Backward is forward 🦾 Why reinstall when it can be easier? The new Instrumentation Controller from Rittmeyer is unmatched in its backward compatibility. Sensors from our ultrasonic flow measurement systems that are over 30 years old can still be used without any issues. The parameters from the last controller generations can be easily imported, and even the existing cables connecting sensors and controller can be reused. In addition, some sensors from other suppliers can be seamlessly connected. Of course, the controller still supports all types of sensors with 4-20 mA signals. This not only saves time, but also significantly reduces installation costs. With this device, you don't have to buy everything new - you can continue to use your existing components. That's true future-proofing. 👉 Find out more: #FlowMeasurement #LevelMeasurement #PressureMeasurement #Instrumentation #InstrumentationController #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
Rittmeyer Group
Fabrication d’instruments de mesure et de contrôle
Baar, ZG 9 636 abonnés
rethink. automate. innovate.
À propos
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 rethink. automate. innovate. The Rittmeyer Group is a Swiss-based smart utility infrastructure and services company. We deliver innovative metering, automation and data solutions to maximize digital benefits for our customers in water and energy management. We are an experienced and leading provider of solutions and services for both water networks – safe water supply, irrigation, urban drainage, wastewater treatment – and energy networks – hydro-electric power, gas and district heating. We serve commercial & industrial, and public-sector customers worldwide. Drawing on our extensive technology and application expertise, we are passionate about helping our customers managing their valuable water and energy resources better in the wake of climate change. Rittmeyer is a Division of the BRUGG Group and part of the Group’s program focusing on energy transition, sustainability and security. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 As part of the BRUGG Group, we are a utility infrastructure and services specialist, offering innovative metering and automation solutions and data provider services. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 We provide solutions and services for water networks as well as for energy networks and serve commercial & industrial, and public-sector customers worldwide. 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 Our solutions and services help our customers to reliably and efficiently assume their responsibility in providing water and energy in the wake of climate change and energy transition.
- Site web
Lien externe pour Rittmeyer Group
- Secteur
- Fabrication d’instruments de mesure et de contrôle
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 201-500 employés
- Siège social
- Baar, ZG
- Type
- Société cotée en bourse
- Fondée en
- 1904
- Domaines
- Measurement and control technology for hydropower plants and hydrography, Measurement and control technology for process engineering and environmental technology, Measuring technology for hydropower plants, ICT security consulting, Maintenance, Radon protection, Troubleshooting, district heating, data provider services et data solutions
Employés chez Rittmeyer Group
H.-H. Pablo Behrens
Interim CFO+/ CRO/ Senior Advisor, Executive MBA HSG, Business & Finance Transformer, Process A(u)tomizer, Männer-Coach
Maxim Reichert
Technical Lead / Technological Strategy / Portfolio Management / Business Processes / Product New Development / Engineering / R&D / Intelectual…
Clay Mallett
Western Regional Sales Engineer at Rittmeyer AG
Steve Hendren
General Manager, Rittmeyer North America (Rittmeyer LLC)
🇪🇸 🚀 Hemos finalizado con éxito las pruebas de los dos gabinetes de control y automatización de la central Porce II, operada por Empresas Públicas de Medellín - EPM. 💧 La central hidroeléctrica Porce II, ubicada en el departamento de Antioquia, #Colombia, se alimenta de una presa sobre el río #Porce, equipada con cuatro compuertas radiales. ⚙️La colaboración entre #EPM y #Rittmeyer permitió la implementación de un avanzado sistema de gestión de recursos hídricos, garantizando la fiabilidad y eficiencia operativa. 👨💻 Las pruebas de funcionamiento del sistema se desarrollaron a la perfección gracias a la sinergia entre el personal técnico de #Rittmeyer y #EPM, que estuvo presente con su equipo especializado de ingenieros. --- 🇬🇧 🚀 We have successfully completed the testing of the two control and automation cabinets for the Porce II plant, operated by Empresas Públicas de Medellín - EPM. 💧 The Porce II hydroelectric power plant, located in the department of Antioquia, #Colombia, is fed by a dam on the #Porce River equipped with four radial gates. ⚙️ The collaboration between #EPM and #Rittmeyer enabled the implementation of an advanced water resource management system, ensuring operational reliability and efficiency. 👨💻 The testing of the system's functionality was successful, also thanks to the synergy between the technical staff of #Rittmeyer and #EPM, who were present with their specialist team of engineers. #Automatización #Automation #GestiónDeRecursosHídricos #WaterManagement #EnergíaRenovable #Innovación #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
