the Godfather and the Padre of Offrian, we express deep gratitude for what has been accomplished. Understanding our roots allows us to navigate our future more effectively. Thank you, Don Pancho, for a lifetime devoted to rum, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support. Cheers,   #donpancho #bestmaestroronero #therumlab #offrianrum #armagnacobry #rumoftravelerswithretrospirit #rumoftravelers #retrospirits #retro #vintage #retrochic #timetraveler #travelers #rhumdeconvivialité #conviviality #pleasure #offering #sharingiscaring #produitaveclesourire #premiumrum #rum #ron #rhum #panama #aconsommeravecmoderation #tobeconsumeresponsibly #bardinetlamartiniquaise #blmhd #PremiumCraftSpirits   France : BARDINET-LA MARTINIQUAISE & PREMIUM CRAFT SPIRITS. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération (et en bonne compagnie). Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation (and in good company).

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