🇮🇹 #TELT10Years Il 23 febbraio 2015 nasceva TELT, con la guida del direttore generale Mario Virano e del presidente Hubert du Mesnil. La sua missione? Realizzare uno dei più ambiziosi progetti infrastrutturali al mondo: un tunnel ferroviario bi-tubo di 57,5 km sotto le Alpi, progettato per collegare in modo più sostenibile Italia e Francia. In questi dieci anni, TELT ha trasformato un’idea in realtà: oggi il tunnel di base del Moncenisio non è più solo un progetto, ma un #CantiereUnico. Con oltre 40 km di gallerie scavati e 11 fronti di scavo attivi sull’intera sezione transfrontaliera, l’opera prende forma sotto i nostri occhi. Ora ci prepariamo a un nuovo capitolo: da promotori del progetto a gestori di un’infrastruttura strategica per il futuro della mobilità europea. Il viaggio continua. #TorinoLione 🇫🇷 #TELT10Ans Le 23 février 2015 naissait TELT, sous la direction du président Hubert du Mesnil et du directeur général Mario Virano. Sa mission ? Réaliser l’un des projets d’infrastructure les plus ambitieux au monde : un tunnel ferroviaire bitube de 57,5 km sous les Alpes, conçu pour relier la France et l’Italie de manière plus durable. En dix ans, TELT a transformé une idée en réalité : aujourd’hui, le tunnel de base du Mont-Cenis n’est plus seulement un projet, mais un #ChantierUnique. Avec plus de 40 km de galeries creusés et 11 fronts de creusement actifs sur l’ensemble de la section transfrontalière, l’ouvrage prend forme sous nos yeux. Nous nous préparons maintenant à une nouvelle étape : passer du rôle de promoteur du projet à celui de gestionnaire d’une infrastructure stratégique pour l’avenir de la mobilité en Europe. Le voyage continue. #LyonTurin
TELT Lyon Turin
Transport ferroviaire
Chambéry, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 19 465 abonnés
Nous réalisons la section internationale de la nouvelle liaison #LyonTurin
À propos
TELT est le promoteur public en charge de la réalisation puis de la gestion de la section transfrontalière de la future liaison Lyon Turin. L'Etat est, pour la France, l'unique actionnaire, à hauteur de 50 %. L'Italie pour sa part est représentée par FS (chemins de fer italiens) également à hauteur de 50 %. La section transfrontalière de la nouvelle liaison Lyon-Turin a une longueur d'environ 65 km entre Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne et Susa/Bussoleno. L'ouvrage principal de cette section est le nouveau tunnel de base bi-tube de 57 km, qui permettra de réaliser d'importantes économies, notamment énergétiques et de garantir les meilleures conditions pour la fiabilité, la rapidité et la sécurité du transport ferroviaire aussi bien pour le fret que pour les voyageurs. La liaison Lyon Turin sera un élément clé du nouveau réseau de transport trans-européen.
- Site web
Lien externe pour TELT Lyon Turin
- Secteur
- Transport ferroviaire
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 201-500 employés
- Siège social
- Chambéry, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Type
- Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
- Fondée en
- 2015
- Domaines
- ingegneria, logistica, mobilità, ambiente, ferrovia et trasporti
455, Chemin de la Cassine
Bâtiment LINKLAB
73000 Chambéry, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, FR
Via Torino, 166
10093 Collegno, Piedmont, IT
Employés chez TELT Lyon Turin
What types of trains will be able to travel through the world's longest railway tunnel? At what speed and with what tonnage? What signalling system will the new infrastructure be equipped with? 🚄 The preliminary version of TELT’s Network Statement provides the first answers to these questions, outlining the functional characteristics of the future cross-border section of the #LyonTurin railway line. Have a look ⤵️
Today Manuela Rocca, Deputy Director General, joined the conference ‘A new era of European Transport – challenges of TEN-T policy' held in Łódź to mark the launch of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union. TELT had the privilege to present the challenges and progress of the new #LyonTurin railway line, one of the largest TEN-T projects currently underway in Europe. «Building a sustainable network requires a strong focus on resilience, safety, and cohesion — values at the core of the Lyon-Turin project». #ConnectingEurope #Poland25eu
🇮🇹 #CantiereUnico 🚧 Superata quota 40 km di gallerie scavate, di cui 15,7 km del tunnel di base del Moncenisio in cui passeranno i treni della nuova linea ferroviaria #TorinoLione. Nei 10 cantieri attivi tra Italia e Francia, i lavori proseguono a pieno ritmo, sia in sotterraneo che all’aperto. Scopri tutti gli aggiornamenti 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dZMr7S2B 🇫🇷 #ChantierUnique 🚧 Plus de 40 km de galeries excavées, dont 15,7 km du tunnel de base du Mont-Cenis, futur passage des trains de la nouvelle ligne ferroviaire #LyonTurin. Sur les 10 chantiers actifs en France et en Italie, les travaux avancent à plein régime, en souterrain comme en surface. Découvrez toutes les actualités 🔗 https://lnkd.in/duQFZeUe