🇨🇭 Ein Controller für zwei Rohre: Effiziente Durchflussmessung 📊 Wir freuen uns, den erfolgreichen Abschluss unseres neuesten Projekts mit dem Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich ewz bekannt zu geben! Das Projekt fand in der malerischen Region Löbbia im Kanton Graubünden statt, genauer gesagt in Vicosoprano. Es wurde für das Kraftwerk Löbbia durchgeführt, das zu den ewz Kraftwerken Bergell gehört, und bot eine Lösung für die Druckleitungen Forno und Albignia. Diese Gegend ist bekannt für ihre beeindruckenden Landschaften und die Wasserkraftwerke, die zur nachhaltigen Energieversorgung beitragen. Unsere Aufgabe war es, eine Lösung zu finden, die sowohl Nutzung als auch Kosten optimiert - und das ohne Betriebsunterbrechung. Dazu wurden zwei 4-Pfad Clamp-On Durchflussmessungen installiert. Trotz der Herausforderungen, wie begrenzter Platz im Bauwerk und zwischen den Rohren, konnten 16 Sensoren installiert werden. 1️⃣ Dank unserer Lösung kann der Kunde nun den Durchfluss in zwei Rohren 𝗺𝗶𝘁 𝗻𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗺 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 messen. Ein grosses Dankeschön an unseren Kunden für das Vertrauen und an unser engagiertes Team, Martin Kasper und Andreas Rünzler, die diesen Erfolg möglich gemacht haben! 👏 --- 🇬🇧 One controller for two pipes: efficient flow measurement 📊 We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our latest project with ewz! The project took place in the picturesque region of Löbbia in the canton of Graubünden, specifically in Vicosoprano. It was carried out for the Löbbia power plant, which is part of the ewz network of power plants in Bregaglia, and provided a solution for the Forno and Albignia pressure pipes. This area is known for its impressive landscapes and the hydropower plants, which contribute to sustainable energy supply. Our task was to find a solution that would optimize both usage and costs - without interrupting operations. To achieve this, two 4-path clamp-on flow measurements were installed. Despite challenges such as limited space in the building and between the pipes, 16 sensors were installed. 1️⃣ Thanks to our solution, the customer can now measure the flow in two pipes 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿. A big thank you to our customer for their trust and to our dedicated team, Martin Kasper and Andreas Rünzler, who made this success possible! 👏 #Durchflussmessung #PressureMeasurement #Instrumentation #InstrumentationController #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
💧⚡️ Discover our instrumentation solutions - Join us at the upcoming Northwest Hydroelectric Association in Seattle 🇺🇸 Stop by our Booth #11 to explore the latest developments in flow metering, penstock leak detection, gate positioning, and level/pressure measurement. Rittmeyer expert Steve Hendren and his team will be there to help you find the right solutions for your needs. Let's network under the theme "We Are Hydro" set by NWHA to exchange insights in the Northwest hydropower industry. 🗓️ February 24-26, 2025 📍 Hyatt Regency, Seattle, Washington, USA 🏢 Rittmeyer, Booth 11 Agenda and Registration for the 44th NWHA Annual Conference: #NWHA2025 #FlowMeasurement #PenstockLeakDetection #LevelMeasurement #PressureMeasurement #Instrumentation #InstrumentationController #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
Instantly in the cloud ☁️ Why struggle with network cables and complicated connections? With the built-in LTE modem of the Instrumentation Controller from Rittmeyer, you’re connected anytime, anywhere - directly to the cloud or your IoT platform. Whether it’s with our RITUNE optimization system, RITOP control system, or other platforms, integration happens in no time. Your data flows in real time, giving you full control and maximum efficiency. No delays, no downtime, always on track. This way, your system stays optimally monitored and perfectly adjusted, with no compromise on flexibility. All communication with the cloud is encrypted and secure, meeting all relevant ICT security standards. Also, communication with the cloud is optional and can be switched off completely. The choice is yours! 👉 Find out more: #FlowMeasurement #LevelMeasurement #PressureMeasurement #Instrumentation #InstrumentationController #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
Our solutions and services help our customers to reliably and efficiently assume their responsibility in providing water and energy in the wake of climate change and energy transition. #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup #WaterManagement #Hydropower #WastewaterTreatment #WaterSupply #EnergySupply #DrinkingWaterQuality #Instrumentation #Visualization #Optimization #Automation #Sustainability
🇨🇭 🇮🇩 It was a pleasure to participate yesterday in the “Indonesia-Swiss Business Roundtable” with the delegation of Indonesia and CEO's of Swiss industrial companies at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The aim was to explore strategic opportunities in infrastructure sectors and ways to promote bilateral cooperation. The perspective given to us by HE Rosan Roeslani, Minister of Investment and Downstreaming of the Republic of Indonesia, and Mr. Anindya N. Bakrie, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was impressive: with a population of around 280 million, around 30 times that of Switzerland, spread over 17,500 islands, target GDP growth above 5%, net-zero ambition milestone by 2050. The Indonesian delegation confirms the importance of a functioning water sector for the realization of the growth ambitions and sees the strengths