🏔️✨ Retour sur Destination Montagne 2024 à Grenoble ! Merci à Audrey Lelay pour cette belle mise en lumière d’Isola 2000 lors du Pre Fam Trip avec Nice Côte d’Azur Tourisme. Hâte de concrétiser ces belles opportunités pour la saison prochaine ! ⛷️❄️ —— 🏔️✨ Looking back at Destination Montagne 2024 in Grenoble! Thank you, Audrey Lemay, for highlighting Isola 2000 during the Pre Fam Trip with Nice Côte d’Azur Tourisme. We look forward to turning these great opportunities into successful projects for next season! ⛷️❄️ #Isola2000 #DestinationMontagne #Tourisme #Ski #NiceCotedAzur
Sourcing Manager Tours and Activities - Destinations : France/Belgium/Switzerland /Luxembourg - Hotelbeds by HBX Group
✨ Looking back at Destination Montagne 2024 in Grenoble with Atout France! ✨ This week, I had the opportunity to attend Destination Montagne for the first time, a key event for mountain tourism. A huge thank you to Atout France and Vanessa Renaud- Elliott for the opportunity to attend this trade show, which proved to be very beneficial, with many follow-ups to come, especially for the experiences products! A big thank you as well to Hotelbeds HBX Group and the team on-site Aude Beaulieu Enjolras and Xavier Margarit Santallusia for these enriching days. Finally, a special thanks to the Nice Côte d'Azur Tourisme for the Pre fam Trip in Station Isola 2000 with Virginie TUMORTICCHI and @OfficedeTourismed'Auron with Pascal LEQUENNE, which made this experience even more exceptional. Looking forward to continuing the discussions and turning these great opportunities into successful collaborations next winter season! ⛷️🏔️ #DestinationMontagne #Tourism #Ski #Hotelbeds #HBXGroup #AtoutFrance #Nice