Today we bring you post #4 summarising the findings of our study Regenerative Viticulture and Climate Change Adaptation... mulches What did we find? - There is a considerable body of evidence supporting mulches in vineyards - They have been shown to be a valuable tool to mitigate against the impacts of climate change on vineyards So what is it that is so great about mulch? Studies have found that mulches: - Control weeds - Increase soil water content - Lower soil temperatures, protecting the soil from heat and drought stress - Increase yields However, there are some reports of reduced water infiltration rates when combined with no-till. The interactive effects of different regen practices therefore need monitoring. Our study 'Regenerative Viticulture and climate change resilience' can be found at OENO One Photo credit: The AWRI #regenerativevitivculture
The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation
Organisations à but non lucratif
Inspiring the transition towards regenerative viticulture through science, communication and support for growers
À propos
The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation is a charity dedicated to inspiring the transition towards regenerative viticulture through science, communication and support for growers
- Site web
Lien externe pour The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation
- Secteur
- Organisations à but non lucratif
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 1 employé
- Siège social
- Maidenhead
- Type
- Non lucratif
- Fondée en
- 2021
- Domaines
- regenerative viticulture, regenerative agriculture, environmental charity, biodiversity, vineyard management, farming education et soil management
Employés chez The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation
Anne Jones
Wine Sustainability Consultant. Expert in drinks, ESG (carbon), brand. Regenerative Viticulture Foundation Development Director. WineGB…
Rachael Hughes
Investing in start ups. Learning about soil.
Becky Sykes
Encouraging wine growers to take the next step on their regenerative pathway
The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation a republié ceci
Fungi are extraordinary at solving complex problems. Incredible to see their superpowers highlighted in the The New York Times by Alan Burdick. The article is a visual journey of what we have been documenting in the lab over the last few years. The imaging robot built in the lab of Thomas Shimizu at AMOLF has given us an unprecedented look into the inner lives of mycorrhizal fungi. Gift link to NYT article: Link to Nature paper led by Loreto Oyarte Galvez & Corentin Bisot: All possible because of the stellar work of 28 scientists in labs across SPUN | Society for the Protection of Underground Networks, Princeton University, AMOLF, VU Centre for Teaching and Learning, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Author list includes: Philippe Bourrianne, Rachael Cargill, Malin Klein, Marije van Son, Jaap van Krugten, Victor Caldas, Thomas Clerc, Kai-Kai Lin, Félix Kahane, Simon van Staalduine, Justin Stewart, Victoria Terry, Bianca Turcu, Antoine Babu, Marco Seynen, Marko Kamp, Bas Steenbeek, Jan Zomerdijk, Evelina Tutucci, Merlin Sheldrake, Christophe Godin, Vasilis Kokkoris, Howard A. Stone, Sander van Otterdijk, Thomas Shimizu.
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💻 WEBINAR - THE CASE OF CHILE 🍷 Chile has made incredible progress in the last decade when it comes to sustainability.🌿 What can the rest of the world learn from their initiatives in the context of accelerating climate change? JOIN US for a discussion hosted by Michelle Bouffard, CEO of Tasting Climate Change, featuring - Elena Carretero G., Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Director at Viña Santa Rita and Vice Chairman of Consortium I&D for Wines of Chile - Carolina Gotuzzo, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Director at VSPT Wine Group. 📅WHEN: March 25 - 11am - 12:15pm EST 📍WHERE: Online - FREE Webinar 👉REGISTER HERE : #sustainability #idrinktochange #tastingclimatechange #gouterauxchangementsclimatiques #winesofchile #winesofchilesustainability #sustainablewinesofchile
We are really proud to be partners of Top 50 Farmers. Looking forward to hearing about the first cohort!
Executive Director | Co-Founder | Top 50 Farmers | Foodprint Nordic | Advocate | Speaker | Into Regenerative Food & Farming
Meet the 50 farmers! On March 18, Top 50 Farmers is hosting the very first Recognition Ceremony. This will also kick off the year-long journey for the 2025 Cohort. The Program: 🕖 19:00-20:00 CET | Exclusively for the Top 50 Farmers to meet and connect with one another. 🕗 20:00-21:00 CET | The official announcement and celebration with guests, the regenerative community, media, family, and friends. This is also when Mark Aink, Marin Lysák Ph.D., and Sandra Villumsen from the selection committee will share insight from the selection process. We have designed an engaging and insightful ceremony with facilitator and moderator, Perle Laouenan-Catchpole. If you are curious about Top 50 Farmers and these pioneering farmers, you can sign up for the ceremony on March 18 at 8 pm CET, now at this link: 🔹 Space is limited as we want to keep it intimate. Why is Top 50 Farmers not a ranking? A ranking, and being the best, belongs, in my opinion, to an old paradigm. A regenerative future is about collaboration and inspiring each other—empowering the work that is being done in the fields. Top 50 Farmers is about recognition and spotlighting the stories of the role models in regenerative agriculture. 22 countries are represented in this year's cohort, each with different business models, and farm sizes ranging from 1 to 4,000 hectares. The fifty farmers in the 2025 cohort are pioneering, no doubt, and they are incredible role models. Next year, we add 50 new role models, and that is how we will inspire the next generation to enter the fields, contribute to a positive narrative about farming, and hopefully attract many more resources to the space over the next years. Will we see you on March 18?