of Swiss technology and experts - also in the areas of hydropower, water supply and wastewater treatment. It was important to me to position Switzerland as a “pilot country” for the numerous challenges of water management: we have changing and intense weather conditions, a complex topology with dense and sparsely populated areas, also tight space conditions, challenging customer requirements and standards, as well as a high sustainability and environmental awareness. The Swiss industry is very experienced and well equipped to support Indonesia in these challenges. Rittmeyer Group alone has installed around 1,000 water, 150 hydropower and 300 wastewater solutions in Switzerland. I would especially like to thank Francis Wanandi, Head of the Swiss bilateral committee of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, and Patrick Walser and Mark Untersander from Switzerland Global Enterprise for the invitation to Davos - and thanks to our Rittmeyer Chief Sales Officer Ivo Zehnder for joining me. And I'm looking forward to the next steps! #WEF25 #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #Geobrugg #BRUGGGroup #WaterManagement #Hydropower #WastewaterTreatment #WaterSupply #EnergySupply #DrinkingWaterQuality #Instrumentation #Visualization #Optimization #Automation #Sustainability
Die neuesten Lösungen im Bereich der Fernwärme Rittmeyer aqotec AG ⚡️
Fernwärme Forum 2025 in Bern 🌍 Das gestrige Fernwärme Forum mit interessanten Inputreferaten und spannenden Podiumsdiskussionen zeigte die Bedeutung, aber auch die Chancen der Energie- und Wärmewende eindrücklich auf. ⚡ Der Austausch mit vielen Fachexperten an unserem Ständen bei BRUGG Pipes und BRUGG Rittmeyer-Aqotec war äusserst informativ und zukunftsweisend. Besonders gefreut hat mich auch das Wiedersehen mit vielen Kund:innen, Partnerfirmen, Planern und Betreibern. 👍 Und nicht fehlen durfte natürlich auch der gesellige Austausch mit Geschäftsfreunden und Mitarbeitenden am Schluss der Veranstaltung. Hierzu hat BRUGG Pipes eigens ein Bierchen «Frisch von der Stange» kreiert. (Sorry, leider bereits vergriffen…). Weitere News zum Fernwärme-Forum 2025:
Rittmeyer Group a republié ceci
🌍 Improving water and energy networks for a sustainable future At Rittmeyer Group, our purpose is clear: making water and energy networks better for a sustainable future. We are committed to protecting our resources for the generations to come. I share this special video with you, featuring our colleagues Joerg Heinrich, Diego Spatola, Prem Shankar, Michael Tremp, SANDRA ESCOBAR, Marlon Rossknecht, Marco Schnyder, and Bennet Wattjes from our headquarters in Switzerland and our subsidiaries worldwide. Hear from our passionate team members in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, India, and LATAM as they speak about our purpose and the important tasks we undertake every day in the water and energy sectors: 💧 Wastewater Treatment and Collection Systems ⚡ Hydropower and Water Management 🔋 Water and Energy Supply 🌱 Water Conveyance and Irrigation 🌡️ District Heating and Cooling Join us on our journey to a more sustainable world! #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup #WaterManagement #Hydropower #WastewaterTreatment #WaterSupply #EnergySupply #DrinkingWaterQuality #Instrumentation #Visualization #Optimization #Automation #Sustainability
Talks to everyone 💬 The new Instrumentation Controller from Rittmeyer communicates effortlessly with a wide range of devices and systems. Whether with sensors, control systems, or automation solutions, this controller speaks the right language. It adapts flexibly to your infrastructure and ensures that data is reliably transmitted and processed. Through traditional wired connections or digital interfaces, the controller is well connected and ensures that your system operates smoothly and efficiently. With its versatile communication capabilities, it stays in constant dialogue and enables seamless collaboration with all relevant systems. A true communication talent - without misunderstandings. 👉 Find out more: #FlowMeasurement #LevelMeasurement #PressureMeasurement #Instrumentation #InstrumentationController #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGRittmeyer #BRUGGGroup
Rittmeyer Group a republié ceci
Wir freuen uns, wieder als Goldsponsor des Fernwärme-Forums in Bern dabei zu sein Treffen Sie unsere Experten Thomas Neuschwander, Christian Zwahlen, José Francisco de Matos Caiado, und BRUGG Pipes District Heating Solutions um unsere Wärmeübergabestation anzuschauen und mehr über die neuesten Lösungen im Bereich der Fernwärme zu erfahren. 🗓️ 23. Januar 2025 📍 BERNEXPO, Bern 🏢 Halle 1.2 Programm: Wir freuen uns auf inspirierende Gespräche und einen produktiven Austausch! #Fernwaerme #Fernwärme #RittmeyerAqotec #Aqotec #BRUGGPipes #RittmeyerGroup #BRUGGGroup
Fernwärme-Forum 2025: Natürlich sind wir dabei! Treffen Sie uns in Bern. 🇨🇭 Das Fernwärme-Forum in Bern, organisiert von Thermische Netze Schweiz TNS - Réseaux Thermiques Suisse RETS, ist ein wichtiger Branchentreffpunkt für Themen rund um die effiziente Wärmeversorgung. 👉 Ein perfekter Anlass, bei dem wir als 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿 selbstverständlich dabei sind. Treffen Sie unser Expertenteam am 23.01.2025 vor Ort in der BernEXPO und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Herausforderungen des Marktes aktiv angehen! Wir freuen uns auf einen regen Austausch mit Ihnen. 💡 🤝 #bruggpipes #fernwärme #rohrsysteme #wärmewende