Chiomonte, the main construction site of the Mont Cenis railway base tunnel in Italy, is evolving. Take a look ⤵️ #LyonTurin
🚆🚧 Check-out the latest drone images capturing the scale and progress of the Lyon-Turin High-Speed Railway – Base Tunnel construction site! 📸🚁 The contract covers the construction of the Lyon-Turin tunnel in the Susa Valley (Piedmont, Italy), starting from the newly operational construction site in the Maddalena di Chiomonte area and extending to the Susa entrance, with a total excavation length of 28.5 km. In addition to the two base tunnel tubes, further excavations are planned: the Maddalena 2 tunnel, from where the tunnel boring machines will start, the bypasses between the two tubes, the Clarea safety site, and the artificial tunnel at the east entrance to Susa. Today the site is evolving to host the two TBMs that will excavate a total of 28.5 km. #ghella #ghella4future TELT Lyon Turin ITINERA S.p.A. Spie batignolles
🇮🇹 La sezione transfrontaliera della nuova linea ferroviaria #TorinoLione genera valore per i territori dove l'opera è in costruzione. Scopri le risorse attivate quest'anno da Regione Piemonte e Démarche Grand Chantier ➡️ https://lnkd.in/da9JTzrr 🇫🇷 La section transfrontalière de la nouvelle ligne ferroviaire #LyonTurin engendre de la valeur pour les territoires traversés par l'ouvrage. Découvrez les ressources activées cette année par la #DémarcheGrandChantier et par la Région Piémont ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dtt-5g-m Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Département de la Savoie
Nuove opere di accompagnamento ai cantieri in Val di Susa e Maurienne
Thank you to the British Tunnelling Society for hosting TELT at this inspiring evening lecture. Emmanuel Humbert, Director of the French Construction Division, had the honor of presenting the Mont-Cenis railway base tunnel—an ambitious project crossing the Alps to enable more sustainable and efficient mobility for goods and passengers. Such events are invaluable for sharing knowledge, driving innovation, and strengthening collaboration within the tunnelling industry. We are excited to continue exchanging ideas with experts from around the world. ⤵️ #LyonTurin #tunnelling #KnowledgeExchange
The British Tunnelling Society were delighted to host our friends from the Norsk Forening for Fjelsprengningsteknikk (Norwegian Tunnelling Society) for knowledge exchange between two founding members of the ITA-AITES. Thank you to Tideway London's Jen Daley and Dimitrios Nikou for taking the time to come and present on this award winning project and to Janagan Nithiananathan for providing site visits on HS2 (High Speed Two) Ltd. We were also delighted to welcome the new ITA-AITES Executive Director Helen Roth who joined the committee for their first meeting of the year as Honorary member of the BTS. This was followed by a fantastic presentation on the Tunnel Euraplin Lyon Turin Project (TELT Lyon Turin) to the BTS, for our first packed out lecture of 2025, which was jointly supported by AFTES Young Members. The BTS is commited to sharing knowledge and experience with our colleagues around the world and look forward to many more opportunities to learn and share. #collaboration #tunnels
Nell’ambito della pubblicazione “Come monitorare e misurare la Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: le Linee Guida dell’Osservatorio D&I di UN Global Compact Network Italia”, TELT #TorinoLione ha presentato la sua best practice, insieme ad altre 15 aziende di diversi settori merceologici e dimensioni. 📩 Il documento – che fornisce numerosi strumenti pratici per mappare i principali standard nazionali e internazionali sul tema, linee guida e raccomandazioni per misurare efficacemente le proprie iniziative in materia di DE&I – è disponibile a questo link [https://lnkd.in/dTF-e8Mm]. Sabine Ferrero, Vicedirettrice Risorse Umane, Organizzazione e Qualità di TELT: ”La diversità e l’inclusione sono elementi fondanti della nostra identità di società binazionale italo-francese. Consideriamo la multiculturalità e l’incontro tra differenze un valore aggiunto che portiamo anche nella nostra politica per le persone in situazione di handicap affinché l’attitudine alla diversità possa diventare un motore di sviluppo e crescita per tutto il personale.” #UNGCNI #UnendoImprese #UnitingBusiness
🇫🇷 Ensemble, nous œuvrons pour renforcer les connexions entre la France et l’Italie. Joyeux Noël et bonne année de la part de l’équipe TELT #LyonTurin ! 🎄🎁 🚄 🇮🇹 Insieme, lavoriamo per rafforzare le connessioni tra Italia e Francia. Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo dal team di TELT #TorinoLione! 🎄🎁 🚄
TELT Lyon Turin a republié ceci
[TF1] REPORTAGE DANS LES ENTRAILLES DE NOTRE CHANTIER ! 🎥 Dans ce reportage diffusé hier soir, plongez au cœur de la construction de l'entrée du tunnel de base du #LyonTurin : 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dr2MeXxy Bravo Anthony Martinet et Vincent Drizet 👏 TELT Lyon Turin Implenia NGE - BTP ITINERA S.p.A.
Lyon - Turin : dans les entrailles du tunnel - Journal de 20 heures | TF1