Excellent opportunity for Loire Valley and Beaujolais vignerons to get expert support in soil health
🌱We are excited to announce the LivingSoiLL Open Call ! 🚀 The LivingSoiLL project is now accepting applications! LivingSoiLL invites soil-related stakeholders to submit proposals for establishing, at least, one new experimental site and engaging in the co-design and implementation of innovative soil health approaches within our Living Labs in Loire Valley & Beaujolais (France) and Grójec (Poland). 📌 Who can apply? ✔ Proposals must be submitted by legal entities or consortia of two legal entities, established in France or Poland. 💵 Funding opportunity – up to 35 000 or 75 000 € 📅 Deadline: 5th May 2025, 17:00 CET 📩 Apply here: 🌱Protect the soil, protect our future. #LivingSoiLL #OpenCall #SoilHealth #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #HorizonEurope #MissionSoil #LivingLabs - (French) 🌱 Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer l’Appel à candidature LivingSoiLL ! 🚀 Les candidatures pour le projet LivingSoilLL sont maintenant ouvertes ! LivingSoiLL invite les acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des sols à soumettre leurs propositions pour établir au moins un nouveau site expérimental et participer à la co-conception et à la mise en œuvre de solutions innovantes pour la santé des sols au sein de nos Living Labs en Val de Loire & Beaujolais (France) et à Grójec (Pologne). 📌 Qui peut postuler ? ✔ Les propositions doivent être soumises par des personnes morales ou des consortiums d'au moins deux personnes morales, établis en France ou en Pologne. 💵 Possibilité de financement – jusqu’à 35 000 € ou 75 000 € 📅 Date limite: 5 mai 2025, 17h00 CET 📩 Postulez ici : - (Polish) 🌱 Z radością ogłaszamy otwarcie naboru do LivingSoiLL! 🚀 Projekt LivingSoiLL rozpoczął przyjmowanie zgłoszeń! LivingSoiLL zaprasza interesariuszy związanych z glebą do składania wniosków dotyczących utworzenia co najmniej jednej nowej powierzchni doświadczalnej oraz do udziału we współprojektowaniu i wdrażaniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań poprawiających zdrowie gleby w naszych Living Labs w Dolinie Loary & Beaujolais (Francja) oraz Grójcu (Polska). 📌 Kto może aplikować? ✔ Wnioski mogą składać podmioty prawne lub konsorcja co najmniej dwóch podmiotów prawnych, zarejestrowanych we Francji lub w Polsce. 💵 Możliwość uzyskania finansowania – do 35 000 € lub 75 000 € 📅 Termin składania wniosków: 5 maja 2025, godz. 17:00 CET 📩 Złóż wniosek tutaj:
French speakers, this should be a great podcast. Experiments in regenerative hydrology in vineyards…
🎤 Dans les coulisses du Podcast « En Immersion ». Pour ce 2ème enregistrement, le journaliste Antoine Couder s’est rendu sur plusieurs domaines viticoles ardéchois qui expérimentent l’hydrologie régénérative sur leurs parcelles. Il a rencontré @Jean Riaillon, vice-président agriculture et viticulture à la Communauté de communes Rhône Crussol, Simon Ricard de l’association PUR, Eric YDAIS, formateur en permaculture, les agriculteurs Stéphane Robert et Laure Colombo et Nicolas Alban de l’agence de l’eau. Tous s’accordent à dire que l’hydrologie régénérative peut être une solution pour lutter contre l'érosion, la sécheresse et l’appauvrissement des sols. 📣 L’immersion sonore arrive bientôt, restez connectés ! Kevin Vergobbi Margaux Blazy Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne Agence de l'Eau Rhin Meuse Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie ADN Production STEPHANE ROBERT EARL DOMAINE DU TUNNEL
The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation a republié ceci
Saviez-vous qu'il existe plusieurs types de biochars ? 😌 En effet, on compte autant de biochars différents que de biomasses utilisées pour la pyrolyse (la combustion sans oxygène qui les transforme en biochar). Ceps de vignes, sarments, marc de raisin... Elles sont primordiales puisqu'elles définissent en grande partie les propriétés du biochar final, comme son taux de carbone, son PH et sa capacité de rétention. 👉 Notre équipe R&D expérimente ces différents types de biochars afin d'évaluer leurs performances et déterminer leur efficacité sur nos différents terroirs ! Résultats à suivre ! 😁 Did you know there are different types of biochar? 😌 Indeed, there are as many types of biochar as there are biomasses used for pyrolysis (the oxygen-free combustion process that transforms them into biochar). Vine trunks, vine shoots, grape marc… These materials are crucial, as they largely define the properties of the final biochar, such as its carbon content, pH, and retention capacity. 👉 Our R&D team is experimenting with different types of biochar to assess their performance and determine their effectiveness across our various terroirs! Stay tuned for the results! 😁 #biochar #lafage #experiment #expérimentation #sols #viticulture #cultiverleau
Earthworms have long been the unsung heroes. Maybe it’s time to compose some songs about them!
