Photo de couverture de GROUPE POCHET (Pochet du Courval - Qualipac - Aura - Solev)
GROUPE POCHET (Pochet du Courval - Qualipac - Aura - Solev)

GROUPE POCHET (Pochet du Courval - Qualipac - Aura - Solev)

Fabrication d’emballages et conteneurs

L'alliance innovante de savoir-faire au service de vos rêves de packaging

À propos

Our ambition: Creativity and inventiveness, excellence of know-how, commitment of teams and CSR to be preferred by our Customers for high-end Fragrances and Beauty packaging. Since the foundation of the Courval glass factory in 1623 in France, Groupe Pochet remains 100% family-owned and reinvents over centuries excellence and modernity. Proud of its legacy, the Group entrenches his history and future in its values: excellence, customer commitment, consideration, togetherness. In order to create the most challenging and daring packaging for its customers, Groupe Pochet is the alliance of unique know-how and expertise: - Glass and decoration within the Flaconnage branch (Pochet du Courval and Pochet of America) - Plastic, metaland decoration with Qualipac - Accessories and Promotional items with Priminter - Decoration on glass and plastic intended for the whole market with Solev. Groupe Pochet employees staff is about 5 000 people in France and around the world (US, Brazil, China) with 14 locations close to its customers around the world. In 2014 Groupe Pochet has launched a new modernization phase with a leading investment plan. This strategic plan aims to enhance synergies and industrial excellence by expanding social and environmental responsability, innovation and development, knowledge transmission. For more information :

Site web
Fabrication d’emballages et conteneurs
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Packaging de luxe, Verrier, Plasturgie-métalurgie et Parachèvement


Employés chez GROUPE POCHET (Pochet du Courval - Qualipac - Aura - Solev)


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