CEO BIOSPHERES 🌎🌾 • Leads regenerative agriculture and viticulture worldwide • Expert de la transition agroécologique 🌱🪱• Conférencier / Speaker
The Earthworm: A Multifaceted Soil Engineer 🪱🌱 Earthworms play a crucial role in terrestrial ecosystems as natural soil engineers. Their activities significantly contribute to soil health and have a far-reaching impact on numerous ecological processes. 🌱Soil Aeration and Enrichment By burrowing through the soil, earthworms create underground tunnels while ingesting organic matter and leaving behind nutrient-rich castings, known as "vermicompost." These castings are packed with essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. As earthworms bring these nutrients to the surface, they naturally fertilize the soil, enhancing its overall quality. Their tunneling activity also improves soil structure, facilitates air and water circulation, and helps plant roots grow more effectively. 🌱Organic Matter Decomposition Earthworms feed on decomposing organic matter, including dead leaves, plant debris, and microorganisms. Through this process, they transform decaying materials into nutrient-dense vermicompost, which significantly benefits surrounding vegetation. 🌱Natural Pest Control Earthworms also contribute to balancing ecosystems by feeding on the larvae of certain pests, helping to naturally regulate their populations. This predatory behavior supports healthier soil dynamics and reduces the need for chemical interventions. [...] ➡️ Read the full article based on a CIRAD study here: 🔗
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DEADLINE EXTENSION > OLD VINE HERO AWARD NOMINATIONS.... * NOMINATION FORMS REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FRIDAY 21ST FEBRUARY * There is still time to enter the Old Vine Hero Awards 2025: nomination forms will remain open until 22.00 GMT on Friday 21st February. Nominate yourself or someone you know who is deeply involved in the old vine movement. Don't forget about the AMAZING prize for the winner of the Communication & Education Award thanks to IWSC - Club Oenologique who will win a ticket (including flight and accommodation) to the Old Vine Conference Meeting of the Minds 2025 in California, taking place from October 31st to November 4th! If Communication & Education isn't your thing there are 4 other inspiring awards to consider entering. All recognise the dedication, tenacity and talents of those working with old vines and their wines. The 2025 award categories are: Next Generation Best Viticulture team Research Old Vines, New Technology Communication & Education 54196911411200 PLEASE HELP US TO SHARE THE NEWS & GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE NOMINEES!!
Nominations for the Old Vine Hero Awards 2025 *IS NOW OPEN*, including four new award categories!! Now in its third year, the Old Vine Hero Awards unite the global wine community and raise awareness and understanding of the work being done to nurture old vines around the world. Recognising the dedication, tenacity and talents of those working with old vines and their wines the 2025 awards fall into 5 categories: * Next Generation * Best Viticulture team * Communication & Education * Research * Old Vines, New Technology Entry to The Old Vine Hero Awards 2025 is now open (see link below) and the global wine community is encouraged to nominate individuals, groups and organisations that are deeply involved in the old vine movement. The Old Vine Hero Awards are free to enter and nominations will close on Wednesday 21st February 2025. Entries to each award category will be judged by an international panel of old vine specialists guided by a specialist head judge. The head judges for the 2025 awards are: Next Generation: Francisca van Zeller Best Viticulture team: Rosa Kruger Communication & Education: Sarah Abbott MW Research: Adrianna Catena Old Vines, New Technology: Shawn DeMartino A shortlist of the top entries for each category will be announced on the 12th March 2025. Voting for the shortlisted nominees will be open to the global wine community and The Old Vine Hero Awards 2025 will be awarded to the those that receive the most votes within each category. The Old Vine Hero Award 2025 winners will be announced on the 31st March 2025 via a live webinar. *How to enter* Follow the link below to read the qualifying criteria for each category and to make your nominations! GOOD LUCK!! Leo Austin, Michèle Shah, Amanda Barnes, Cynthia Chaplin, Umay Ceviker, Yiannis Karakasis MW, Magdalena Kaiser, Ana Sofia de Oliveira, toby spiers, Elizabeth Hecker, Anna Harris-Noble DipWSET, Victoria Daskal, Louise Hurren, Jane Anson, Lilla O'Connor
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This will be an awesome workshop to tune in
🌿Five more days until our workshop on reducing herbicides! Register at the link Do you have any burning question around reducing herbicides? It can be a challenge for Australian farmers who are passionate about soil, plant and their own health, reducing input costs and managing flow on impacts across the supply chain and ecosystem. Join us online on 25 February at 7:30pm AEDT for a free interactive workshop. This workshop will provide an opportunity for farmers to get together and share strategies and challenges across their different contexts. Grain growers Grant Sims (Lockington, VIC) and Russell Young (Dalby, QLD) will be sharing their experiences in reducing herbicides before a group discussion and Q+A. Soils for Life agroecologist Sarah Fea will be joining to share her insights and our Peer Learning Manager Courtney Young will be facilitating the workshop. This event is part of our Cropping Resilience project, partly funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.